
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新视野大学英语第三版视听说教程第更新完毕开始阅读

2 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? C Add flavor to the barbecue sauce with Coke. 3 Q: How much should the woman pay? D $55.

4 Q: What do we know from the conversation about the woman? B She is not very confident in her own figure. 5 Q: What does the woman mean?

C She cannot save herself if she falls into water. Long conversation

1 Q: What do we know about those people who are invited to the party? D They are likely to dress like people in the 1960s. 2 Q: What is particular about alien noodles? A They are brightly colored .

3 Q: Why won’t they have regular noodles at the party? A Because regular noodles don’t fit the theme of the party. 4 Q: What other arrangements do they have for the party? D They will make and have fancy mixed drinks. Passage 1

1 Q: What do we know from this passage about the speaker? A He will soon graduate from school.

2 Q: What does the speaker like doing on weekends?

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A Going for long walks in the countryside.

3 Q: How do the speaker and his friends spend the day when they go canoeing? D Drifting down the river.

4 Q: What does the speaker most like doing when camping in the evening? D Cooking potatoes in the hot ashes. Passage 2 1) objectives 2) farthest 3) recognized 4) separated into 5) involves 6) is referred to 7) life-threatening 8) designed 9) endurance

10) putting themselves at risk U4

Shor tconversations

1 Q: How did the woman react to the fact that she got pregnant? B She was too happy to keep it a secret.

2 Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Miley?

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B She was no longer admired by teenagers. 3 Q: Why does the woman admire the couple?

C Because they have made great efforts to achieve success. 4 Q: What’s the man’s attitu de toward these media? D Critical.

5 Q: What does the woman imply about the American swimmer? D He has more than once failed to meet public expectations. Long conversation

1 Q: What did the man think of those famous actresses in Hollywood? A They are foolish.

2 Q: Why did the woman want to be famous?

B She wanted to use her fame to help starving children in Africa.

3 Q: How did the man react to the woman’s reasons for wanting to be famous? B He had doubt about her real intentions. 4 Q: What can be infer about the woman?

D She will stick to her original plan and prove it to the man. Passage 1

1 Q: How did Bill Gates perform in school? B He did quite well in mathematics and science.

2 Q: Why was studying in a private school a very important decision in Bill’s life?D Because it was there he had his first contact with a computer.

3 Q: How did Bill like Harvard University?

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A Harvard University made him feel bored. 4 Q: What did Bill Gates do at Harvard University?

C He spent many long nights in fro nt of the school’s computer. Passage 2 1) commentators 2) exaggerated 3) focus on 4) lead an active life 5) laid the foundation 6) annual 7) a series of 8) advocating 9) abolish 10) Influential U5

Short conversations

1 Q: What attracts the woman most in a big city? A Access to various forms of entertainment. 2 Q: What do we know from what the woman said? A She prefers outdoor parking. 3 Q: What does the woman imply?

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