
发布时间 : 星期六 文章用所给词的适当形式填空更新完毕开始阅读

用所给词的适当形式填空 I create

1. Scientists disagree about how the universe was _____________.

2. Ma Yun’s wealth _____________ dates from his early age.

3. She is very _______________: she writes poetry as well as paints.

4. Walk Disney is famous as the _____________ of Mickey Mouse. II invent

1. Do you know who ____________ the machine? 2. The computer is one of the greatest __________ in history.

2. That child has a very ___________ imagination. 3. The club provides a variety of ___________ including tennis, swimming, and squash. X astonish

1. She ________ us by saying that she was leaving. 2. I find it absolutely _____________ that you don’t like it.

3. To my ______________, she remembered my name. XI fortune

1. He made a _____________ in real estate. 2. ______________ for him, he was very soon offered another job.

3. __________, he had an accident and lost his life. 3. He has an ____________ look on his face. 4. She has an _____________ talent for music. XVIII. disappoint

1. Your attitude to this plan is really _________. 2. The _________ mother never cared for her children.

3. What he said __________ me so much that I could hardly hide my ______________. XIX. embarrass

1. I think it ___________ to speak publicly. 2. I feel _____________ to speak publicly. 3. I nearly died of __________ when I spoke publicly. XX. brilliant

3. Alexander Bell, the ______________ of the telephone, is known to all of us. III depend

1. His ______________ on his parents prevents him from living alone.

2. The warm story is about a woman with several ___________ children.

3. You should be ___________ now since you have grown up.

4. ______________ on her mother too much, the girl can’t adapt to her new life in school. IV permit

1. You can’t go out without your mother’s _______________.

2. Visitors are not ____________ to take photographs here.

3. Weather _____________, I will come tomorrow. 4. They hope to visit the Great Wall if time _____________. V compare

1. _____________ (compare) with his camera, mine is more expensive.

2. ___________ (compare) your camera with his and you will see why yours is more expensive. VI electricity

1. The car broke down because of an ____________ fault in the engine.

2. Email is short for __________ mail.

3. I want to go to university and major in _______. VII conclude

1. It was ____________ that they were in favour of the plan.

2. In _____________, I would like to thank my wife for her selfless support. VIII aim

1. These measures are ____________ at preventing violent crime.

2. The government is ____________ at a 50% reduction in unemployment.

3. The book is __________ at very young children. IX act

1. Jacky Chan is famous for his _________ movie.

4. He was ____________ to lose in the final round. 5. I was _________ in having such a good teacher. XII starve

1. Thousands of people will die of ____________ every year.

2. Thousands of people will __________ to death every year.

3. Districts that suffered from the serious earthquake are ___________ of doctors and nurses. XIII organize

1. She is highly intelligent but her work lacks ____________.

2. You should try and ___________ your time better.

3. This is another ___________ crime.

4. Who do you think can be the ___________ of the meeting? XIV occupation 1. Please






______________ below.

2. The president ______________ the position for four years.

3. The bed seemed to _________ most of my room. XV employ

1. He found the job in an ____________ agency. 2. They are very good ______________; they treat all the ________________ quite well.

3. Thousands of young people are facing ________ immediately they graduate from university. 4. The ____________ workers are looking for jobs to support their families. XVI frighten

1. Shy and a bit____________, she stayed in the corner alone.

2. Don’t __________ these young children! 3. I don’t want to talk about the __________ experience any more.

4. He was shaking with_________. XVII. amaze

1. To my ___________, I came first. 2. The new car goes at an __________ speed.

1. The play was a ___________ success. 2. The sun shines ____________ in the sky. 3. Everyone admired her ___________ in career. XXI. misunderstand

1. Obviously, he ___________ me at that time. 2. There should be no ________ between you and me. XXII interest

1. Since his son died, nothing ___________ him. 2. They are very ___________ in science and technology.

3. They show a great _____________ in science and technology.

4. There are many places of _____________ near the city. XXIII entertain

1. There will be live ____________ at the party. 2. She was always so funny and ____________. XXIV move

1. He was deeply ______________ by the _____________ film.

2. Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of ______________. XXV argue

1. We had an ____________ with the waiter about the bill.

2. Their parents are always _____________ with each other, which annoys him so much. XXVI paint

1. We have had the house _____________ and it looks beautiful now. 2. Qi






____________ in the world.

3. I really want a collection of _______________ by American artists.

4. There is a sign saying “wet __________” beside the newly ____________bench.. XXVII real

1. Artists seem to be out of the ____________ world.

2. We have to be_________ about our chances of winning.

3. It’s not ____ to except people to spend so much money.

4. Tell me what ___________ happened.

5. The sudden ___________ of what he had done made all of us angry.

6. People usually can’t ________________ their own mistakes.

7. He refused to face ______________. XXVIII delight

1. She was _________ at the news of the wedding. 2. They used to eat in a ________________ restaurant nearby.

3. She won the game easily to the ______________ of all her fans.

in time wasted watching TV.

4. Pollution ______________________ up to now. XXXV injure

1. Three people killed and five ____________ in the crash.

2. Two players are out of the team because of an __________. XXXVI health

1. To keep ______________, he takes exercise every day.

2. He is _______________ because he eats too much fat and sugar. 3. My







______________ every day.

4. She was in the _______________ department when she studied in University. XXXXIII protect

1. More and more people begin to pay attention to the _______________ of environment. 2. May God _____________ you from harm. XXXXIV hunger

1. She was __________ for news of her friends. 2. She has a stronger _________ for knowledge. 3. The whole world ___________ for peace. XXXXV develop

1. My brother works as a software __________. 2. The place has rapidly _____________ from a small fishing village to a popular holiday resort. 4. The news will _____ his fans all over the world. 5. I’d be absolutely ______________ to come to your birthday party.

6. Much to my _____________, I passed the driving test.

7. We had a ____________ time by the seashore last Sunday.

8. I was reading your new book with great ______. XXIX music

1. They take part in the school band and make great ________ together.

2. Most pupils learn to play a _______________ instrument.

3. Mozart was well-known as a _______________. XXX direct

1. They need a new manager to ______ the project. 2. Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous ______________ in China.

3. The road was blocked in both ______________. 4. There isn’t a _________ flight to France. 5. He drove her _________ to the hotel. XXXI lose

1. The tickets seem to have got _____________. 2. He’s a born ___________.

3. I want to report the ___________ of a package. 4. _________ in thought, he paid no attention to what they said. XXXII danger

1. Tigers used to be ___________, but now they are in____________. That





are_____________. XXXIII addict

1. He is well-known as a computer game _______. 2. He is now fighting his ____________ to drugs. 3. Cocaine is highly _____________, you can’t easily stop taking it.

4. He is _____________to computer games. XXXIV reduce

1. The number of employees was ______________ from 40 t0 25.

2. Quitting smoking ____ the risk of heart diseases. 3. I really appreciate seeing a ________________

4. You’ll be in good _______ if you keep walking for half an hour daily. XXXVII freeze

1. The weather forecast says that it’ll be ___________ cold tomorrow.

2. You must be _____________! Come and sit by the fire.

3. It may ___________ tonight, so bring those plants inside.

4. Two men __________ to death on the top of the mountain. XXXVIII engine

1. You should switch off your _______ when you have your tank filled.

2. Her brother’s ambition is to be an ____________ in the future.

3. His manor is genetic ________________. XXXIX poem

1. As we all know, Li Bai was good at writing ______________.

2. Du Fu was one of the greatest ____________ in history. XXXX advise

1. Follow your doctor’s ___________ and you will be better tomorrow.

2. It is strongly _____________ that you take out insurance.

3. The new company needs a financial _______. XXXXI pollute

1. We must stop __________________ the rivers and seas.

2. Air ________________ does great harm to people’s lungs.

3. _________________ air does great harm to people’s lungs.

4. Rivers should be protected from __________. XXXXII chemical

1. His grandfather is a very famous __________. 2. I can’t fully understand the _______________ process.

3. Take the prescription to the ______________ and you will buy the right medicine.

3. With the _____________________ of society, more and more people get rid of poverty. XXXXVI tour

1. The area is heavily dependent on _________. 2. _______________ are forbidden to take photograph here. XXXXVII local

1. They want to __________ their company in the centre of Shanghai.

2. His father is an official in the ____________ government.

3. His hometown is a small town ___________ in the west of Shenyang.

4. Could you please tell me the exact ______________ of the sank ship? XXXXVIII sad

1. We are very _________ to hear that you are leaving.

2. You are __________ mistaken if you think that I am going to help you again.

3. They are good friends and they often share their joys and ________ together. XXXXIX possible

1. It was ____________ their worst performance ever.

2. Would it _____________ for me to leave a message for her?

3. I’ll finish it as soon as ____________. 4. I’ll finish it as soon as I ____________ can. 5. There is now no ______________ that she will come to help us. XXXXX terrify

1. It’s a _____________ experience. 2. What he said ___________ her.

3. She was ___________ at the thought of being alone. XXXXXI luck

1. With __________, we’ll be home before dark.

2. __________, I am a good swimmer.
