
发布时间 : 星期日 文章国际商务函电练习题单证实务更新完毕开始阅读


(1) credit standing 信用状况 (2) financial status 财务状况

(3) be in strict confidence 绝对保密 (4) modes of business 经营方式 (5) open an account 开立账户

(6) 小额交易 small business engagement (7) 过额交易 overtrading (8) 商业证明 trade reference (9) 定额货代 standing credit (10) 拖延付款 delay payment (1) a trial order 试购订单 (2) duplicate order 重复订单

(3) outstanding order 未完成订单 (4) close business 达成交易 (5) order sheet 订货单

(6) 第一次订货 initial order (7) 存货清单 stock lines

(8) 接受订单 accept an order (9) 取消订单 cancel an order (10) 执行订单 carry out an order (1) to cable a credit 电开信用证 (2) to amend a credit 修改信用证

(3) to extend a credit 延展信用证有效期 (4) to increase a credit 增加信用证面额 (5) recourse repudiation 拒绝偿还 (6) 保兑信用证 confirmed L/C (7) 可转让信用证 transferable L/C (8) 有追索权信用证 with recourse L/C (9) 信用证余额 credit balance

(10) 通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank (1) waterproof 防水 (2) wooden case 木箱

(3) In sound condition 完好无整 (4) registered trademark 注册商标 (5) packing instructions 包装要求

(6) standard export packing 标准出口包装 (7) 装箱单 packing list (8) 以毛作净 gross for net

(9) 习惯包装 customary packing (10) 中性包装 neutral packing

(11)适合海运的包装 seaworthy packing

(12)运输标志 shipping mark (1) on sb.’ s behalf 代表??

(2) for one’s account 由某方付费 (3) refer sb. to sth. 请??参看,参照

(4) refund the premium to you 将保险费退还给你

(5) in the absence of definite instructions 没有明确指示 (6) 免赔率 franchise

(7) 保险费 insurance premium (8) 办理保险 arrange insurance (9) 保险凭证 insurance certificate

(10) “仓至仓”条款 warehouse to warehouse clause (w/w clause) (1) demurrage rate 滞期费率 (2) despatch money 速遣费 (3) discharging port 卸货港 (4) loading port 装货港 (5) booking note 托运单 (6) freight prepaid 运费预付 (7) partial shipment 分批装运

(8) 通知书准备就绪 notice of readiness (9) 租船契约 charter party (10) 唛头 shipping mark

(11)已装船提货 on board bill of lading (12)班轮运输 liner transport (13)运费到付 freight collect

(14)班轮运费表 liner’s freight tariff (1) CCPIT 中国国际贸易促进委员会 (2) on going into the matter 经调查此事 (3) to hold no liability for sth. 不负责任赔偿 (4) take up the matter 着手处理这个问题

(5) at sb.’s disposal 由某人做主,由某人支配

(6) make compensation for sb.’s losses 补偿某人的损失 (7) 公正行 the public surveyor (8) 不可抵抗 force majeure (9) 仲裁裁决 arbitration award (10) 无追索权 without recourse (11)承担责任 assume responsibility

(12)国际贸易仲裁委员会 foreign trade arbitration commission 句子翻译:

(1) 将与我们进行贸易往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的财务状况与信誉。(business standing)

The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particulars respecting their business standing and trustworthiness.

(2) 你若是能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见,我们当不甚感激。 (financial status and reliability)

You should be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company.

(3) 就我们所知,他们的财务情况很好。 (financial standing) As far as we know , their financial standing is sound.

(4) 该公司声誉好,资金储备丰厚。(financial reserve)

They are a firm of high reputation and have large financial reserves. (5) 我们劝贵方与该商行进行业务往来时务必谨慎。(deal with)

We advise you to proceed with every possible caution in dealing with the firm in question. (6) 对贵方所提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密。(treat as confidential)

Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential.

(1) 作为试订单,我们欣然小量订购贵公司AC106号空调机150台,请注意货品必须与样品一致。(trial order)

As a trial order, we are delighted to give you a small order for 150 sets of your air conditioners AC106. Please note that the goods are to be supplied in accordance with your samples.

(2) 鉴于贵公司常年惠顾,虽然现时市价较前调升,但本公司仍会按以往订单所列条件接受此次订单。(accept the order)

Although prevailing prices are somewhat higher , in view of our long-standing relationship, we are prepared to accept the order on the same terms as before.

(3) 由于我们对质量和价格都满意,现就以下货物向贵方订货。(place an order)

As we find both quality and prices satisfactory, we place an order with you for the following. (4)现给贵方寄去我们的123号销售合同,一式两份,以供贵方签名,请签署后退回一份留作我方查存之用。(for our file).

We are sending you our Sales Contract No.123 in duplicates for your signature. Please sign and return one for our file.

(5) 很遗憾,由于需要此商品的订单已接受到今年年底,我们今年之内无法接受新的订单。(book , fresh order)

We are so sorry to say that because orders for the item required have been booked up to the end of this year, we are unable to accept any fresh order for shipment within this year. 我们希望此次订购是建立长期的、愉快的业务关系的第一步。(the first step)

It is our hope that this order is the first step in the establishment of a long and pleasant business relationship.

(1) 请尽快修改信用证,以便我们安排装运。(make amendments)

Please make amendments of the L/C as soon as possible so that we may arrange shipment. (2) 我们被请求已开出以贵方为受益人的信用证,特此通知。(in one’s favor)

We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favor. (3) 4月17日到期的第357号信用证已被展期至5月2日。(expire) L/C No.357 which expires on April 17 has been extended to May2. (4) 请贵方将信用证作如下修改:“吨”前删去“长”字,加入“公”字。(delete , insert) Delete the word “long” and insert the word “metric” before “ton”.

(5) 考虑到我们多年的友好关系,这笔交易我们接受60天期的信用证。(in consideration of) In consideration of our long friendly relations , we accept 60 days L/C for this transaction. (6) 我们多次催促贵方开征,但至今未收到贵方的信用证。(urge sb. to do sth.) We urged you many times to open the L/C , but up to now it still hasn’t been received. (1) 水泥要用双层牛皮纸袋包装,每袋装50千克。(be packed in, each containing)

Cement is to be packed in double craft-paper bags, each containing 50 kilos. (2) 请严格遵守包装及标记的细则。(be strictly observed)

Full details regarding packing and marking must be strictly observed. (3) 请确保用防漏包装。(leak-proof packing) Please make sure you use leak-proof packing.

(4) 所有的袋子都设计得很完美,符合你们当地市场的要求。(come in line with )

All the bags are beautifully designed to come in line with local market preference at your end. (5) 跟以前以往一样,箱子上要刷制一个菱形标志,内写我公司的手写字母。(be marked with) The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.

(6) 我们的包装方式已经被其他客户广泛接受,到目前为止,还没有任何投诉。(be widely accepted by)

Our way of packing has been widely accepted by other clients, and we have received no complaints what so ever so far.

(1) 破碎险的保险费率为5%,如果贵方愿意投保破碎险,我们可以代为办理。(on one’s behalf )

Premium for breakage is 5%. If you desire to cover breakage, we will arrange it on your behalf. (2) 请按照我们的要求办理保险,同时,我们等候贵方的装运通知。(as per one’s request) Please arrange the insurance as per our request and in the meantime we await your shipping advice.

(3) 我们将在我地办理预约投保。(under open policy) We shall take out insurance at this end under open policy.

(4) 如果贵方愿意,可以开立一张该金额的即期汇票向我方索款。(draw on?at sight) If you like , you may draw on us at sight for the amount required.

(5) 如果没有你们的明确指示,我们将按一般惯例投保平安险和战争险。(in the absence of definite instructions)

In the absence of definite instructions, we will cover insurance FPA and War Risks according to usual practice.

(6) 我们知道按照你们的惯例,你们只按发票金额加10%投保,因此额外的保险费由我们负责。(for one’s account)

We know that according to your usual practice , you insure the goods only for 10% above , therefore the extra premium will be for our account.

(1) 合同规定一旦货物装船,卖方须电告装运通知。(shipping advice )

As is stipulated under the contract, the seller should cable the shipping advice to the buyer as soon as the goods are on board of the ship.

(2) 我方不得已而要求贵方同意在巴黎转船。(transshipment)

We are under the necessity of requesting you to allow transshipment in Paris.

(3) 由于某种特殊情况,我方要求贵方将579号订单项下的货物的装运期从10月提前到9月。(advance shipment of)

For some special reasons we request you to advance shipment of the consignment under order No.579 from October to September.

(4) 在收到贵方信用证修改通知书以后,我们立即预订该船的舱位。(book shipping space) We shall book shipping space on that vessel on receipt of your L/C amendment. (5) 我方将尽力在下个月装运这批货物。(make delivery of) We shall do our best to make delivery of the goods next months.
