新标准大学英语视听说教程4 - 听力原文及翻译

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E:Um it's I think a little sooner than that for women.Women I think 62or 63. P;Right ,good.And in Brazil is it similar?

Penny:Similar to the States.It's um after 60 for women.65 for men,or if you've clocked up about 30 or 35 years of service then you can retire after that.

P:Right and when...do you have a pay day?When is pay day?

E:Um,well ,we gt paid twice a month,so we get paid at the beginning of the month and then we get paid in the middle of the month at the 15th give or take(大约). P:Yeah,and what about in Brazil?

Penny:I think it all depends which company you're working for.For the one I am working for right now I get paid twice a month but when I began,with a different company that was once a month,so,it varies.

P:And are there any company benefits that you have in the States?Do you have a company car or a pension?

E:Yeah,we get a company car.We're able to...we lease a car in effect but it's a company car that we get for 18 months to two years and then we...we can move on to another model from that.There's a fairly good pension scheme,that's still working,and hospitalization as well. P:Oh,that's important

E:Yeah,a health plan through work is very important. P:Right.And what about in Brazil?

Penny:Yeah,excellent benefits like that.Well I mean it does depend on the company and the status of your or your job but you might get a car,living accommodation,school for the children,they'll pay for your lunch,travel passes,gasoline,health insurance,all sorts of benefits actually it's very good.

P:Sounds very good,with the holiday and all those benefits it sounds a great place to work. 嗨,我们是在谈论在美国和巴西的典型工作时间……你是从美国来的,告诉我在美国的典型的工作时间是什么?

E:呃…传统上人们去上午九点工作,他们完成在5左右,因此一个9 5种。 教授:我知道你是英国人,但你在巴西工作,巴西的时间是多少?



你要穿上外套,系上领带去上班,因为男人今天穿一件衬衫就行了,你不必穿一条领带,有时星期五你可以穿一条牛仔裤去上班。 警:哦,这是星期五的衣服吗? 这是正确的,星期五的服装。 警:这仍然发生吗? 是的,是肯定的。 在巴西,怎么样?

嗯,很随意,很随便,嗯,我的意思是你需要看起来整洁整洁,但你,你有你自己的选择,依靠你会穿什么,没有规则和规章,重要的是要看起来聪明,但舒适。 对,是的,你有饭休息还是……你可以或……?

午餐,午餐通常是一个小时,如果你要做很多工作从你的桌子上,通常是一个小时的时间。 是的,巴西怎么样?



我得做一个相当严格的记录,这样我就可以在大多数日子里超过五点的时间去加班了。 警:对。


警:你得付四分之一小时吗? 这是正确的,按季。 在巴西怎么样?


好的,那是很难的。假期,在美国呢?你没有太多的假期在美国吗? E:发现你开始在公司你得到两周的假期或两个星期的假期我们说… P:是的

恩:嗯,那通常是不到你在公司里五个耳朵,他们再给你一个星期,所以你在那里三个星期后五年。 巴西市的?

彭妮:嗯,很好actually-30days。 警:听起来很慷慨。 是的,我可以回到…

病人:30个工作日还是30天? 这是30个工作日 警:哇,那是


退休怎么样?我知道这是一个很长的路!你什么时候退休? 一般说来是65。 对女性也一样。

E:嗯,这是我想早一点的妇女相比,女性我认为62or 63。 P;吧,好在巴西它是相似的?

彭妮:类似于美国。在60 women.65男人是嗯,或者如果你已经打了30年或35年的服务,然后你就可以退休之后。


E:嗯,嗯,我们GT支付一个月两次,所以我们会在月初支付,然后我们得到报酬在本月中旬举行的第十五给予或采取(大约)。 是的,巴西呢?

我想这一切取决于你在哪家公司工作,因为我现在工作的一个月,我一个月要付两次,但是当我开始的时候,有一个不同的公司,每月一次,所以,它变化。 教授:你在美国有什么公司的福利吗?你有一辆车或一个退休金吗?

是的,我们有一辆车,我们可以租一辆车,但是这是我们18个月到两年后的车,我们可以从中移动到另一个模式。还有一个相当不错的退休金计划,那就是工作和住院。 教授:哦,那很重要

是啊,通过工作的健康计划是非常重要的。 P:在巴西那次吗?




Unit 2

Outside view

Conversation 1

Joe: OK, when you finished chatting, let's get down to work. Andy: OK, sure.

Janet: Fine by me. What's on the agenda?

Joe: First up today is Read all about it! Now, I assume everyone has read all the books for the

future? Has anyone read any of the books?

Andy: Well, Joe, there are over 20 new books coming out next month, so…

Joe: I'm sorry, I really think that's quite unacceptable. It's your job! What about you, Janet?

Janet: I'm sorry but this is the first time I've worked on Read all about it! And I didn't know I was

meant to read all the books. Andy: Have you read them?

Joe: No, but that's why you're my assistants. You're meant to assist me. Andy: It's true that we need to read the books, Joe, but we haven't… Joe: OK, there you go. You are always making excuses!

Andy: And what's more, we haven't even chosen the books yet. Joe: OK, let's get down with it. What's on the list?

Janet: I suppose we're looking for books with a London angle(伦敦视角)? Andy: Not necessarily.

Janet: Is it OK to look for non-fiction too? Joe: Absolutely.

Janet: OK, here's an idea. There's a new biography(自传) of Charles Dickens which I'm reading. Andy: Sounds good-his books are always on TV.

Janet: You see I'm studying Dickens at university, and I noticed it in the bookshop last week. It's

really interesting.

Joe: OK, tell us more.

Janet: Well, it's a description of the London locations where he set many of his books like Oliver

Twist and David Copperfield.

Andy: Sounds right up your street(拿手的)! Joe Well done, Janet. Maybe you can show Andy how to plan the feature. OK, that's it

everyone. Let's get to it!



珍妮特:我很好。议程上是什么? 乔:今天第一次看的是关于它的一切!现在,我认为每个人都已经阅读了所有的书,为未来?有人读过书吗?















