
发布时间 : 星期三 文章基于KPI的瑞明公司绩效管理体系设计研究毕业设计更新完毕开始阅读

Study on performance management system of rui Ming

company based on KPI


Human resource management focused on strategic is the key to enterprises continued the company's resource management occupies the important role of the author as a manufacturing industrial company personnel assistant, in the face of the company in the performance management on the analysis of existing problems, find the crux of the problem occurred in the performance index system design, so study and transfer of the company's strategic target layers of decomposition to the departments and employees, designed and developed new enterprise key performance index system, KPI.

First, Second, .........This paper adopts the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, explore the rebuilding and the company is more appropriate to the key performance index system, and the key performance indicators for performance management tool, from the management thought of the balanced scorecard to company performance management layers of decomposition to the departments and posts, arouse the enthusiasm of employees, improve work efficiency, develop resources potential, and strive to maximize the enterprise value. The main results are: on the basis of performance management, layer upon layer decomposition develop KPI, designed a suit for rui Ming company strategic objectives, key performance index system; Take quantifiable or behavior evaluation standard, make the follow-up inspection computational work objective, accurate and fair; Full participation in the performance management system is established. Through research and exploration, to verify the key performance indicators as the core of performance management can effectively will be the employee's work focused on corporate strategy, a development of the enterprise.

Key words: Key performance indicators; Performance management; Human Resources; KPI; Balanced scorecard


目 录

摘 要 .................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................. II 1 绪论 .................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 .............................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 ........................................................ 1 1.2.1 研究的目的 .......................................................... 1 1.2.2 研究的意义 .......................................................... 2 1.3 国内外究现状 .......................................................... 2 1.3.1 国外研究现状 ........................................................ 2 1.3.2 国内研究现状 ........................................................ 3 2 绩效管理体系设计的理论概述 .............................................. 3 2.1 绩效管理的理论发展 .................................................... 3 2.2 绩效考核的主要方法 ................................................... 4 2.2.1 战略导向KPI绩效考核方法 ........................................... 4 2.2.2 平衡计分卡方法 ..................................................... 5 2.2.3 360度绩效考核方法 ................................................... 5 3 瑞明公司绩效管理体系存在的问题 .......................................... 6 3.1 企业概况 .............................................................. 6 3.2 瑞明公司绩效管理现状分析 ............................................. 7 3.2.1 瑞明公司绩效考核现状 ................................................ 7 3.2.2 绩效考评内容 ........................................................ 7 3.2.3 绩效考评周期 ........................................................ 8 3.2.4 绩效考核的实施 ...................................................... 8 3.2.5 瑞明公司绩效考评现状分析 ........................................... 11 4 瑞明公司绩效管理体系设计研究的对策建议 .................................. 12 4.1 瑞明公司企业级 KPI 的建立 ............................................ 12 4.1.1 企业级KPI分解为部门级KPI .......................................... 13 4.1.2 由部门级KPI形成员工级KPI .......................................... 13 4.2 瑞明公司绩效考核指标体系评价 ......................................... 13

4.2.1 基于KPI的绩效考核与传统绩效考核对比研究 ........................... 13 4.2.2 基于KPI的瑞明公司绩效考核体系的主要优点和缺点 ...................... 14 结 论 .................................................................... 15 致 谢 .................................................................... 16 参考文献 ................................................................. 17
