
发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019届二轮复习阅读理解专题训练之一:细节理解之事实认定型(21页10篇Word版含解析)更新完毕开始阅读

当地项目提供建议,故D项正确。] 2.Which website offers assistance in jobs?

A.Teens for Planet Earth. B.Meez. C.Cyberteens. D.Student.com.

C [考查细节理解。根据第三段的最后一句“This site also has surveys and helps with jobs and schoolwork.”可知,Cyberteens为青少年提供工作上的帮助,故C项正确。]

3.What makes Student.com special among these websites?

A.It has the most members. B.Teens can read articles on it. C.It offers help on schoolwork. D.Teens can make purchases on it.

D [ 考查细节理解。 根据第四段的倒数第二句“Points are used to buy items at auction(拍卖会).”可知,在Student.com网站上,点数可以用来购买拍卖的商品,而其他三个网站都没有这一功能,故D项正确。] 4.What can we infer about the websites mentioned in the text?

A.They provide game platforms. B.They benefit teens in their social life. C.They award outstanding teens. D.They offer various study guidance.

B [考查推理判断。根据第一段的第一句“This is a social networking site for teenagers who want to get involved in protecting our planet.”以及第二段的第二句、第三段的前两句、第四段的前两句可推知,这四个网站的共同特点是都能使青少年参与社交活动并从中受益,故B项正确。]
