
发布时间 : 星期六 文章上海中考英语模拟卷(六)附答案更新完毕开始阅读


75. 考察介词辨析。句意:人们喜爱这些宠物,把它们作为他们的好朋友。故选B。 76. 考察动词辨析。句意:他们带它们去宠物医院给它们做检查,为了它们不会携带疾病。故选D。

77. 考察连词辨析。句意:尽管那里的食物比在其他一些店里要贵得多,在加拿大,人们通常会去专门的宠物食品店买他们宠物的食品。故选A。

78. 考察形容词短语辨析。句意:当你拜访一些人的家庭,他们会非常开心地把他们的宠物展示给你看,他们对于宠物感到非常得自豪。故选C。

79. 考察不定代词辨析。句意:它们来去自由,在加拿大没有人被允许去杀害任何动物。故选B。

80. 考察动词短语辨析。句意:当孩子们长大了,他们离开他们的父母,开始他们自己的生活。故选D。

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给。) (14分)

Time is money. This means that every moment (if we spent it well) may put some money into our pockets. If our time is carefully (81) u , it will either turn to some important piece of work, or it will add to our experience and increase our knowledge so as to enable us to get more money. Let those, who think nothing of (82) w time, remember this.

Our life is nothing more than our time. To kill time is therefore a form of losing life. We are (83) f when we think of death. But we are too careless to notice the loss (丢失) of an hour or a day, forgetting that our life is made up of the days and of the hours we live. A day or an hour is wasted. Therefore, so much life is lost. Now the (84) a life span (寿命) is over seventy years. But nearly one-third of this has to be spent in (85) s ; some years have to be spent over our meals, some in making trips on land or by sea, some in watching over the sick beds of our dearest (86) r . All time is precious (珍贵的), but the time of our childhood and of our youth (青少年时代) is more precious than any other time of our life. During that time we can get knowledge and develop our abilities. If we allow these morning hours of life to run (87) a , we shall never be able to call it back.

81. u 82. w 83. f 84. a 85. s 86. r 87. a

【答案】81.used 82.wasting 83.frightened 84.average

85.sleep/sleeping 86.relatives


81. 根据句子成分,此处缺动词。句意:如果我们的时间被谨慎使用,它将会变成一些重要的工作,或者它将会丰富我们的经验,增长我们的知识……故填used。

82. 根据句子成分,此处缺动词。句意:让那些认为浪费时间无所谓的人记住这点。故填wasting。

83. 根据句子成分,此处缺形容词。句意:当我们想起死亡的时候,我们会害怕。故填frightened。

84. 根据句子成分,此处缺形容词。句意:现在平均寿命是超过70岁了。故填average。 85. 根据句子成分,此处缺名词。句意:但是将近三分之一的生命必须花费在睡眠上。故填sleep/sleeping。

86. 根据句子成分,此处缺名词。句意:一些年的时间花费在照看病床上的我们最亲爱的亲戚身上。故填relatives。

87. 根据句子成分,此处缺副词。句意:如果我们允许这些生命中的清晨时光流逝,我们将永远不能召回它。故填away。

D. Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题。) (12分,第88题1分,第89-92题每题2分,第93题3分)

Linda enjoyed listening to the gossip (闲话) at the water fountain, and then passed it to others. Sometimes people got a little hurt. Patty decided that Linda should be taught a lesson.

After the second class, Patty was at the water fountain. As she took a drink, Abel passed by.


\But it's not good for Linda. \


below an A on her history exam. You know her parents were very angry. As I think they'll keep her at home for a whole week to study. \

Abel caught up with Emily. \

failed on a history exam and her parents will keep her at home for a whole month? \at him in surprise, \is a straight- A student.This is terrible. Don't tell anybody, and I won't either.\

At lunch, the gossip was flying fast. Tim asked Bob, \

failed in history, and her parents are going to get her a tutor (家庭教师).\

By three o'clock, everybody knew it. All day, Linda had a strange feeling. People were

looking at her. She asked Dana what was going on. He said, \don't know who found out, but we're really sorry.”

\about what? \Linda asked. Dana said, \knows you failed in all your subjects, and your parents are taking you out of school.\Linda stared (盯着) at him, mouth opened. \friends were around her. They asked if there was anything they could do. \an A on my history exam. Who would start a gossip like this?”

Nobody seemed to know, but they did know that it began at the water fountain. 88. Linda failed in her history exam, didn’t she?

89. When did Abel meet Patty at the water fountain?

90. According to Abel, how long would Linda’s parent keep her at home?

91. How did Linda feel before she knew the fact from Dana?

92. What did Dana say about the thing Linda’s parents would do?

Dana said they would 93. What’s the result (结果) of the “gossip” in this passage?

Linda 【答案】 88. No, she didn’t. 89. After the second class.

90. For a whole month. / A (whole) month.

91. Strange. / She felt strange. / She had a strange feeling. 92. take Linda out of school.

93. was unhappy. / was angry. / got a little hurt. / was taught a lesson. / ...


88. 细节题。由\this? 可知。

89. 细节题。由After the second class, Patty was at the water fountain. As she took a drink, Abel passed by. 可知。

90. 细节题。由Abel caught up with Emily. \you hear, \asked, not waiting for her to answer, \\可知。

91. 细节题。由All day, Linda had a strange feeling. 可知。

92. 细节题。由Dana said, \taking you out of school.\可知。

93. 推断题。由\和Patty decided that Linda should be taught a lesson. 可知Linda当时非常不开心/很生气/受了点伤害/被教训了一顿/……。

VII. Writing (作文) (共20分)

94. Write at least 60 words about the topic “A problem I have solved”. 以“A problem I have solved”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。


A problem I have solved

When I first started my study in Junior high school, I was not good at English, especially my spoken English. I couldn't express myself clearly and I didn’t have the confidence to talk in class. Every time the teacher asked me to answer a question, my face went red and I couldn't say a word.

I decided to change the situation. First, I turned to my English teacher for help. I asked her

how I could improve my spoken English. She gave me good advice like listening to English songs and watching English cartoons. She told me that if I listened more, I would notice the words people used and began to imitate. I followed my teacher’s suggestion. Then I went to the English comer in People’s Park every Sunday morning. At first, no one talked with me. I told myself to be brave. I went over to a little boy and asked him: \” He gladly said yes. I made many friends at the English corner. At the end of the first term, I made great progress and could speak English much better. My experience has taught me one thing: “when we meet with a problem, we should not be sad or angry. We should be positive and think of ways to solve it.”
