
发布时间 : 星期四 文章(完整word版)人教版小学英语六年级下册课文更新完毕开始阅读

Yifan ran like a cheetah. He could win the race! But suddenly he tripped and fell. Then he woke up. He was in bed. It was all a dream!

Cavemen often ate raw meat. They didn’t cook their food. Now there are many things to help you cook.

In 2050, there will be house robots. They will cook, clean and wash the dishes.

There were many trees, and there were many clean rivers. Now, there are more and more buildings.

We should help the earth now, so birds will have homes and the forests will be healthy and green again.

Before humans lived on the earth, whales already lived in the sea. Now, there are not many whales.

If we change now, whales and humans will have a bright future.

Oh, cavemen didn’t cook their meat? It’s OK. They didn’t do the dishes either!

Look! How beautiful the world was! Oh! What will the birds do? Don’t worry. People will help them. Heal the world! Make it a better place!

It’s an elephant. It’s big.

Guess! Is this bigger or smaller than the elephant? I think it’s bigger than the elephant. No, it isn’t. It’s smaller. Look. It’s a tiger. Look. The other card is a whale.

So the whale is the biggest, and the tiger is the smallest.

I go to school from Monday to Friday. My favourite day is Monday. On Monday I have maths, English, music and PE. I like PE best. Maths is my first class. I often answer maths questions. Sometimes they’re difficult.

In English class, I read many English stories, and I like to speak English with my friends.

I play the piano or sing songs in music class. This is very noisy and often great fun.

In the afternoon I have PE class. I sometimes play football or exercise in the gym. I’m not good at running, but I like football best!

Mike likes Monday best. His favourite class is English.

English is his first class on Monday. He reads many English stories, and he likes to speak English with his friends.

In the maths class, Mike often answers very difficult maths questions.

In the PE class, Mike sometimes plays basketball or exercises in the gym. He likes basketball best.

Dear Friends,

It is time to leave our school. We are all going to middle school soon, so we will say goodbye to each other. We are going to have a farewell party. You can bring your friends.

Place: Our music room Time: Friday 3 p.m. Activities:

We will draw pictures and sing songs. We are going to give prizes for the best pictures. We are going to have cake, candy and juice, too. Yum!

We will also give prizes to our good students. Who studied hard? Who wrote the best story? Who did the best homework?

We will listen to music, play games and dance. It will be great fun. See you at the party!

I have some good news and some bad news. What is it?

I’m going away for a long time. I’m sorry to hear that. Where are you going?

America. My father has a new job there.

That is good news for your father. It’s sad news for me. Me too.

Are you going to a new school?

I’m going to a new middle school. I’ll be in Grade 7. Will you promise to write to me? Of course. Take care. Take care. younger older taller shorter longer thinner heavier bigger smaller stronger
