
发布时间 : 星期日 文章最新2019年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题及答案更新完毕开始阅读

42. According to the passage, an ideal housemate is person who is___. A)suitable for your character B )good at doing housework C)willing to help you D)easy to talk with

43. When you collect the rent from your housemate, you are advised to ___. A)write down the amount B)choose a right date C)demand cash only D)give a receipt

44. To solve a problem with your housemate, it is better for you to___ A)discuss it with the person on the telephone B )seek advice from your friends or relatives C)talk with him or her about it face to face D)speak to your parents about it first 45. The passage is mainly about how to___ A)choose a good neighbor B)look for a new house C)live in a share house D)share housework

Task 3

Directions: blanks marked 46 to 50(in no more than 3 words) in the table below.

To: All office staff Re: Award party

Posted: July 1, 2013

The Awards Party will take place on August 1, 2013. The hotel chosen for the party is close to the office. Every who plans to attend the party should send an email to Mr. Black before the end of this week. If you want to bring a guest, the ticket price is $50. Only twenty guest tickets are available. All fifty tickets are reserved for staff at no charge. We hope that all staff will attend .

Please choose the staff member who you think is the most valuable worker this year. Make sure you enclose the name in an envelope and bring it to Mr. Black in person. The voting(投票)ends on the last day of this month. One winner from our staff will be chosen. Award party Date: August 1, 2013 Place: Hotel near the office Guest ticket: Number:20 Price: _46__ Staff ticket: Number: _47__ Price: no charge 5 / 10

Voting for the most valuable worker: Brought to _48__ in an envelope Deadline: _49__ of this month Number of winners: _50__ Task 4

Directions: uired to find the items equivalent to (与...相等)those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.

A---------- Perfect attendance bonus B---------- Performance bonus

D---------- Overtime pay E---------- Back pay F---------- Pay rise G---------- Pay cut H---------- Pay slip I---------- Weekly wage J---------- Minimum wage K---------- Basic wage

L---------- Traveling allowance

N---------- Before-tax salary O---------- Medical insurance

P---------- Unemployment insurance Q---------- Employment injury insurance

Examples: (A)全勤奖 (B)绩效奖金 51.( )所得税 ( )工伤保险 52. ( ) 税前薪酬 ( ) 医疗保险 53.( )基本工资 ( )年收入 54.( )加班工资 ( )出差津贴 55.( )失业保险 ( )减薪 Task 5 Directions:

Dear Mr. Jenkinson,

I am interested to see your advertisement in today’s City Daily

记录)of meetings and interviews, dealing with callers and business emails and letters when my employer is absent, helping the new employees, as well as performing the daily office duties.

A copy of my resume is enclosed with references you require. I hope to hear from you soon and to be given the opportunity to prove myself at an interview. Best Regards.

Yours sincerely,

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Jean Carson

56. How does the writer learn about the job wanted?

From__________________ in City Daily. 57. What job position is the writer applying for?

The position as__________________ 58. Where is the write working now?

At a__________________ 59. Why is the writer particularly interested in the job?

Because she thinks she can use her _________ abilities. 60. What is enclosed wit the letter?

A copy of the writer’s ________with references required.

Part Ⅳ Translation--English into Chinese (25 minutes) Directions: 61.

A)这些重要项目都是为了兴办企业的,这也会对社区有很大的促进. B)这些规划对于商业成功十分重要,并有助于将其成果奉献给社会. C)这些程序的成功与做生意一样重要,并且有助于扩大社区的规模. D)这些项目对于商业的成功至关重要,还会在总体上对社区做出贡献.

62.Once we get these details in order, we should be ready to present our final report to the president. A)一旦我们把这些细节问题整理好,就应该可以把最终报告呈交给董事长了. B)一旦将这些具体细节处理妥当,我们就要准备需呈交给董事长的最后报告. C)一旦我们有条不紊地落实好订货单,就应该去准备呈交给董事长的总结报告. D)一旦收到详细的订单,我们就应着手准备董事长要做的最后的决算报告了.

63.Buyers and sellers will find the latest property price, photos, and home selling information on our leading website!

A)我们的主网站欢迎买卖双方都上传你们的最新信息,包括资产价格、图片和房屋出售等. B)为方便买主和卖主间的沟通, 我们建立了房屋资产买卖网页,欢迎大家登陆我们的网站. C)在我们的主网站上,,买家和卖家都可以查到最新的房产价格、照片以及房屋出售等信息. D)我们为买主和卖主建立了营销网页,提供的资产价格和房屋出售等信息都会及时地更新.

64.We have been doing business with you for many years and hope that you will make the best offer for us. A)我们期待能够与你们建立起贸易关系,以合理的价格做生意. B)我们同你们有多年的生意往来,希望能够给予我们最佳报价. C)我们多年来一直与你们有生意往来,都是以最低价进行交易. D)我们之间的友好往来已经持续多年,希望以后能够降价供货. 65.

Part Ⅴ Writing (25minutes) Directions:

说明:假设你是Lucy,接到找Peter Johnson 的电话,请根据下列内容填写电话留言. 来电日期:2013年6月23日

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来电人:天津分公司的Mr. James Brown 接电话人:Lucy 留言:

James Brown 先生曾经发来邮件,汇报了新产品在天津的销售情况以及天津市场的情况.天津分公司最近有人来访,希望我们能安排会面.James Brown 先生下周不在公司,你可以拨打他的手机13981090789. For ______Peter Johnson__________________ Date ______(1)______Time _(2) _ √ A.M P.M WHILE YOU WERE OUT Miss____(3)______________ √ Mr. Mrs. Of_Tianjin Branch____________________ Phone ________________________ Fax_________________________ √ Mobile_____(4)_________________ TELEPHONE CAME TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU RETURNED YOUR CALL PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN URGENT SPECIAL ATTENTION Message ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Signed____ (5)__________________________

参考答案: (2013年06月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级a卷 TJ)


(TJ - BGZAW - Pa)

Part I Section A (每题1分) 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A Section B (每题1分) 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D

Section C (每题1分,得分为0分、0.5分、1分;答对部分得0.5分;拼写错误不给分) 11. safe 12. service 13. meet the needs 14. looking for 15. grateful

Part II Vocabulary & Structure Section A (每题1分) 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D Section B


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