
发布时间 : 星期四 文章综合教程第四册课后习题词形转换答案(有删减单元)更新完毕开始阅读

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. By 2002, the corporation was making a loss, for prices had fallen catastrophically as advanced economies underwent a profound transition.(catastrophe) 2. Johnson isn’t tired of Tokyo, it seems, but appearances can be deceptive.(deceive) 3. Although a step forward had been taken, their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms.(convict)

4. Many young men are not allowed to leave the country, apparently because of fears that they may join the army in exile,(apparent)

5. Perseverance in face of obstacles and setbacks is the quality people most admire in others.(persevere) 6. In desperation they resorted to violence.(desperately) 7. He knew only too well that his opponent was much more powerful than he was, but he still fought unflinchingly.(flinch) 8. I have never seen anyone who is as courageous as he is.(courage)

9. When the accident happened, no one would answer for

the consequences, which was very

annoying.(annoyance) 10. Years of experience as a soldier has developed great powers of intuition to dangers.(intuitive) 11. The minister had decided not to release a statement explaining the reason of his resignation, but later, he relented and let it out.(relentless) 12. From this chapter the main thread proliferates into a succession of dramatic sub-plots.(proliferation) 13. The government has carried out lamentably few of their promises.(lament)

14. He was in an expansive mood on the night of the party.(expand)

15. Every hour, whether the Prime Minster will use the car or not, he checks under the car for bombs as a matter of routine.(routinely) 16. Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible to shrinkage than natural ones.(shrink)

17. The company fears noisy brightly-lit shops are alienating older customers.(alienation) 18. Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in that


19. By the first century BC, Buddhism was in danger of fragmenting into small sects.(fragmentation) 20. She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.(addiction)

21. The dress exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom.(exaggeration)

22. He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s.(depress) 23. Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes.(simulation) 24. The news that they were well gratified us.(gratification)

25. Arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed by scientists, philosophers, theologians and others.(exist)

26. In Arctic environments, it is absolutely essential to learn how to safely navigate and avoid becoming geographically embarrassed. Let’s learn and practice surviving navigation techniques using the stars and the sun.(survive)

27. The unearthly black landscape is the virtual

opposite of the postcard stereotype of lush Hawaii.(earthly)

28. Rescuers were using blowtorches to cut into the wreckage train compartments where more bodies might be found.(wreck)

29. After an early Saturday robbery and three days of exhaustive investigation by the local police, Atlanta’s Museum of Arts was reopened.(exhaust)

30. The ”taking back” of that High School began Monday as 2000 students returned to school, some eager to resume studies, others apprehensive about going back inside the scene of last spring’s deadly shooting riot.(apprehend)

31. They voted against the continuation of the existing tax system.(continue)

32. Accuracy of singing depends upon the precision with which the singer can voluntarily adjust the contractions of the muscles related to sound making.(accurate)

33. When having a fall, old people are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.(fragile)
