
发布时间 : 星期日 文章谈判名词术语更新完毕开始阅读

A.商品期货交易 B.黄金期货交易 C.金融工具期货交易 D.外汇期货交易 E.股指期货交易

16.谈判场所对谈判效果的影响作用表现在( ) A.信息传递 B.资料查询 C.借以观察和了解情况 D.寻找借口 E.没有什么影响

17.在商务谈判中,要想做到说服对方,应当( ) A.必要时采取强硬手段 B.寻找双方利益的一致性

C.使对方明白己方叭谈判中获利是很小的 D.首先同对方建立良好的信任关系 E.避免确认结果的繁琐

18.在商务谈判中,可接受目标是( ) A.可以实现部分经济利益 B.是一种委曲求全,应抛弃 C.是一种让步



19.下列哪些是国际商务谈判与一般贸易谈判的不同点( )。 A.具有较强的政策性 B.应按国际惯例办事

C.涉及面广 D.有关影响因素复杂多样 E.内容广泛复杂 20.在谈判的开局阶段,谈判人员切忌过分闲聊,离题太远,尽量将话题集中于谈判的( )几个方面。

A.结果 B.目标 C.计划 D.进度 E.人员

21.A公司通过有关途径了解到B公司的商业信誉极低,因此,A公司认为(1)B公司有可能违约;(2)经常性的违约可能导致B公司的破产,那么( )。

A.(1)是基于事实的假设 B.(2)是基于假设的假设 C.(1)的精确度比(2)高 D.(2)的精确度比(1)高 E.(2)是基于事实的假设

22.影响工程设备远期价格的因素有( )。

A.原材料价格 B.工资的价格刚性 C.汇率和利率方面的风险 D.地区冲突 E.石油禁运

23.下列哪些是谈判获得成功和签订合同必不可少的程序 ( )。 A.询盘 B.发盘 C.接受 D.还盘 E.邀请发盘

24.构成一项发盘的条件是:( ) A.必须有特定的受盘人 B.必须由买方先发出



D.发盘人必须有当其发盘被接受时受其约束的意思 E.必须由卖方先发出

25.下列哪些是美国商人谈判的风格( )。 A.办事干净利索,不兜圈子 B.重视效率 C.喜欢搞全盘平衡 D.特别自信 E.不喜欢带律师 26.当对方要求己方作出让步时,己方强调双方保持良好的业务关系将给对方带来长期的利益,而这一次合作将是这一关系的开始,则( )。

A.对方可能不再要求己方让步 B,这是予远利谋近惠的让步策略 C.这属厂丝毫无损的让步策略 D.这是互利互惠的让步策略


27.美国的有关专家把“听”分为以下几种形式,即( )

A.积极的听 B.消极的听 C.边读边听 D.边看边听 E.边写边听

28.正式谈判一般要经历哪些环节:( )

A.邀请发盘 B.询盘 C.发盘 D.还盘 E.接受

29.按双方所采取的态度与方针来划分,我们可以将谈判划分为以下几种类型:( )

A.客场谈判 B.立场型谈判法 C.投资谈判 D.让步型谈判法 E.原则型淡判法

30.巴甫洛夫根据对动物和人的行为表现提出四种基本的高级神经活动类型,它们是:( )。

A.兴奋型 B.活泼型 C.安静型 D.懦弱型 E.激动型 参考答案

1.ABCDE 2.CDE 3.ABC 4.BC 5.ADE 6.CDE 7.BDE 8.BE 9.ABCD 10.ABC 11.ABCED 12.ABCDE 13.ABCDE 14.ABC 15.ABCD 16.ABCD 17.BDE 18.ACDE 19.ABCDE 20.BCDE 21.ABC 22.ABCDE 23 BC 24.ACD 25.ABCD 26.AB 27.AB 28.BCDE 29.BDE 30.ABCD

PART IV Essay Questions

1. What is the Latin American negotiation style like?

The Latin American negotiation style has the following features: a. Respect and equality


The respect and comprehension of local customs and religion is fundamental in winning trust of Latin Americans.At the same time, try to avoid the misinterpretation that the business is a favor bestowed to the Latin Americans.Equality and mutual benefits should be held as the principle of any business transactions. b. No politics involved

As Latin Americans consists of a number of countries, conflicts break out oftem.Therefore, political topics should be avoided. C. Be aware of the foreign exchange control

In central southern America, government of various countries enforce different levels of restriction on foreign trade and foreign exchange. Some countries implement strict examination on import certificate, while some others set complicated rules and procedures on foreign exchanges transaction. Careful investigation is necessary for a well-writtem contract. d. Value friendship

Latin Americans appear to be more relaxed and optimistic compared with swift and highly effficient North Americans. At the critical stage of business negotiation, Latin Americans will leave for holidays and restart the process after the vacation. Latin Americans cherish friendship and involve the personal feelings into business. e. Be inclined to break the contract

Contract in Latin America is not strictly observed. The revision of signed contract often happens. The fulfillment of promise is sometimes not guaranteed. In addition, economic development is kept in different stages.High inflation often appears. Therefore, in international trade, choose stable hard currency. f. Close personal relationship

People from different countries also bear various business customs. For instance, Argentinians prefer handshaking, Brazilians are fond of recreation and friendship. Chileans, Columbians etc. are conservative. To sum up, to guarantee the success of negotiation, business people should try to set up close personal relationships, try to keep patient and not interfere into the social problems.

2. What is the French Negotiation Style like?

a. Personal friendship has effect on business relationship

To build up friendship is to build up firm business relationship. The French are easy to get along. In practice, it’s found that topics like news, culture, and entertainment rather than business can lubricate the bilateral relationship appreciated by the French. b. French only

The French people will insist without any doubt on speaking their mother language even though they can use English quite well. If the French discuss in English, that must be the most compromise they can make to their counterpart.


c. Horizontal negotiation

The French negotiation preparation is in sequence of three steps: outline,principle and details. Unlike German way of reviewing the details in advance, the French way is to check the details during the negotiation process. d. By the people

As French organization has simple and clear structure, a person is totally responsible for his job and also enjoys the utmost power on the position. Therefore, the negotiation is highly efficient. Even in highly specialized negotiation, a person can handle tasks concerned. e. Work vs life

In August, France is in vacation and any business negotiation will have to be sheltered for a while. The business in July will have to wait until September.One more thing for notice, the French are used to inviting friends to public places rather than to their home.

3. What are the Cultural Factors Affecting Negotiation with Americans?

? ? ? ?

very individualistic (cowboy mentality)

prefer informality immediately and try to be very friendly like to use humor wherever possible

very direct from the beginning of the negotiation and then make offers and counter offers

? take calculated risks but will not overextend themselves

? consider proposals on a monetary investment return basis rather than

relationship basis

? very conscious of time and don’t like silence or lulls

4. What are the Cultural Factors Affecting Negotiation with Germans?

? prefer formal attire and regimented procedures

? strongly favor hierarchy in their order of speaking and seating

? prefer logical argumentations instead of personal appeals to support their


? like to prepare in advance for disagreement by having several responses for

your possible counter-arguments

? like to look for common ground but do not concede in arguments easily ? each team member has a specialty and will be the one to address their issue

of expertise alone

? like to go over details many times in order to avoid misunderstanding ? do not like to be rushed

? will negotiate very aggressively on price but will only provide a token

amount of business initially

