2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)训练题:专题限时集训(十一) 训练2 夹叙夹议文+议论文

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018版高考英语二轮(浙江专用)训练题:专题限时集训(十一) 训练2 夹叙夹议文+议论文更新完毕开始阅读


专题限时集训(十一) 完形填空 训练2 夹叙夹议文+议论文

(对应学生用书第168页) A 【导学号:38144049】


Once,as a young man full of fancy,I undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged“goods”of life.As other men sometimes make a 1 of possessions they own or would like to own,I set 2 my desirables:health,love,beauty,talent,power,riches,and fame.

When my catalogue was completed I 3 showed it to a wise elder who had been the trusted guide and 4 model of my youth.Perhaps I was trying to 5 him with my forward wisdom. 6 ,I handed him the list.“This,”I told him confidently,“is the sum of mortal(凡人的)goods.If a man could 7 them all,he would be a god.”

At the corners of my friend's old eyes,I saw wrinkles of amusement 8 in a patient net.“An excellent list,”he said,considering it 9 ,“well digested and set down in not-unreasonable order. 10 it appears,my young friend,that you have 11 the most important element of all without 12 each possession becomes a terrifying misery.”

“And what,”I asked,raising my voice with 13 ,“is that missing aspect?”

With a pencil he 14 my entire schedule.Then,having destroyed my dream structure at a single blow,he wrote down three words: 15 of mind.“This is the gift that God 16 for his special proteges(被保护者),”he said.

“Talent and beauty.He gives to 17 .Wealth is commonplace,fame not 18 .But peace of mind is his final 19 of approval and the fondest symbol of his love.He presents it with great caution.Most men are never blessed with it;others



wait all their lives—yes,far into 20 age-for this gift to fall upon them.” 【语篇解读】 作者曾列出一张他的一生中期望得到的东西的清单,即健康、爱情、美丽、智慧、权力、财富、名声。然而当他把清单给一位智者看的时候,他却否定了这些,并指出唯有“心灵的平静”才是人一生中最好的赐予。 1.A.list C.sense

B.point D.difference

A [make a list of...列一张……清单,此处指列出他们拥有或想要拥有的事物。] 2.A.up C.down

B.off D.about

C [set down记下,写下,此处指“我写下我所期望得到的东西”。] 3.A.modestly C.sadly

B.proudly D.cautiously

B [由语境可知,作者对自己列出的人生追求是非常满意且自信的,所以此处应该是“骄傲地”拿给智者看,故选proudly。] 4.A.spiritual C.mental

B.physical D.fashionable

A [spiritual精神上的,心灵上的;physical身体的;mental思想上的,精神上的,常搭配不好的或中性的名词;fashionable时尚的。] 5.A.convince C.impress

B.provide D.surprise

C [impress sb.with sth.用某物给某人留下深刻印象。此处意为“也许我在试图以我的超前的智慧给智者留下深刻印象”。] 6.A.Besides C.Meanwhile

B.Although D.Anyway

D [anyway表示“反正”,符合语境。]



7.A.possess C.employ

B.afford D.process

A [possess表示“拥有”,符合语境。] 8.A.collecting C.approaching

B.gathering D.increasing

B [此处表示“我看到他眼角的皱纹因为隐忍的笑意而聚集在一起”。collect收集;gather聚集,聚拢;approach靠近;increase增加。] 9.A.embarrassingly C.hurriedly

B.thoughtfully D.deliberately

B [此处意为“仔细地考虑了一番”。thoughtfully深思熟虑地,符合语境。embarrassingly尴尬地;hurriedly匆忙地;deliberately故意地。] 10.A.So C.But

B.Thus D.Then

C [此空前面的“理解到位、不无道理”与“漏掉了最重要的元素”这两个评价是转折关系,故选C。] 11.A.left out C.put away

B.put forward D.taken off

A [leave out漏掉;put forward提出;put away放好,收拾好;take off起飞。A项符合题意。] 12.A.whom C.that

B.what D.which

D [此处是一个介词加关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句,关系词which指代前面的“the most important element”。] 13.A.delight C.sorrow

B.anger D.depression

B [作者因自己满意的观点受到质疑和否定而生气,故选anger。delight高兴;



sorrow遗憾;depression沮丧。] 14.A.crossed out C.broke down

B.crossed over D.broke up

A [cross out表示“删掉,划掉”,符合语境。] 15.A.absence C.quietness

B.silence D.peace

D [由下文出现的“peace of mind”可知选D。] 16.A.reserves C.preserves

B.serves D.deserves

A [reserve sth.for sb.为某人保留某物。serve服务;preserve一般指食物等的保存;deserve应得。] 17.A.little C.many

B.few D.much

C [从上下文可知,这里提到的“talent,beauty,wealth,fame”都被老者否定了,而否定的理由也是并列的,因此由“commonplace”这一词可知,其他的也都是“许多、不罕见的”。故选择many。] 18.A.good C.possible

B [not rare不罕见,理由同上题。] 19.A.praise C.attempt

B.prize D.reward B.rare D.enough

D [reward表示“报酬,回报”,此处意为“内心的平静是上帝因肯定你而回报给你的礼物”。praise称赞;prize奖项;attempt企图。] 20.A.grown C.advanced

B.developed D.fallen

C [根据上文可知,上帝不轻易赐予这份礼物,很多人一生都在等待它,直

