
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book3unit更新完毕开始阅读

or not.


1) (fml.)(~ sb./sth. as ) give sb. or sth. a particular name, title, or description 把?定名为; 授予?称号; 把?描述为

When residents wanted to designate the Elk River as a heritage site, the mines killed the proposal. 当居民们想把埃尔克河确定为文化遗产时,该提议却被众多的矿井给毁掉了。 2)(~sb./sth.as)formally choose sb. or sth. for a particular purpose任命; 选定; 选派

A will allows people to designate someone as receiver of their property when they die. 遗嘱使人们可以指定其去世后财产由谁继承。

8 The difference does not, for example, correlate with the difference between a manual and mental job or between jobs of low or high esteem; … (Para.3)

Meaning: The difference labor and work has no connection with the difference between a manual and mental job or between jobs which get low or high respect and admiration.

★correlate: v. (~with) if two or more facts, ideas, etc. correlate or


you correlate them, they are closely connected to each other or one causes the other(使)相互关联

Rising temperatures and the associated earlier spring snowmelt with increasing amounts and size of wildfires in the western United States. 气温升高及其所导致的春季融雪提前与美国西部数量日益增多、规模日益增大的山火是有关联的。

★ esteem:

n. [U]a feeling of respect for sb., or a good opinion of sb.尊敬; 敬重 He is held in high esteem by colleague in the construction industry. 他受到建筑业同行的高度尊重。

vt. (fml.) respect and admire sb. or sth. 尊敬; 敬重

Employee qualities such as being cooperative and industrious are often esteemed by managers. 员工的合作、勤奋等品质常常为经理们所推崇。

9 Workers are therefore more prone to dedicate more time to working, taking too little leisure rather than too much. (Para.4)

Meaning: Workers are therefore more likely to spend more time in working, and they will spend extremely little amount of time on relaxation.


★prone:a. likely to do sth. or suffer from sth., esp. sth. bad or harmful易于发生某事(尤指不好或有害的事)的;很可能?的;有?倾向的

Most children are prone to junk food. 多数孩子喜欢吃垃圾食品。

★dedicate vt.

1) use a place, time, money, etc. only for a particular purpose(为某一目的而)使用

The newspaper dedicated three whole pages to pictures of the princess. 报纸用了三个整版刊登王妃的照片。

2) give all your attention and effort to one particular thing 致力于; 献身于

The new president said she would dedicate herself protecting the rights of children, the old and the homeless. 新总统说她将致力于保护儿童、老人和无家可归者的权利。

10 To laborers, on the other hand, leisure means autonomy from compulsion, so it is natural for them to imagine that the fewer hours they have to spend laboring, and the more hours they have free for play, the better. (Para.4)

Meaning: To labors, on the other hand, leisure means complete freedom from


what they are forced to do or what they have to do; so, it is natural for them to think that it is better if they spend less time on labor and more time on play.


1) the ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else自主能力; 自主

Genetic engineering may threaten privacy, kill autonomy, make society look and be alike, and destroy the concept of human nature. 基因工程可能威胁隐私,扼杀自主权,使社会千篇一律,并且破坏人性这一观念。 2) freedom that a place or an organization has to g overn or control itself自治; 自治权

They are willing to give this district more autonomy, but not independence. 他们愿意给该地区更多的自治权,但不会让其独立。

Note compulsion: n.[sing.,U] the act of forcing or influencing sb. to do sth. they do not want to do, or the situation of being forced or influenced (被)强制;(被)强迫

Who would undertake such a difficult task without compulsion? 如果不是强制性的,谁会去承担这样—项困难的任务?

