
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018届九年级英语上学期期末质量抽测试题牛津上海版更新完毕开始阅读


boys are both physically and emotionally(情感地)weak. It claims, in effect, that boys are becoming more girly!

The writers of the book say modern culture and education system have an effect on this situation. They also say boys’ learning is constricted(受限制的)by having to sit still in class all day. They don’t have good role models in school because most of their teachers are women. On top of that, most men role models in pop-culture, the authors say, are effeminate(女子气的).

Now, if you are a boy reading this, you shouldn’t get too nervous(you may already be laughing!), because the book is just talking about social changes that have been happening all over the world, not just in China. When the world was becoming richer, the traditional roles of men and women changed a lot. Now we no longer live in old times when men had to defend their families from man-eating tigers. And women are no longer financially(经济地)dependent on men because they have their own jobs and careers.

Becoming a man is a difficult and long process. Your best role model is probably your father. From our fathers we learn

邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。17 / 20


that a man is honest and kind. He is responsible and hardworking. He always faces difficulties and doesn’t complain or make excuses. He may not have big muscles, but he does have a big heart. As long as there are good fathers, there is no need to worry about“saving”the boys.

88. What’s today’s Chinese boys’ problem according to a book called Save the Boys?

89. According to the book, what causes the boys’ problem? 90. Why do the boys have no good role models in school?

91. According to the book, social changes are just happening in China, aren’t they?

92. Who can be the boys’ best role model? 93, What can we do to help boys become men?

Ⅶ. Writing(作文)(共20分)

94. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic“I’m looking forward to sth./doing sth.”(以“我期待…”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。18 / 20



参考答案 听力(略)

26-30 BCBAD 31-35 DBDDC 36-40 CBDBA 41-45 BABBC 46-49 CBDE 50-53 ADEC

54. photos 55. me 56. fifth 57. possibly 58. interested 59. sell 60. changeable 61. conclusion

62. Did, deny 63. How much 64. Why ,did, 65. what, had 66. unless, comes 67. are pushed 68. Ken used clues to help him find the thief. 69-74 BBACBA 75-80 CBCDAB

81. developing 82. market 83. including 84. hard 85. some 86. popular 87. stop

88. Chinese boys are failing to become man, they are both physically and emotionally week.

89. Modern culture and educational system

90. Because most of their teachers are women. And most men role models in pop-culture, the authors say, are effeminate.

邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。19 / 20


91. No, they aren’t 92. Their fathers

93. We can hold some special activities and organize some organizations to help boys become mentally brave and physically strong.


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