
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语读写教程2-选词填空及翻译-期末整理更新完毕开始阅读


7. That wealthy lady’s demand on a premarital agreement greatly her future husband 's pride, and it ended up with his refusal to get married.

8. When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in detail by wearing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything. 9. It seems that James has a talent for acting because he can

different teachers' speeches perfectly, which real amazes his classmates.

11. Smoking is compared to self-poisoning and self-destroying, thus making the effects of smoking cigarettes truly alarming. tip the scales have relevance to isolate from become aware of

1.Some people have a traditional view that language learning is essentially the same as the learning of grammar or language rules.

2. Regular review of the teaching material in school ensures that the courses provided the workplace and what students will do in


be occupied with persist in in the name of make a contribution -------------精选文档-----------------

the future .

3.Job opportunities are expanding rapidly, and more and more people are online chances that allow them to work at home. 4. They have put old women in nursing“ homes”,

human warmth and contact, and then complained that they had lost their mental abilities.

5.Some organizations are exploiting local people

scientific research: They are collecting genetic material for commercial purposes.

6. Day care centers for the elderly to overall public service; they did a lot to make the life of the old active, valuable and meaningful.

7. The policeman has extra duties, so he would not have the time either for answering questions or being Interviewed. 8. What the chairman said did not

much to his advantage ; statement can be only considered as a slim chance for gaining approval.



boost vt.促进;增加;支援vi.宣扬;偷窃n.推动;帮助;宣扬 promote vt.促进;提升;推销;发扬

prospect n.前途;预期;景色vi.勘探,找矿vt.勘探,勘察网络 前景 ; 展望 mystery n.秘密,谜;神秘,神秘的事物;推理小说,推理剧;常作 insight 洞察力 calculate 计算 destruction 破坏 barrier 障碍 accelerate 加速 analysis 分析 prepare for 准备 be bound to 必定 stand up for支持 in favor of 赞成 speculate about 推测 in the company of在…陪同下 in the form of以下列方式



be liable to易于 有…倾向 invest ...with投资 in succession 接连 依次 commence开始 deserve应得的 tempting诱人的 coordinate坐标 lodge提出 confess承认 grant授予 proceed继续 display显示 consequently因此 Immune to免疫 fall in love with爱上 go along with随同 on ones behalf代表某人 可编辑
