
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新标准大学英语综合教程4一到十课答案6-10更新完毕开始阅读

Your answer criticism

Correct answer opponent

7. Do you mean to that you agreed with her crazy plan

Your answer

Correct answer imply

8. The review of his new book included a lot of and not much praise.

Your answer

Correct answer criticism

9. Jacob was and angry when he shouted, \

Your answer inconceivable

Correct answer indignant

10. We used to be best friends; it's that she could do anything to hurt me.

Your answer indignant

Correct answer inconceivable

11. Are you familiar with the of this office building

Your answer

Correct answer layout

12. The committee decided to a statue of the beloved president.

Your answer

Correct answer erect

13. The of the project is unmatched in the history of this company.

Your answer

Correct answer scope

14. In terms of intelligence, this year's Nobel Prize winner everyone else in his field.

Your answer

Correct answer transcends

15. Einstein's prowess has been completely unmatched in history.

Your answer

Correct answer intellectual

16. The museum hosted a special about the age of dinosaurs.

Your answer

Correct answer exhibit

17. I can't even a life without my children.

Your answer

Correct answer contemplate

18. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to my senses and inspire me to get to work.

Your answer

Correct answer stimulate

19. Come over here and help me up this beam so we can support the ceiling.

Your answer

Correct answer hoist

20. At this point, any change will be a welcome over the status quo.

Your answer

Correct answer improvement

Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.

21. She made a vow she wouldn't drink coffee anymore.

Your answer for

Correct answer that

22. The documentary didn't justice to the situation in Africa.

Your answer as

Correct answer do

23. If she can write the recommendation herself, then much the better.

Your answer on

Correct answer so

24. His mother won the Nobel Prize, but he's an award-winning poet his own right.

Your answer on

Correct answer in

25. Do you still feel any discomfort your dislocated shoulder

Your answer on

Correct answer from

26. As mayor, I feel a huge sense civic pride in our community.

Your answer of

Correct answer of

27. It may sound unbelievable, but my wife and I experienced love first sight.

Your answer at

Correct answer at

28. We will see a moderate increase salaries this year.

Your answer in

Correct answer in

29. The speaker was completely surprised by the outburst emotion from the crowd.

Your answer into

Correct answer of

30. Barbara will interpret Miguel since he doesn't speak English.

Your answer into

Correct answer for

Your answer (31) (32)

Correct answer picturesque exquisite

skyline aesthetically

(33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40)

cdbda UNIT 9 Reading 1 1

Your answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Your answer (1)

moderate presumably conform creator fragile sentiment aesthetically compress

Correct answer illustrate scarcely retain eliminate proficiency sufficient representation

Correct answerproficiency

picturesque fragile conform sentiment exquisite prosperity presumably interpret

illustrate scarcely retain eliminate proficiency sufficient


