
发布时间 : 星期二 文章全新版大学进阶英语第二册第二单元答案解析更新完毕开始阅读

you think I have arrived there.

3. It’s a pity that the winter weather will not be kind to us out of doors. But it will be nice sitting next to you in the pictures no matter what may be on the screen. It will be grand to know we have each other’s support and sympathy. Won’t it be wonderful to be together — really together in the flesh, not just to know that a letter is all we can send. Love you, Chris

III. Writing

Model letter for your reference My Dearest Pauline,

I was overwhelmed with sadness to hear about the death of Frank in battle. I long for words to say how much I sympathize with you, but none are adequate in moments like these. I will say, though, that my heart goes out to you. I will always remember the deep enjoyment I had in knowing Frank, such a kind, gentle soul.

He was an extraordinarily impressive man and a very brave soldier. He filled so many of us with admiration by his willingness to give his life for world peace and freedom. His life will endure as a model for us all, all the more so, for Dee, whom he adored. I am so proud of him. You can depend on my love and support during this sad time.

With my deepest love and sympathy,

Jenny (140 words)
