浙江省温州市2018届高三5月高考适应性测试 英语

发布时间 : 星期三 文章浙江省温州市2018届高三5月高考适应性测试 英语更新完毕开始阅读

C. Boys & Girls Clubs of ing County. D. The moving stories of homeless ids.


This activity will melt away the pounds, build your body and leave you on an emotional high. Yet the form of eercise, the fitness trend of the year, does not require gym membership or a personal trainer. All you need to do is wal.

Waling is a refreshing alternative to complicated aerobic (氧) routines and overpriced gym membership, says personal trainer Lucy night, author of a new boo on the eercise. It is free, enjoyable and already a part of everyday life. All you need to do is correct your technique, wal faster and for longer and you will lose weight.

There is much evidence of the benefits of waling. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh recently discovered that overweight people who waled brisly (快) for 30 to 60 minutes a day lost weight even if they didn’t change any other lifestyle habits. Another American study found that people who waled for at least four hours a wee gained less weight than couch potatoes as they got older. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts medical school found that people who waled every day had 25 percent fewer colds than those who sat a lot. Best of all, waling maes you feel good about yourself. “For people suffering from depression, waling three to four times a wee for 30 minutes has been shown to lift their mood,” says night.

But how to wal your way to weight loss and wellness? Health eperts recommend that we should wal 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy. Actually you would probably need to wal at least 16,000 steps a day to lose weight. Your worout plans depend on your level of fitness. You should aim to progress by increasing your waling time by five minutes every two wees, and wal a bit faster. In just three months, the results should spea for themselves, says night.

24. What is the latest fitness trend according to the passage? A. Bris waling. B. Losing weight. C. Woring out in a gym.

D. Eercising with a personal trainer.

25. Studies and researches are mentioned in the passage to show waling .

A. is gaining increasing popularity B. benefits people in different aspects C. is an enjoyable way to lose weight D. involves different groups of people

26. It can be learned from the last paragraph that . A. 1600 steps a day is needed for weight losses B. the effect of waling is noticeable over time C. your fitness level depends on your health eperts D. changing the waling time every day is necessary


A hybrid electric vehicle (混合动力车) or HEV is a vehicle driven by the combination of petrol engine and electric motor. Terrence has been driving a HEV for five years. He really doesn’t understand why more people aren’t accepting them. I probably spend about $ 7 a day on petrol, the tai driver told news. com. au. In his previous conventional vehicle Terrence said he was spending up to $ 30 a day on petrol, meaning he saves almost $ 6000 every year.

The Toyota spoesman said this was quite a high saving and official tests estimate (估计) an average driver would only save about 33 percent off their current bill. This means a driver paying $ 30 a day on petrol would see their bill drop to about $ 20 using the hybrid. A tai driver that drives in built-up areas and spends little time on highways will notice a higher fuel saving, he said. “Low speeds allow the electric motors to be used more and the petrol engine used less.”

While some people are septical about how reliable hybrids are, Terrence said he had never run out of power. His Camry cost about $ 34,000 and so after five years, it’s nearly paid for itself. “For cab drivers, it’s a real advantage because of the cost-effectiveness,” he said. Terrence has no complaints about the car. “I love it, the calm and quietness of it, the simplicity of it—you just jump in and go. The maintenance(保养)is really low. But the only difficulty is finding someone to service the car as there are not many eperienced mechanics (机修工). ”

Terrence said it’s “etraordinary” that more drivers aren’t buying more hybrid electric vehicles and that governments are not encouraging this more. “I thin people have a view that you have to plug it in, which is

not true. A lac of information about the cars may be stopping people from taing the plunge. It’s not promoted at all for the public to understand—it’s simplifying the actual owning of a car—you don’t have to do so many things to own it and run it, it’s just so much simpler. Why wouldn’t the government promote such a thing?”

27. How much does an average driver save each day by driving a hybrid? A. $ 30 B. $ 20 C. $ 10 D. $7

28. Terrence’s problem with his H EV at the moment is about the . A. speed B. power C. price D. service

29. When saying “etraordinary”, Terrence thins it is . A. understandable B. wonderful C. doubtful D. unbelievable

30. What does Terrence thin prevents the popularity of hybrid cars? A. The difficulty in servicing the car. B. The restriction of the government. C. The lac of information about HEV. D. The inconvenience with charging the car. 第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)


How to be a good listener

Listening to people is the best way to show your respect to other people. It is a ind of art that needs to

practice. With a little attention and practice, you can become a world-class listener. 31 ●Stop interrupting. No one lies to be interrupted when he is taling, or he would feel to be ignored. Put your feet in others’ shoes. 32 Concentrate on what he is saying. But you can as some questions if you don’t get his point.

●33 A discussion without eye contact is lie a body without a soul. When he is taling you can eep an eye out for him to show your interest. Nodding and smiling sometimes are needed which will be regarded as a ind of inspiration for him to eep taling.

●Remove your prejudice. Leave behind your emotions which will prevent you from listening well and try to forget your own worries and problems. You always interrupt others’ taling just because you have different opinions. Since we are human we all have our own opinions on things. 34 By removing your prejudice and listening to the other person you can have a good communication with others.

To be a good listener deserves praise. Only by learning to listen can a person get some good and bosom friends. A good listener has magic, has the ability to mae people feel good, and is as valuable at a party as a good taler. Communication is not to beat your opinion into others’ heads; it is a two-way art. 35 A. eep silence all the way. B. Use some body language. C. You need to learn and practice it. D. You can tell them clearly and politely.

E. Then you can understand that eeping silence is important. F. But you should now your opinion may be under correction. G. Here are some tips for becoming a better and more effective listener. 第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分45 分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1. 5 分,满分30 分>

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

I wor for Mrs. Riley, an eighty-year-old neighbor. I 36 groceries for her at the supermaret and sometimes I dust and 37 her apartment. The best part, 38 is taing care of Sam, her canary(金丝雀). He sings all the time and is always cheerful. I’m going to buy 39 . But I don’t have enough money yet. 40 , soon.
