
发布时间 : 星期五 文章2014年福建专升本(博迪专升本)大学英语语法资料更新完毕开始阅读

Lectures on Grammar

Lecture 1 Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)


1. 用于包含非真实条件句的复合句中 1.1 构成

句 子 类 别 词 动形 式 If 条件句 should 主句 时 态 虚拟式现在时 动词用过去式 would + 动词原形 (be一般用were) could might should 虚拟式过去时 had +过去分词 would + have+过去分词 could might 虚拟式将来时 should + 动词原形 were to should would + 动词原形 could might 1

1.2 用法

1.2.1 表示与现在事实相反的假设 例如:

1) If I knew English, I should be able to read these English book.

2) If there were no water and air, nothing could live.

3) If my grandfather were alive today, how happy he would be!

1.2.2 表示与过去事实相反的假设 例如:

1) If I had taken your advice, I wouldn’t have made this mistake. 2) If you had come yesterday, you would have seen him. 3) If you had got his help that day, you might have succeeded in

doing your experiment.

1.2.3 表示对将来实现的可能性很小或不确定的就假设 例如:

1) If I were to do this test, I would do it in a different way. 2) If you were to come tomorrow, I might have time to see you. 3) If it should rain tomorrow, what would we do?

注:假设条件句中如有had, were 或should时,可以把had,

were, should 提到句首,同时省略if。如果从句中没有


had, were或should时,则不能这样做。 例如:

1) Had he had time yesterday, he would have helped us. 2) Were I you, I would choose to study Japanese.

3) Should the teacher come this evening, I should ask him some


1.2.4 错综条件句


情况下,动词形式要进行相应调整。 例如:

1) If he had followed the doctor’s advice, he would be quite all

right now.

2) If we had controlled our population in the 1950’s, the population problem wouldn’t be so serious today. 1.2.5 有时用介词短语来代替虚拟条件句 例如:

1) Without electricity, there would be no modern industry. 2) But for your help, I wouldn’t have finished my job in time. 3) Under another social system, such floods would have caused

terrible disasters.


注: 假设的情况有时还可以通过上下文来表示。 例如:

1) He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy. 2) I would have written before, but I have been ill.

3) I was ill that day, otherwise I would have gone to see you.

2. 用在一下宾语从句中

用在一些表示要求、建议、命令等动词的宾语从句中。这时从句中谓语动词要用虚拟形似来表示,即用”should +动词原形”或省略should, 只用动词原形。 这些动词有:

suggest, propose, insist, prefer, order, command, advise, move(建议), desire, recommend, require, intend, decide, request, deserve, demand, determine, arrange, beg, ask, pray (祈求,祈祷), urge(鼓励,极力主张), etc. 例如:

1) They suggest that we (should) hold a meeting to discuss the matter.

2) I propose that the matter (should) be put to vote at once. 3) Most of the students insisted that they (should) have more English classes.

