2018年湘少版小学英语六年级下册全册教?含教学反? - 百度文库

ʱ : һ 2018年湘少版小学英语六年级下册全册教?含教学反? - 百度文库ϿʼĶ

(2) relax on the sandy beach, enjoy ourselves, have a picnic, bring foodȡ 2. ͣ (1) áMy family does sth.ܼ˾һչĻ (2) ܿsb. likes to do sth.͡ () ӦĿ 1. 龳жԼ˵Ļб 2. ܽͼĶDֵĶģӦϰ ص ĶġWww.12999.com ѵ Ķж⡣ȷ⡢Ϊ˳Ƶʱʵı仯ʽ ѧѧƵƬһ ׼ Step 1 /ϰWarm-up/Revision 1. ϰBִ ʦöýμչʾBͼƬѧ˵飬ȻһͼƬѧ˵ 2. ϷRelay raceʴ ѧ ѧ˵һʣ򶯴ʴ飩ʦںڰϰ飻Ҫ˵ʲɶһʼһ֣ʱȡôλᡣ Group 1 go shopping read a book swim watch a movie ... 3. Free talk What do you usually do at weekends? Իͬѧ̸Լĩ飬Բ֮ǰڰϰĶʡ Step 2 ȤζĶLets read 1. Listen and answer 飬ش⡣ Group 2 play basketball climb the mountain draw a picture take a walk ... Q1: Where is Mr Liu?s family? ƪĽϳϢ󣬳϶࣬һʱ򣬿ѧ飬һ߿һȻѧó𰸡On the sandy beach.sandy beach,ɽͼƬѧ⣬עеѧ׽sandySunday һ 2. Read and circle ĬģȦĵʻ䡣ʦʱѧɨʡ 3. Read and judge ϸĶĺж⡣ Reading tips: Read. Find and underline. Read again and judge. ʦԽ̸ѧķߡһ⣬ڶصҳؾ䲢ٶ⣬жϡڵ2С͵4Сзֱhave a picnic, bring food 4. Listen and repeat ԭģеγɡ 5. Read and talk T: How does the family feel at weekends? They are very happy. ֵעǣжദֱMr Liuһʱоֵľӡѧҳһ飬һڵҸС磺They enjoy the day there. They are happy to have time together. They have lots of fun and they love each other more. Step 3 ȤζLets Practise (1) ȳʾĸͷѧϰCֵݣ飺My family likes . (2) ѡԼϲһʶݳ Step 4 ȤζϷGames Task: Family Showͥ (1) ʾʦóԼ˵Ƭչʾ (2) ϰѧóͥʱƬʱ׼ʦṩһЩϢѧDZ (3) չʾΪ߻սԺʹ̼ԣɽȫֳɼС飬Сչʾÿһˣ֣ἴչʾҲԲȡƣÿÿοΪСһ֡ һ 1. CֺD֡ ҵ 2. дһдѡԼϲһһƬȿͷд ʦ ڿʱ ʱ 3 ʱ Unit 1 A family outing My family likes . ѧ Ϊ˷ḻѧԣʦʾʱҪCԽṹĻϼǰѧϰʾ Unit 1 A family outing (һ) Ŀ 1. ʻ㣺BֵĴ顣 2. ͣáWe?ll do sth. My family/sb. does sth.Ⱦͽṹбд ѧ3. дܸݶжϾ Ŀ () ӦĿ 1. 龳ñԪѧĵʺ;ͱ 2. ۺñԪĵʺصдϰ 3. ܳһµӢĸ The More We Get Together ص ۺñԪص㵥ʺ;ͽṹ ѵ дϰʱȷöʵĵ˳Ƶʽ ѧֽУѧƵ ׼ Step 1 / ϰWarm-up/Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Revision (1) Ϸ ʦBִ鿨ֽеΪӣȻÿѡ˵һ飬׳ӺѡĴͬܵõһ֡ (2) ϷChain work ʴ ΪѧǰʱѧϰҵҲϰѾ ѧ ܺرʴˡʦ飺 What does your family do at weekends? T: Peter, what does your family do at weekends? P: My family usually goes to the park at weekends. Amy, what does your family do at weekends? A: My family usually visits my grandparents at weekends. Step 2 дһдLets write һRead Question 1 & 2 ʦϵ⣬ѧȦʴʣWhat, Where⡣ ڶWrite down the answers дµһ͵ڶĴ𰸡 Talk about the things you want to do with your family at weekends, and then write them down. ȿͷд Step 3 ҥLets sing 1. ŶƵһ飬ܸɡ 2. 飬Ÿʣһ飬ɶ߳ 3. ¼ʦ𵥴ʵķѧϰӡThe
