
发布时间 : 星期四 文章天津市河北区2020届高三总复习质量检测(一)(一模)英语试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读

25. A. helped with 26. A. watched 28. A. serve 29. A. wanted 30. A. afraid 31. A. images 32. A. clothes

27. A. beautiful

B. stared at B. regretted B. funny B. afford B. sure B. cards

C. referred to C. hesitated C. dirty C. choose C. aware C. gifts C. mother

D. focused on D. choked D. colorful D. bring D. paid D. proud D. words D. expectation D. common D. support D. interesting

B. informed C. reminded

B. kindness B. changeable B. natural

33. A. emotional 34. A. adventures 35. A. different

C. sensitive C. broad

B. disadvantages C. curiosity




You might think you’re in control of your schedule, but your body developed to follow a natural rhythm. Sticking closer to that routine can help keep you in wonderful shape. ·Drink coffee

Drinking coffee is best done early in the day. If you drink coffee later, it can reset your body’s clock and prevent sleep. If you’re sure you can take a shot of espresso (浓咖啡) at 8 pm and be sleeping by 10 pm, try skipping the caffeine for a few weeks to see what a night of truly good rest feels like. ·Eat

It’s best to eat your biggest meal early, contrary to a typical American day. Insulin (胰岛素) — the hormone (激素) that regulates metabolism (新陈代谢) — peaks in the first half of the day, then steadily drops. So your blood sugar is less likely to skyrocket after a big breakfast than after a comparable dinner. ·Sleep

Around 8 pm or 9 pm, our bodies start to cool down, and we sleep better when we have a low core body temperature. But how much shut-eye is ideal? Studies show that those

who get six and a half to eight hours are less likely to die early. Eight hours seems to be perfect. ·Exercise

Some people swear by early-morning jogs. But muscle tone is highest around 5 pm Even professionals get a boost: West Coast NFL teams won more often and by a higher margin (差数) in matches after 8 pm on the East Coast. Still on Pacific time, their body were primed to play. ·Be creative

The evolution of language, religion, and philosophy all started with late-night talks—and research suggests there is still a different cast to our night thinking. So save that short story you’ve been meaning to write for a dark and restless night. ·Do math

Scientists think we reach maximum alertness between 10 am and 2 pm, with a peak around noon. For the first few hours after we wake, organs with more basic functions take priority. Once they’re booted up, our brains have a chance to hog (把…占为己有) some more energy.

36. The author suggests people who drink coffee late in the day___________. A. go to bed without drinking coffee B. break their habit and go to bed early C. go to bed two hours after drinking coffee D. stick to their habit to have a truly good sleep 37. What can be learned from the third paragraph?

A. Americans usually have their biggest meal in the morning. B. Insulin plays an important role in controlling our blood sugar. C. The higher your insulin level is, the higher your blood sugar level is.

D. People’s blood sugar level is normally higher in the morning than in the afternoon. 38. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Having a higher body temperature helps people sleep better.

B. People with eight hours’ sleeping each night live longer than those with shorter

hours’ sleeping.

C. Students should work on their math tasks as soon as they get up because their

brains work best at the time.

D. Professional athletes are likely to achieve better results when training in the late

afternoon than in the early morning.

39. Joanna is a promising young writer whose microblog enjoys one million followers.

What is probably the best time for her to write inspiring stories for her fans? A. 8 am.

B. 11 pm.

C. 6 pm. B

When I tell people I wrote a book with my dad, they usually say, “It must be nice to think of the legacy (留下来的东西) you created with someone who means so much to you.”

This was a beautiful idea, but it was not the way I, or my dad, ever thought about the cooperation. Though we created something we’re proud of, “nice” is not the word either of us uses to describe the process.

“It was more confrontation than cooperation,” my dad likes to say. I agree. When we landed a book deal, we began a writing journey that was more difficult than either of us had anticipated, but also far more rewarding.

For almost three years, we met once or twice a week at my parents’ house and talked daily to plan and outline each chapter. After these meetings, one of us would write a rough draft that the other would build on. I wanted the book to focus on positive vices (不良习惯), such as moderate chocolate. However, my dad felt the book should include chapters dealing with things like walking and spending time with family. Ultimately, I saw it his way. He said the book was about more than just good vices. It was about encouraging people to enjoy life in healthy ways.

Writing this book was a reminder that our family members share not only our faults but also our strengths. My dad is smart, funny, critical and caring. He has a strong passion for the truth. I hope I share these great qualities. For this book, he researched each topic with an enthusiasm I’d never seen from him, and he insisted that we constantly question and critically analyze every piece of information — even our own conclusions. He was determined to cooperate with me on a book, not because he couldn’t write one on his own, but because he believed that we could create something better together than we could alone. I’m not sure if our cooperation led to better writing, but I’m sure it led to a better writing experience. Writing this book was difficult, sometimes more difficult than past projects, but it was never lonely.

D. 10 am.

40. How would the author describe the writing process according to the first three

paragraphs? A. Nice.

B. Struggling.

C. Relaxing. D. Disappointing.

41. The author’s father insisted the book should include _____________. A. chapters focusing on positive vices B. chapters focusing on having much chocolate C. chapters focusing on enjoying life in healthy ways D. chapters focusing on reading the interesting legends 42. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A. A healthy lifestyle. B. The theme of the book.

C. Why the author wanted to write a book. D. How the author and his father worked together. 43. What can we learn about the author’s father?

A. He is not good at writing. B. He lacks confidence in himself. C. He likes to criticize others’ works. D. He likes to get to the bottom of things.

44. What did the author learn from the cooperation with his father? A. It’s important to make a plan before work. B. Communicate more when there is an argument. C. It’s worthwhile to work with someone close to you.

D. Their cooperation resulted in a better book than the author expected.


From amazing modern buildings, like Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, to classic designs, like London’s Westminster Abbey, our world is full of wonderful architecture. Such landmarks give cities character and bring communities together.

With this in mind, the Guardian recently listed their 25 favorite building designs of the
