
发布时间 : 星期五 文章现代信息技术与中职英语整合研究(1)更新完毕开始阅读

表中。英语课堂的学习是学生 information identification(信息辨别), information extraction(信息提取), information synthesis(信息合成), information application (信息运用)和 information evaluation(信息评价)的过程。根据以上的理论,我对本堂课进行以下教学设计,我暂称之为信息化五步教学法。具体教学设计过程如下:

StepⅠ. Information Identification(8’)

1. Greeting: T says “Hello everybody! I have a notice for you. Our school will hold a sports meeting next week. I want some of you to take part in it. Are you interested in it? ” 设计意图:用一则学校职教新干线通知告知学生报名参加校运会,激发学生的兴趣,切入sports主题。

2. Video show: First T shows a ping-pong ball competition video of Beijing Olympic Games. Then ask students “what kind of sports is showing in the video?” In guessing students give the clue: They are playing ping-pong ball. T asks: “So do you like sports?” and “Can you tell me some other sports names?” Then we can come to the next step naturally.

设计意图:播放北京奥运会乒乓球比赛的视频,吸引学生注意力,让学生产生共鸣,并跟随老师的提问,逐渐识别进入sports主题。 3. Brainstorm: different sports names. Compare which group speaks out the most sports names. This group would get a smiling


face. (Group competition)


StepⅡ.Information Extraction (10’)

1) Listen and underline: After speaking out so many sports names, Ss can listen to a record of Dialogue B and they should underline the sentences talking about sports.

设计意图 播放听力音频,运用任务型教学法激发学生内在潜力,驱动学生认真参与课堂,提高他们听和说的能力,巩固其英语思维,以便能更好地扩展到后面的课堂环节中去。

2) Read and repeat: Listen to it again, Ss read after the tape, and then repeat the sentences, which requires Ss to imitate native intonation, pronunciation, stress and rhythm. 设计意图:这个任务运用口语教学法,激励全班学生积极参与课堂,熟练掌握运动方面的短语与句型,并注意模仿英语发音的特点。 3)Act out: After reading, Ss should imitate dialogue B and talk about their favorite sport in pairs. Allow them to add more sentences into this dialogue. T would give each group scores according to their performance


