
发布时间 : 星期二 文章高中英语外研版必修一短语整理(完整版)更新完毕开始阅读

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1.Module 1

2. Junior High school 3. Senior High school 初中 4. be far fromcapital city … 离…远高中 5. 6. be amazed at/by 省会城市

7. method of teaching 对…感到惊讶8.

teaching method 用这种方法:in this way, 教学方法教学方法 with this method,

9.10. 11. Introduce…toby this means

… 向…介绍… 12. More than+13. More than+数词:超过More than +adj./v./名词:不仅仅


14. 15. More than +can/could: More… than…: 与其说是后者,不如说是前者超过某人所能

16. 17. in other words 18. in a word 换句话说 keep one’总之s word

遵守诺言19. look forward to (doing) sth.

期盼(做)20. be impressed with…对…印象深刻 某事 21. be fluent in speak Chinese with fluency

在……(方面)流利 = be fluent in Chinese 22.23. 流利地说汉语at the start/beginning of

在……开始的时候 24. 25. at the end of 在……结束的时候 26. go to college/university be divided into 上大学 27. take part in 参加

被(划)分成…… 28. be similar to sb与……相似


’s attitude to/towards… 某人对某物的看

30. 31. summer holiday/vacation winter holiday/vacation 暑假 receive the high school diploma

寒假 获得高中的文凭 1.Module 2

2. make sure 3. It doesnfirst impression ’t matter.确保,确认没关系 4.5. be patient with sb. 第一印象 6. be patient of sth. 对某人有耐心


with patience=patiently 能忍受、忍耐… have the patience to do sth. 耐心地 8.有耐心做某事9. be strict with sb.

be strict in… 在……方面要求严格对某人要求严格 只供学习与交流

10.11. be strict about sth. 对某事要求严格 12. 13. can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事 14. suggest doing sth. 15. avoid doing sth. 建议做某事 keep doing sth. 不停地做某事避免做某事

16. make great progress I would appreciate it if sb could do sth. 取得很大进步

17.18. 如果……,我将不胜感激。

appreciate doing sth. admit doing/ sth. 感激某人做某事 19.20. 承认做过某事admit sb. to/into/in

允许某人进入21. scientific experiment 科学实验 22. 23. as a result 所以

24. as a result of 25. tell a joke/jokes 由于…,作为…的结果 remember to do sth. 讲笑话记得要做某事

26. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 27. 28. forget to do sth.forget doing sth. 忘记要做某事 29. try doing sth. 试着做…忘记做过某事 30. 31. try to do sth. 尽力做…

32. regret to do sth. regret doing sth. 遗憾要做某事 喜欢做A 而不愿做后悔做过某事B:

=Prefer doing A to doing B Prefer to do A rather than do B 33.=Prefer A to B

宁愿做Would rather do A than do B. A也不做B:

34.35. Would do A rather than do B. 36. European countries State school=public school 欧洲国家Private school 公立学校


1. get on 上(公车、船) Module 3

2.3. get off 下(公车、船) 4. 5. get into 上(汽车、的士) 6. get out of 下(汽车、的士);离开…

refer torefer to a dictionary 指的是;参考,查阅;提到,涉及查字典 7.8. =look up sth in a dictionary in the distance 在远处,在远方9. at a distance 花费:从远处 It takes sb time/money to do sth.

Sb spend time/money on sth.

Sb spend time/money (in) doing sth. Sth cost money.

10. Sb pay money for sth. dark red 深红色

11.12. =a long time ago

abandoned farms long long ago 废弃的农田 13.=once upon a time 14. be short for 很久以前

15. … 是……的缩写/简称 16. be short ofin short … 缺少,缺乏 17. 18. not in the 1920s … any more 总之;简言之 在20 不再

19. allow doing sth. 允许做某事世纪20年代 20. 21. out of date 过时

22. up to date 23. at a speed of最新的,最近的 pay a visit to … 我可以看看你的车票吗… 以……的速度参观… ?

Would you mind showing me your ticket? =Would you mind if I saw your ticket? 24. = Could I see your ticket?

=Excuse me, can I see your ticket? 25. 26. Swimming pool 游泳池 27. wild animal be frightened of doing sth 野生动物

不敢做某事 28. the opening ceremony world record 世界纪录 开幕式

Module 4

1.2. apartment block 3. on the second floor公寓大楼在二楼 4. 5. five-storey 五层楼的 6. in the southin the south of在南方…

7. in the countryside 在…的南方在农村

8. be made of… 由…组成(能看出材料) 9. 10. be made from… 由…组成(看不出材料) put up It has been six years since we last saw each other. 搭建;修建;张贴;举起; 提高

11. 面已经有六年了。This is the first time that I have visited your hometown.



13. By the seaside = on the coast

It is fortunate for sb to do sth.

在海边 14. 对某人来说做某事是幸运的。What is the climate like there?

15.16. 那里的气候如何?so far 到目前为止

17. 18. sound like…听起来像…=up to now

19. sound as ifsafe and sound …听起来好像,似乎…安然无恙 20. 21. high-rise building 高层建筑

22. shopping mall=shopping centre get away froma great many …许多(后加名词复数) 摆脱……


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23.24. go up 上升;(价格)上涨25. attract sb’s attention 引起某人的注意

26. 27. starve to death so far as I know 饿死 据我所知

28. 29. exchange sth for sth in exchange for 换取用某物换某物

30. reason for …的原因 (加名词性短语)

31. 32. reason why can afford to do sth 原因是为什么能负担得起做某事 (加句子) 33. survive from… 从…幸存下来 34. 35. survive onbe in contact with… 靠…幸存下来…

36. get in contact with… 与…保持联系与…取得联系 37. get away a number of = many 离开;出发

38. (修饰可数名词复数)a great deal of = much



39. (修饰不可数名词)a lot of = lots of

40.(修饰可数和不可数名词均可) 很多

41. be similar to… 与…相似 42. 43. compare compare …… to 把…比作…

44. too …with … 把…和…相比较

45. to do sth 太…以至于不能做某事 46. laugh at sb 嘲笑某人

make it survive from确定;成功;及时到达目的地;痊愈,复原… 从…中幸存

Module 5

1.2. solid 固体 3. 4. liquid gas 气体液体 5. 6. two-thirds

a quarter 三分之二 7. three quarters 四分之一 8. 9. at the stage of 四分之三在…期间

10. putbe in order … in order 井然有序把…按顺序排列、整理好 11. 12. be out of order keep order 次序紊乱,

(机器等)出故障 13. 维持秩序 14. think ofthink about认为;想象思考;考虑 15. think over仔细考虑

16. 17. think highly/well/much ofthink poorly/ill/little of… 对…评价很高 18. react with… 与…发生反应…对…评价不高 19. 20. react to21. fill in a form/chart … 对…做出回应 in the form of … 以。填表格。 22. 。形式

23. form the habit of doing sth. 养成做…的习惯 with the aim of (doing) sth. aim at doing sth.= aim to do sth 为了(做)某事旨在… 只供学习与交流

24.25. 26. aim achieve one… at… ’ s aim 瞄准、对准…

27. at the bottom of… 实现某人的目标在…的底部 28. 29. at the top of draw/reach/come to a conclusion … 在…的顶部

得出结论 30. 31. in conclusion add…to 往。。最终、总之。加入 32. 33. add to add up to 增添总共是

34. keep…out of… 使…不进入;避开… 35. 36. keep away from37. keep up with… 远离… keep one’s balance … 跟上;不落后保持平衡、保持镇静

38. lose one’s balance 失去平衡、心慌意乱 39. 40. go ahead. take turns to do sth 开始;说吧;去做吧;继续轮流做某事 41. 42. in turn 43. Itused to do sth ’s one依次、反过来’s turn to do sth


44. 45. be/get used to doing sth be used to do sth 被用来做某事 习惯于做某事 46. in the area of be proud of = take pride in 在。。。领域 47.为。。。感到骄傲/自豪

48. 49. the Nobel Prize be supposed to do sth 诺贝尔奖 理应做某事

50. 51. be astonished at/by sth be astonished to do sth 对某事感到惊讶

in astonishment 惊讶地 对某事感到惊讶 Module 6

1.2. access information3.store information source of information 储存信息获取信息


through a computer/telephone 信息来源 5. 通过电脑、电话consist of

=be made up of 由……组成

6.=be composed of

7. 8. consist in=lie in log on/off 登录在于、存在于 9. /退出

10. personal computer surf the Internet 网上冲浪个人电脑 11. the World Wide Web 万维网 12. access to sth. 通往…的道路

13. at the moment=at present 目前,现在 14. 15. go downgo up 上升(价格、数量)下降 16. 17. go on come up with继续

… 18. 19. system of communication 提出…

交流系统 as well=too=also as well as 和……一样好,同也 (用于肯定句)

20.21. become/be known as =be famous as 作为……而出名 22.=be famous for become/be known for 因……而出名

23. become/be known to 为……所熟知

24. crash into design sb sth =design sth for sb 撞上/击

25.26. 为某人设计某物be designed to do sth

为做……而设计 27. 28.

dozens /scores of+名词复数 许多 29. from that moment/ then on 从那时起 30. 31. from now on with s从现在起

32. 33. without sbb’s permission 经某人允许

compare…’withs permission 将…与…相比未经某人允许 34.

35. compare …to 把…比作… 36. 37.

concentrate on sth/doing sth agree with sb/ what sb said / sb 专注做某事

’s words

38. 同意某人、某人说的话agree to idea/decision/ plan / arrangement /advice /suggestion

…39.40. 同意计划等agree on sth


双方……达成一致协议 41. 42. on average above/below average 平均起来/来说在平均水平以上

/以下 43. 44.

the number of +名词复数, …… 的数量 45. a number of+ take (full) advantage of名词复数,… ( 充分许多,若干)利用… 46. =make (full) use of… 47.

48. 49. instead of , pass away 代替;而不是去世 50. 51.

pass by 经过 52.

pass on 把……传下去
