
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新标准大学英语综合教程4一到十课答案6-10更新完毕开始阅读

Your answer Presumably

Correct answer Presumably

8. One job of an engineer is to understand and translate the architect's ideas.

Your replacement:

Your answer interpret

Correct answer interpret

4 baabb babaa

Language use 1 2

The Crystal Palace.

It was demountable. It was used for sculpture, painting and architectural exhibits and for concerts until November 1936.

The Crystal Palace.

He extolled its utility as a military lookout, the salubrity of the air at its top, and its uses as a laboratory to experiment with wind and gravity. To demonstrate that France was a leader of the technical world. Realizing the dream of a tower 300 metres high, almost 1,000 feet.

To look at and from the Tower. Its steel framework.

By ascending it and getting a view of the city.


1. Many people cannot architecture, in fact they find it abstract and confusing.


Your answer make

Correct answer make

(2) (3)

sense of

sense of

2. To be an architect, you need to many practical as well as theoretical knowledge.

(1) (2)

Your answer acquire skills

Correct answer acquire skills

3. He said that his country will not to what is happening in the area and is deeply concerned

over the security situation there.

(1) (2)

Your answer remain iindefferent

Correct answer remain indifferent

4. Despite the financial crisis, we that we can meet our long-term financial goals.

(1) (2)

Your answer remain confident

Correct answer remain confident

5. We are well aware of the on people's health of working in a noisy office.

(1) (2)

Your answer negative sense

Correct answer

adverse / harmful / negative effects

6. The architects had a few problems with the builders but a(n) approach helped solve them.

(1) (2)

Your answer common sense

Correct answer common sense

7. They have the habit of some money each month towards buying a new flat.

(1) (2)

Your answer setting aside

Correct answer leaving / setting aside

8. the Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital International Airport, what else has Norman Foster


Your answer

Correct answer

(1) (2)

Apart from

Aside from




5When the new National Museum was completed, some citizens and architects were

indignant at the appearance of a modern building amidst the most beautiful and exquisite ancient buildings of the city. There was also an outburst of criticism of its high cost of maintenance and its strange shape. Obviously, some people felt uncomfortable with such fashionable modern buildings being erected in the city. But on the other hand, many artists and citizens believed that these criticisms failed to do justice to the beauty and artistic maturity of the new museum.

The debate caused by this museum forces many people to contemplate the future of those ancient buildings of the city in an age when the public increasingly worship the modern Western technology and styles. With their extravagance and complexity, it is costly to build ancient buildings on a large scale. At the same time, beautiful modern buildings of Western styles cannot always transcend the cultural barrier. Maybe a more moderate approach should be adopted. A careful overall plan should be made beforehand to ensure that the ancient buildings are properly preserved and the modern buildings become a harmonious part of the city.

Unit text

1. There is absolutely no to her behavior—it's completely random.

Your answer

Correct answer logic

2. The answers he gave had just enough to make me doubt his honesty.

Your answer

Correct answer ambiguity

3. Sharon was known for her ideals and romantic outlook on life.

Your answer

Correct answer lofty

4. There was a stage set up in the between the buildings for the music festival.

Your answer

Correct answer plaza

5. The of his argument confused and befuddled even the smartest people in the room.

Your answer

Correct answer complexity

6. Even though I have played chess for years, you still made a very worthy.
