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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes ) Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1.

A) T B) F

Script: Just like Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Josiah Henson was a long-suffering slave who was unwilling to stand up for himself. 正确答案: B 2.

A) T B) F

Script: The Underground Railroad is not a real road but a secret system used for helping thousands of slaves to escape north to Canada. 正确答案: A 3.

A) T B) F

Script: After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped other slaves to escape to get freedom. 正确答案: A 4.

A) T B) F

Script: Supported by his religious convictions, Levi Coffin, a white American, worked as a \正确答案: A 5.

A) T B) F

Script: Many escaping slaves had to travel at night because it was easier for them to find the direction.

正确答案: B 6.

A) T

B) F

Script: Many fugitives chose Canada as their primary destination because slavery had been abolished there. 正确答案: A 7.

A) T B) F

Script: The law at that time required black people seated in the middle area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them. 正确答案: A 8.

A) T B) F

Script: According to Rosa Parks’ own statement, she refused to give up her seat to the white because she was too tired after work. 正确答案: B 9.

A) T B) F

Script: The bus boycott in Montgomery didn’t come to an end until the Supreme Court announced the racial separation illegal on city buses. 正确答案: A 10.

A) T B) F

Script: Rosa Parks was the first African American to be honored in the Capitol building after death.

正确答案: B Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

The Little Rock Nine, as they later came to be called, were the first black (11)_________________ to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. These remarkable young African-American students (12)_________________ segregation (隔离) in the deep South and won.

Although Brown v. Board of Education outlawed segregation in schools, many school systems defied the law by (13)_________________ and threatening black students — Central High School was a (14)_________________ example. But the Little Rock Nine were (15)_________________

to attend the school and receive the same education offered to white students. Things grew ugly and (16)_________________ right away. On the first day of school, the (17)_________________ of Arkansas ordered the state’s National Guard to block the black students from entering the school. Imagine what it must have been like to be a student confronted (18)_________________ ! President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops to protect the students.

But that was only the beginning of their ordeal. Every morning on their way to school angry crowds of whites insulted the Little Rock Nine — they even (19)_________________ . One of the students, fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford, said \mob … I looked into the face of an old woman, and it seemed a kind face, but when I looked at her again, she (20)_________________ .\and several went on to graduate from Central High. Nine black teenagers challenged a racist system and defeated it.

Script: The Little Rock Nine, as they later came to be called, were the first black teenagers to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. These remarkable young African-American students challenged segregation (隔离) in the deep South and won.

Although Brown v. Board of Education outlawed segregation in schools, many school systems defied the law by intimidating and threatening black students — Central High School was a notorious example. But the Little Rock Nine were determined to attend the school and receive the same education offered to white students. Things grew ugly and frightening right away. On the first day of school, the governor of Arkansas ordered the state’s National Guard to block the black students from entering the school. Imagine what it must have been like to be a student confronted by armed soldiers! President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops to protect the students.

But that was only the beginning of their ordeal. Every morning on their way to school angry crowds of whites insulted the Little Rock Nine — they even received death threats. One of the students, fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford, said \mob … I looked into the face of an old woman, and it seemed a kind face, but when I looked at her again, she spat at me.\on to graduate from Central High. Nine black teenagers challenged a racist system and defeated it. 正确答案: teenagers 正确答案: challenged 正确答案: intimidating 正确答案: notorious 正确答案: determined 正确答案: frightening 正确答案: governor

正确答案: by armed soldiers 正确答案: received death threats 正确答案: spat at me

Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes ) Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

A gentle 21 swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house. Alongside me was a 22 woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history. As we walked toward a 23 gray church, Barbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfather, Josiah Henson. \confident that the Creator 24 all men to be created equal. And he never gave up struggling for that freedom.\Carter’s 25 her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about 26 . For Josiah Henson has 27 through the character in American fiction that he helped 28 : Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Ironically, that character has come to 29 everything Henson was not. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought. \A) frameworkB) plainC) hazardD) intended

E) sought attentionF) devotion toG) breezeH) a sense of trust I) lived onJ) symbolizeK) slenderL) family honor M) inspireN) principleO) reverse 21.______________________ 正确答案: G

22.______________________ 正确答案: K

23.______________________ 正确答案: B

24.______________________ 正确答案: D

25.______________________ 正确答案: F

26.______________________ 正确答案: L

27.______________________ 正确答案: I

28.______________________ 正确答案: M

29.______________________ 正确答案: J

30.______________________ 正确答案: N Section B

Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Passage One

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

There was a time when big-league university presidents really mattered. The New York Times covered their every move. Presidents, the real ones, sought their counsel. For Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower, being head of Princeton and Columbia, respectively, was a stepping-stone to the White House. Today, though, the job of college president is less and less
