
发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验英语第三册Unit_2_-_passage_A_Einstein_and_his_compass课件更新完毕开始阅读

Language Points (L32-L46)


Push for --to try very hard to achieve or get急切、强烈地要求,为…奋力争取The union leaders of that country are pushing for two things: higher wages and earlier retirement.


Summary Review

Part 1 (L1-L17)Young Albert Einstein was ________________________ curious about the world. He also had_______________________patience and determination.Part 2 (L18-L24)Einstein had the opportunity toPart 3 (L25-L31)communicate with adults.______________________________Part 4 (L32-L39)He believed that beauty lies in the simplistic.___________________________________Einstein’s curiosity and persistence_______________________ kept him successful. Part 5 (L40-L46)Vocabulary Review


evident evidence respond responsestir intellect intellectual


invisible curious curiositystimulatecome up withcome overin no way

fool sb into doingcome upon

impress make an impression on

Review Exercise


?记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击做出解释。(to press for)

Reporters pressedthe spokesman foran explanation of the military attack.
