新视野大学英语第三册Unit 1 - 图文

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Love Without Limitations

NHCE-BIII-Unit 1 MENUI. ObjectivesII. PreviewIII. Leading-inIV. Section A-TextV. Answers to ExercisesVI. Extensive TasksVII. Testing Yourself VIII. HomeworkNHCE-BIII-Unit 1 I: Objectives ObjectivesStudents would:1. be able to successfully finish listening, speaking,reading and writing tasks related to the theme of “love without limitations”, with the help oftheme vocabulary.2. improve the accuracyof their spoken and written output, thanks to theme words and expressions.3. improve the fluency of their spoken output duringthe completion of the chains of tasks.4. gain insights into the philosophy of love.MENUNHCE-BIII-Unit 1 II: Preview

Famous Sayings about Love

1. He that has no children, knows not what is love.


