美国文学 期末考试试卷及答案 精品

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there are superfluous commas, excessive dashes, and far too many exclamation points. In most cases his words are forceful enough to achieve the emphasis he desires, and the attempt to show such emphasis by using exclamation points is not necessary. But Hawthorne cannot be condemned for following the mechanical conventions of his day.

? Hawthorne depends heavily on summarized historical narrative, but links

scenes dramatically. Occasionally, he will interrupt his works to address the reader directly, with some comment on the story, some piece of background information, or a brief moral essay.

? A characteristic device of Hawthorne’s, which is employed several times

in The Scarlet Letter, is the \objects as well as characters to serve as his symbols. He concentrates on a few main symbols repeated often in the story, and uses the fluidity of character development to illustrate the ways in which symbols grow and change based upon one's perception of them.

