工程学科英语(整合第二稿) 参考答案 - 图文

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Unit Seven

Task 1

②⑦④⑥③⑨①⑩⑧⑤ Task 2 ① prototype

样机运行结果表明系统自动化程度和可靠性较高。 ② components

安卓应用程序框架允许您使用和替换您认为适合的组件。 ③ flexibility

实际应用表明该系统能够提高工作流系统的灵活性。 ④ proportions

28天抗压强度试验的具体比例和结果见表2。 ⑤ blockbuster

这篇小说1993年由导演史蒂芬?斯皮尔博格改编成一部卖座影片。 Task 3

T F T F T Task 4

Toyota’s Announcement at Paris Motor Show: Launches of Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs) Features of FCVs

Power: electricity created by the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen Emission: Vapour Drawbacks: No infrastructure for refilling with hydrogen (Re-filling stations) Challenges of Promoting FCVs:

1. The underestimation of the number of stations needed to satisfy consumer demand 2. The argument that using hydrogen is a wasteful process, when compared to electricity 3. The complexity and expense of developing fuel cells 4. The co-ordinated dialogue between industry partners and government bodies Two co-existing choices for the power of future cars: electric plug-in & FCVs Who will decide: the customer Task 5


1. 丰田的燃料电池汽车(批评者称之为“傻瓜电池车”)是通过氢与氧之间的化学反应产生的电力驱动,其尾管排放出的唯一废气是水蒸气。

2. 丰田公司的批评者说:丰田没有大量使用电动车是由于该车电池的重量,大小和成本,却忽略了发展燃料电池的复杂性和费用。

3. 通过行业合作伙伴和政府机构之间的协调对话,我们可以保证这项技术的益处能够得到更广泛的理解,欣赏和实现。

4. 关于未来汽车将由何种技术提供动力的争论正在两极分化为插电式电动车和燃料电池汽车,而现代和本田公司也正在发展后者。

5. 重要的是客户有选择,而丰田公司将不会停止向客户提供一系列的选择。 Task 6

① People didn’t believe that Henry Ford could develop a vehicle which was a combination airplane and motorcar at that time and Henry Ford was totally aware of that.

② Technology ---- \and avoid\avionics, computer ---- aided design, and materials science ---- has advanced greatly.

③ The fact that lots of people are still afraid of flying and gaining cultural acceptance for flying cars are the hurdles to overcome for common acceptance of flying cars. Task 7

① technology lovers and product manufacturers alike ② from televisions to mobile phones ③ 279 centimeters ④ flexible

⑤ immersive experience ⑥ interact wirelessly ⑦ texted

⑧ automobile fans ⑨ an Apple iPad ⑩ self-piloted ? solar

? magnifying the sun ? recharge

? Three dimensional printers ? sweet creations


Task 8

① 维多利亚时代的魔术师们会将其描述为一个机械奇迹,一台自动机,一台思考机器。 ② 那是电子时代之前的机器人工程学,这些机器远远超前于当时的维多利亚时代的技术,后


③ 它们会感知到我们脆弱的肢体,当我们靠得太近时它们会移开。它们会考虑到我们的不可

预测性,并预测我们的行动。 Task 9

Marco Tempest (born December 3, 1964) is a Swiss magician based in New York City. He is known for his multimedia magic and use of interactive technology and computer graphics in his illusions and presentations. He combines video, computer graphics and other technology of the moment with the ideas and technology of magic.

Marco Tempest uses charming stagecraft to demo EDI, the multi-purpose robot designed to work very closely with humans. Less a magic trick than an intricately choreographed performance, Tempest shows off the robot’s sensing technology, safety features and strength, and makes the case for a closer human-robot relationship.

Robot is a word coined in 1921 in a science fiction tale by the Czech playwright Karel ?apek meaning \rding to Marco Tempest, the early robots were not real or intelligent. They were just illusions and a clever combination of mechanical engineering and the deceptiveness of the conjurer's art. But EDI is different. It is real.

Robots like EDI are built to look, behave and think like the human. In fact, the perfect robot will be indistinguishable from the human, and that scares some people. One way of persuading humans that robots are safe is to create the illusion of trust. Technology can make that happen. Alan Turing, a pioneer of artificial intelligence, spoke about creating the illusion that a machine could think. And the intelligence exhibited by machines is called artificial intelligence (AI). Major AI researchers define this field as \agents\where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1955, defines it as \

Artificial intelligence techniques are pervasive and are too numerous to list. It has lots of positive potential. However, the existence of an artificial intelligence that might rival or exceed human intelligence raises difficult ethical issues. The potential power of the technology inspires fears for society. How do researchers solve this problem? Well, the field of machine ethics is concerned with the behavior of machines towards human users and other machines. Research in machine ethics is key to alleviating concerns with autonomous


systems. Anyway, as Stephen Hawking says, AI has a lot of promising things to offer for future, but not without possible dire consequences. Task 10 1.

Activities A) Say what they are going to talk about in the lecture. B) State what questions they hope to answer in the lecture C) Say what they talked about in a previous lecture. D) Talk about the structure of their lecture. E) Begin the lecture without any introduction. F) Make a joke or tell a funny story. G) Hand out documents and papers. H) Talk about things irrelevant to the lecture topic. Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 ■ □ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ □ ■ □ □ □ □ □ ■ □ □ ■ □ □ □ □ No. Presumably the students already know the lecturer so an introduction is unnecessary.

A lecturer would almost certainly want to introduce him/herself when s/he was giving a lecture to a new audience, for example at the beginning of a course or at guest lecture. In that situation, the lecturer and the audience would not have met each other before, so it would be appropriate for the lecturer to introduce him/herself. 3. D 8.

Items A) Membrane structures B) Workshop C) Introduce basic principles behind structural actions in tension structure D) Fabric membranes E) Video on tension structures Suggested Answers:

a) The lecturer speaks too fast.

Feeling anxious when listening to English. Not knowing enough vocabulary. Feeling sleepy during long lectures.

■ □ □ ■ □ □ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 ■ □ ■ □ □ □ □ ■ □ 4. B 5. A C

6. C D F

7. C
