
发布时间 : 星期日 文章九年级英语Unit1归纳更新完毕开始阅读

解放中学902班 九年级英语单元总复习 Unit 1 第1页/共2页


? pronounce v. 发??的音

pronunciation n. 发音;发音法 ? memorize v.

memory n.

? solution to the problem ? afraid adj.

be afraid of sth 害怕某(事)物 be afraid of doing sth 担心做某事 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事

I’m afraid so. 恐怕如此。 I’m afraid not. 恐怕不是这样。

知识链接:be terrified of (doing) sth 害怕(做)某事 be terrified at/with 被??吓一跳

? take notes (也可以是make notes) 做笔记;记笔记 ? look ? up in the dictionary 查字典

问题:应该说look them up,还是应该说 look up them?(前者是正确的,它是动副短语) ? deal with 处理;应付

? regard ? as ? 把??当??看待

We regard our English teacher as a big brother.

? -ment后缀 disagreement development movement

dis-前缀和un-前缀所构成的词不是否定词。如:He dislikes moves, doesn’t he? ? try/do one’s best to do sth ? matter

n. 事情;物质

It was a matter of life and death for them. 这事对他们来说是生死攸关。 v. 重要;要紧the matter 麻烦事;毛病

There's something the matter with this car. 这辆汽车有点毛病。 v. 有关系

It doesn’t matter. 没关系。

? decide to do/decide on/make a decision to do ? 使动用法,“使(某人)??”,一般以物为主语,以人为宾语,即“某物使某人??”,其形容词通常有两

个,分别带-ed和-ing,形式与其过去分词和现在分词相同,-ed修饰人,-ing修饰物。 常见的使动用法的词有: 动词原形 interest excite surprise frustrate impress annoy relax bore trouble amaze please terrify satisfy interested excited surprised frustrated impressed annoyed relaxed bored *troubled amazed pleased terrified *satisfied 形容词 interesting exciting surprising frustrating impressing annoying relaxing boring *troubling amazing pleasant terrifying *satisfying be interested in be excited about/at/over/to do be surprised at/that从句 be frustrated by be impressed by/with be annoyed with sb at/for sth be amazed at/by/to-v/that be pleased at/about/by/with/to-v/that be terrified of (doing) sth/by sth be satisfied at sb/ with sth 短语 [注]1、前面有*的只需了解。2、要特别注意记忆短语中的介词。3、用短语造句是记忆这些短语的最好方法。 [举例] 1. She is very excited about winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已。

解放中学902班 九年级英语单元总复习 Unit 1 第2页/共2页

2. Losing a little money doesn't trouble me. 损失一点钱我并不在意。 ? 英汉互译

first of all 正确发音

be afraid to speak in class 做笔记

get much writing practice 对??感到兴奋

look them up in the dictionary 处理难题

决定做大量的语法笔记 change ? into ? study with a group with the help of our teachers 二、句型汇总

? I learn English by using it. ? He said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.

[说明]动词(短语)做主语时,动词要改为动名词形式(v-ing)。 [例] He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. [说明]find + n. + adj. 结构,意思是“发现(做)某事如何”,通常可以改为that从句,如:上句可改为: ? He finds that watching movies is frustrating because the people speak too quickly.

[例] 她过去常常觉得学英语太难。 She used to find learning English too hard. 三、阅读汇总

阅读材料,提取信息,快速,准确,全面。 ? Section A部分3a

材料主题:学习英语的秘诀。 主要信息:

学习方法 你的评价 by using English To learn new words by reading English magazines To learn new words by memorizing the words of pop songs by studying grammar by watching English movies by joining the English club at school ★★★★★ by having conversations with friends ? Section B部分3a 材料主题:学习经验介绍

材料结构:1、过去在学习英语方面所遭遇的困难;2、采取了哪些比较有效的学习方法;3、这些方法所取得的成果和自我评价。 problem solution result ? Self Check部分 材料主题:处理难题的方法

主要收获:我们不仅能从能从文中学到语言知识,更能从中明白很多道理和做人做事的方法。 学习方法:结合自身实际,认真思考和感悟。 四、写作汇总


? 怎样学习,效果最好(模仿Section A部分3a)

? 学习经验介绍(可参考Section B部分3a和Self Check活动2) [注] 1、写作时,要脱离教科书。2、写完之后,要反复检查修改。
