人教版新课标2019-2020 高三下 高考英语二轮语法 复习 非谓语动词含答案

发布时间 : 星期四 文章人教版新课标2019-2020 高三下 高考英语二轮语法 复习 非谓语动词含答案更新完毕开始阅读

returned to the shop the following morning. Finding the rude assistant, she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, he was eager 6. ________ (serve) her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. Seeing this, the woman said that she didn’t like it. She made the assistant 7. ________ (bring) almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had asked for at first. She was very 8. ________ (please) with what she had done. 9. ________ (recognize) the woman by now, the assistant didn’t feel angry. Instead, he felt sorry for what he had done the day before, and apologized to her for what he had done. The woman forgave him and later 10. ________ (become) a regular customer of the shop.



1. listening; listen; to listen

2. discussing; to be discussed; being discussed 3. to be held; held; being held 4. cleaning; (to) clean; clean 5. to settle; settled; settling 二、单句语法填空

1. to make 2. Turning 3. smoking 4. to fail 5. to ask

6. Faced 7. heard 8. disappointing; disappointed 9. wanting 10. turning 11. setting 12. to thank 13. focused 14. to explore 15. being performed 16. to have gone 17. Convinced 18. Being brought up 19. circulating 20. shooting 21. knowing 22. reducing 23. to be held 24. to bring 25. to tell 26. designed 27. recognizing 28. exceeding 29. to prove 30. being


1. raised改为raising 2. avoid前面加to 3. could后面加to 4. repairing改为repaired 5. Comparing改为Compared 6. Having 后面加been 7. Have改为Having 8. permitted改为permitting 9. ranged改为ranging 10. happen改为happening 11. mixing改为mixed 12. 第二个have改为having 13. work改为working 14. 去掉to

15. surveying改为surveyed 四、语篇填空 A

1. Falling 2. to marry 3. liking 4. to anger 5. to marry 6. removing 7. Loving 8. coming 9. Beaten 10. depressed B

1. Standing 2. dressed 3. to see 4. serving 5. Having decided 6. to serve 7. bring 8. pleased 9. Having recognized 10. became
