新牛津9A unit 4 Growing up 词组背诵版新版修订稿

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world, her unhappiness with living in a small place all year and her fear of discovery and death.



2多年来,他在当地的一家工厂工作 3发现某人有什么不寻常的 4准备好去帮助别人 5支付某物

6支付得起做某事 7失去了他们的父母。

8无论何时,他已经存了一些钱,他就给有需要的人。 9献血

10他已经捐赠的血足以挽救70条生命。 11献血细胞给患血癌的人

12让我吃惊的是,他已决定在他死后捐出自己的身体以供医学研究。 13我的父亲似乎对别人比对自己的家人更为友善。 14他有一颗充满爱的心。

1. in his fifties fifty – fifties forty-forties

2. He has worked in a local factory for years 3. find something/anything unusual about sb

unusual 不同寻常的 different 不同的

4. be ready to help anyone 5. afford sth=pay for sth 6. afford to do sth

7. care for=look after =take care of

careful adj

8. lose their parents

9. Whenever he has some money left, he gives it to someone in need. have sth done

10. donate blood v. donate sth to sb donations n.

11. The blood (he has donated) is enough to save over/more

than 70 lives.

12. donate blood cells to people with blood cancer have cancer bone cancer lung cancer

Cancer 巨蟹座

13. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.
