
发布时间 : 星期日 文章2014年成人学位英语临考密押试题及答案(第十一套).docx更新完毕开始阅读

这三个老师经常转换他们的教学方法。在?方面用in,X vary from Y,表示X不同于Y。

33. It was while she was sleeping in her bedroom_________ a thief broke into the house. A which B that C where D than 答案:B

这是一强调句,it was?,that?,此处是对while引导的时间状语进行的强调。 34. _________is well known, the key to success lies in hard work. A As B That C Which D What 答案:A

本题考查的是固定搭配as is well known,众所周知的意思。

35. English is used by more people than is_________ language except Chinese. A any

B any other C other D all other 答案:B

本题考查的是比较级的说法。表示除自己外任何一个用any other+名词单数。例如:China is larger than any other country in Asia.(因为中国属于亚洲)或:China is larger than any country in Africa.(因为中国不属于非洲)

36. ______is well-known, the environment in China is badly in need of improvement. A It B That C As D What 答案:C

此题考查的是as引导的特殊定语从句。As is well known/as is known to all/as we all know:众所周知。

37. We look forward to________ to the opening ceremony. A invite B be invited

C having been invited D being invited 答案:D

短语用法。look forward to doing sth.渴望做某事,如:My mother says she’s looking forward to meeting you.我妈说她想见见你。因此答案只能从C和D中选择。渴望被邀请,这件事情还未发生,因此用完


38. _________a teacher, one must first be a pupil. A Being

B Having been C To be

D To have been 答案:C


39. _________was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. A What B That C Which D As 答案:A


40. It was not until dawn_________ their way out of the forest. A when they found B that they found C did they find

D that they didn’t find 答案:B

直到黎明他们才找到森林的出路。前面用了It was,说明是个强调句型,后面要用that引导的从句。 41. Have you any_________ that you were not there at 9 o’’clock last night? A statement B cause C words D proof 答案:D

表示证据。句意是你有没有昨晚九点不在场的证据。statement陈诉,cause原因,words话语。 42. How can you_________ her offer? I’’m afraid she will feel hurt. A turn out B turn up C turn down D turn away 答案:C

此题考查动词turn的介词搭配:turn out,打扫,驱逐;turn up,找到,发现,出现;turn down,拒绝;turn away,走开,转过脸。由下句话的意思恐怕她感觉受到伤害了可知应选C,她的请求被拒绝了。 43. The goods_________ when we arrived at the airport. A were just unloading

B were just been unloading C had just unloaded

D were just being unloaded 答案:D


44. _________by the look on her face, she didn’’t catch what I meant. A Judging B Judged C Judge D To judge 答案:A

本题考查主语一致,因为主语她是判断者,所以要用主动形式。因此此题选A。 45. All things_________, the planned trip had to be called off. A considered B be considered C considering

D having considered 答案:A


Part III Identification (10%) Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cente

46. \ A A B B C C D D 答案:D

根据句子的意思,把in note应改为in cash,表示用现金。

47. Of the two lectures, (the first) was by far (the best one), partly because the person who delivered (it) had (such) a pleasant voice. A A B B C C D D 答案:B

应改为the better one两者比较用比较式。

48. (At) school Li Ming ran (into) many problems, such as (choosing) classes and (to handle) his time.

A A B B C C D D 答案:D

应改为handling,和前面的choosing是平行结构,接在such as的后面。

49. \ A A B B C C D D 答案:B

应改为have I heard.never如放在句首,则表示句子需要倒装,将助动词have提前。 50. Today we (have made) (great achievements), but tomorrow we (shall win) still (great victories). A A B B C C D D 答案:D

应改为greater victories.Still修饰比较级,更加的意思。

51. (Research shows) that employees (whose) obtain (satisfaction) from their jobs are more (productive). A A B B C C D D 答案:B


52. The information (which) she (was injured) in (the accident) (was given) by Liz. A A B B C C D D 答案:A


53. (Advertising) gives useful information about (which) (products) (to buying). A A B B C C D D 答案:D
