【2016走向高考】高三英语一轮(外研版)复习:必修4 Module 6 课时巩固

发布时间 : 星期三 文章【2016走向高考】高三英语一轮(外研版)复习:必修4 Module 6 课时巩固更新完毕开始阅读

第一部分 必修四 Module 6


1.The police have been strongly ________ (抨击) for not taking immediate action.

2.He is a well-respected teacher and has won a good ________ (名誉,声望) for all he has done for the kids.

3.There is something ________ (神秘的) about the childhood of this famous writer. 4.Mrs Green didn't realise there was a gap ________ (存在) between her and her son. 5.The older a person is, the slower it will be for him to a______ to changes. 6.I had the good f______ to work with a brilliant head of department. 7.Police are trying to discover the i______ of the baby found by the side of a road. 8.Research i______ that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary. 答案:1.attacked 2.reputation 3.mysterious 4.existing 5.adapt 6.fortune 7.identity 8.indicates Ⅱ.完成句子

1.因为我们没有足够的时间,让我们谈正题吧。 Let's ________________ because we don't have enough time. 2.我的成功归功于同事们的帮助。

My success is ________ the assistance of my fellow workers. 3.这项研究可能会让人们清楚互联网发展的前景。 The study may ________ the future development of the Internet. 4.由于气候恶化,好几类物种已不复存在。

Because of climate becoming worse, several species have already ________. 5.村庄被大雪封住两个月之久。

The village was ________ by heavy snow for two months.

答案:1.come straight to the point 2.due to 3.throw light on 4.died out 5.cut off Ⅲ.句型训练


(1)The doctor claimed ____________ (discover) a cure for the disease. (2)He pretended ____________ (sleep) when his father came in. (3)His new novel is said ____________ (publish) next month. 2.完成句子

(1)太晚了,他不可能来了。 It's too late. He ____________.


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She is ____________ as Mary at her graduation.

答案:1.(1)to have discovered (2)to be sleeping 3.to be published 2.(1)is unlikely to come (2)of the same age


根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 1.研究表明一些动物正从世界上消失。(indicate;disappear)

2.它们濒临灭绝的原因是它们不适应环境,部分原因是人类活动。(extinct;adapt to;due to)

3.众所周知,许多猎人靠打猎生存,他们为了发财甚至破坏它们的栖息地。(exist;fortune) 4.庆幸的是,许多人主张政府应该采取措施来保护动物。(claim)

________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

Research indicates that some animals are disappearing from the world. They go extinct because they can't adapt to the environment, partly due to human activities. As we all know, many hunters exist on hunting animals, They even destroy their habitats to make a fortune. To our relief, a lot of people claim that the government should take measures to protect animals.

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