
发布时间 : 星期三 文章2014年福建专升本(博迪专升本)大学英语语法资料更新完毕开始阅读


1) I refuse to have my house used as a hotel. 2) Can you get the work finished on time? 3) I couldn’t make myself heard above the noise. 4) We saw a satellite sweeping across the sky.

4 used to与be used to 的用法

used to后面接动词原型,表达过去的某种习惯、动作或状

态,意为“过去常常”,没有人称和时态的变化,否定式为used not to;而be used to后面接名词或动名词,表示“习惯于”,有人称和时态的变化。 例如:

1) She used to dance every night, but now she studies. 2) She finally is used to eating American food. 3) He is used to drinking coffee.

5 几个要求动名词主动形式做宾语的动词,其主动形式表示被动的意思

在动词need, want, require和deserve后面常用动名词的主

动形式表示被动的意思,也可以用不定式的被动形式。 例如:

1) The laboratory needs putting into repair.


2) These young seedlings will require looking after carefully.

6 要求用不带to的动词不定时做宾语的(动词)短语

在had better, would rather, rather than, would sooner, would

just as soon, do nothing but, can not help but, can not but等不用带to的动词不定式做宾语。 例如:

1) I couldn’t help but wait for the next bus to come. 2) Last night I did nothing but watch TV. 3) You had better do morning exercises everyday. 4) He would rather be a peasant than a worker.

Lecture 10 强调


成分的结构位置等方法来突出某一句子成分,称为强调。 (1)当句子的主语,宾语或状语需要强调时,用“It is(was) +被强调部分+that(who, whom)+句子其他部分”。当被强调部分是状语时,也只能用that,不能用when或where,被强调部分如果是原因状语,用because… 例如:

1) It was in the 1960’s that the trade between the two countries

