
发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验英语第三册Unit_2_-_passage_A_Einstein_and_his_compass课件更新完毕开始阅读

Language Points (L17-L31)

Come upon --to meet, find, or discover, esp. by chance 

?I came upon this cool cap in a small store in Paris.


Come up with: (想出,准备好)If you come up witha plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it. If you come up witha sum of money, you manage to produce it when it is needed.Language Points (L17-L31)



I was veryimpressed by one young man at my lectures.来听我课的一个年轻人给我留下很深的印象。


Impression (N.)


Debate made an impression.His first debate made a deep impression.His first debate on TV made a deepimpression on his audience.Language Points (L17-L31)


In no way --not at all

Theory can in no way be separated from practice. 


Alcohol will in no way ease your miseries


这些变化绝不是一种进步。The changes are in no way an improvement.Review Exercise


Attempts to persuade her to stay after

Ashe felt insulted (侮辱)were _____.

(CET-6)A. in no wayC. at a loss

B. on the contrary D. of no avail (利益)
