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for some time before producing the language. Slip 失误

When a student makes a language mistake that they are able to correct themselves without help from the teacher.See error.

Target language culture 目标语言文化

The traditions and culture of the country whose language is being studied. Work language out 弄明白第二语言的用法

When students try to understand how and why particular language is used. See inductive learning. Unmotivated: see motivation. Visual learner: see learning style.

Background to language teaching



Activity-based learning 基于教学活动的学习

A way of learning by doing activities. The rules of language are looked at either after the activity or not at all.

Communicative Approach 沟通交流方法

A way of teaching which is based on the principle that learning a language successfully involves communication rather than just memorising a series of rules. Teachers try to focus on meaningful communication, rather than focusing on accuracy and correcting mistakes all the time. See Grammar-Translation method. Concept checking 概念检查

The technique of asking concept questions or other techniques to check that students have

understood a new structure or item of lexis. A concept question is a question asked by the teacher to make sure that a student has understood the meaning of new language, e.g. the new language structure – used to – He used to live in Paris.

Concept question – Does he live in Paris now? Answer – No. Concept questions: see concept checking. Content-based learning 基于内容的学习

When a subject, e.g. maths or history, is taught through the second language. Contextualise 有上下文关系

To put new language into a situation that shows what it means, e.g. The music in the disco was very loud. See set the scene, context. Definition noun, define verb 定义

An explanation of the meaning of a word, e.g. in a dictionary. Elicit 提取

When a teacher asks careful questions to get students to give an answer. Emphasis noun, emphasise verb 强调

When special force is given to a word when it is said because the word is important, e.g. I want to start the lesson at six o’clock not seven.

Functional Approach 功能功能学习法

A way of teaching which uses a syllabus based on functions rather than on grammatical structures. Gesture noun + verb

A movement with part of the body, e.g. hand, head.


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Grammar-Translation method 语法翻译教学法

A way of teaching in which students study grammar and translate words into their own language. They do not practise communication and there is little focus on speaking. A teacher presents a grammar rule and vocabulary lists and then students translate a written text from their own language into the second language. See communicative approach. 交流学习法 Guided discovery 指导性探索活动

A way of teaching in which teachers provide examples of the target language and then guide the students to work out the language rules for themselves. Ice-breaker 破冰活动

An introductory activity that a teacher uses at the start of a new course so that students can get to know each other.

Illustrate meaning 举例说明意思

To show what something means, e.g. I was nervous when I got on the plane because I hate flying. Introductory activity 介绍性活动(包括课程预热及导入)

An activity which takes place at the beginning of a lesson. Introductory activities often include warmers and lead-ins.

Lexical Approach 词汇教学法

A way of analysing language that is based on lexical items such as words, multi-word units, collocations and fixed expressions rather than grammatical structures. Some ELT books and materials organise their syllabuses around the Lexical Approach. Meaningful 有意义的 1. something which shows the meaning of language. 2. something which has a value for students in the real world. Mime noun + verb 哑剧表演

Body movements used to convey meaning without using words. Presentation noun, present verb 介绍新词汇 To introduce new language.

Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) 介绍新词汇、练习、使用教学法

A way of teaching new language in which the teacher presents the language, gets students to practise it in exercises or other controlled practice activities and then asks students to use the same language in a communicative way in their practice.

Situational presentation 情景演示

A way of presenting new language through a simple story or situation. The teacher may use pictures or other aids to help them create the situation. Structural Approach 结构教学法

A way of teaching which uses a syllabus based on grammatical structures. The order that the language is presented is usually based on how difficult it is thought to be. Task-based Learning (TBL) 基于任务的学习

A way of teaching in which the teacher gives students meaningful tasks to do. The teacher may ask students to think about the language they have used to do the tasks, but the main focus for students is on the task itself. Project work is task-based. Teaching strategy 教学技巧

The procedure or approach used by a teacher in the classroom, e.g. a teacher may choose to give thinking time to students before they speak.

Test-teach-test 测试、教授、测试教学法

A way of teaching new language. The teacher asks students to do a task without giving them any help, to see how well they know a certain piece of language (this is the first test). The teacher then presents the new language to the students (teach), then asks the students to do another task using the new language correctly (this is the second test).

Total Physical Response (TPR) 完全用肢体语言进行应答

A way of teaching in which the teacher presents language items as instructions and the students have to do exactly what the teacher tells them, e.g. Open the window! Stand up! This method is very meaningful and good for beginners when they start to learn a new language, as they have a silent period and can make fast progress.


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Warmer noun, warm up verb 课程预热

An activity that a teacher uses at the beginning of a lesson to give the class more energy. See energy levels.


Brainstorm noun + verb 头脑风暴

To think of ideas (usually quickly) about a topic (often noting these down). This is often done as preparation before writing or speaking. Categorisation noun, categorise verb 分类

To put things into the group (category) to which they belong. For example, students might categorise a list of different foods into groups such as fruit and vegetables. Chant noun + verb 反复吟唱

To repeat a phrase, sentence or poem, usually with others, in a regular rhythm. Choral drill: see drill. Communicative activity

A classroom activity in which students need to communicate to complete the activity. Controlled practice: see practice. 制约形练习 Drill 反复练习

A technique teachers use for encouraging students to practise language. It involves guided repetition or practice. In a choral drill the teacher says a word or sentence and the students repeat it together. 集体练习

In an individual drill the teacher says a word or sentence and one student repeats it alone. 个人练习 In a substitution drill the teacher provides a sentence and a different word or phrase which the student must use (or substitute) in exactly the same structure, 替换练习 e.g. Teacher: I bought a book. Pen. Student: I bought a pen.

In a transformation drill the teacher says a word or a sentence and the student answers by changing the sentence into a new grammatical structure, e.g. 转换练习 Teacher: I bought a pen. Student: I didn’t buy a pen. Teacher: I went to the cinema. Student: I didn’t go to the cinema. Extension task 扩展任务

An activity which give students further practice of the target language or the topic of the lesson. Freer practice: see practice. 自由练习 Gap-fill 填空

An activity in which students fill in the spaces in sentences or texts. This is often used for restricted practice or for testing a specific language point. This is different from a cloze test which can focus on reading ability or general language use. See cloze test.

Guided writing 指导性写作

A piece of writing that students produce after a lot of preparation by the teacher. The teacher may give the students a plan to follow, or ideas for the language to use. Individual drill: see drill. 个人练习 Information-gap activity 补充信息练习

A classroom activity in which students work in pairs or groups. Students are given a task, but they are given different information and to complete the task, they have to find out the missing information from each other.


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Jigsaw listening/reading 组合式听力、阅读练习
