第一章 应用翻译基本知识与技能 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期六 文章第一章 应用翻译基本知识与技能 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

Chairman Mao had a dream to build a great dam at Three Gorges of Yangtze River. The water power station damage environment horribly compared with the nuclear power station. Three Gorges Dam project symbolizes prosperity of China. Due to the logic of politics, the political significance of Three Gorges Dam project is more important than its economic significance.

Three Gorges Dam project has destructed the environment while it gives chance to rebuild the area drastically. The tremendous dam needs splendid urban design. Ecological reconstruction begins at same time.


原文委婉地表达了作者对三峡大坝带来的环境破坏的担忧,如果依照中文的行文方式 一一对应地译成英文,看似“忠实”的译文会让英语读者不知所云,原文的文本功能失去。



Chairman Mao once dreamed of building a great dam at the Three Gorges of Yangtze River. However, compared with nuclear power, the water power station has severely damaged the environment. Obviously, the political significance of the Three Gorges Dam exceeds its economic benefits, based on the political consideration of showing off the national power.

While destroying the environment, the Three Gorges Dam has created an opportunity to rebuild the ecosystem of the area. The huge project has initiated a large-scale urban design and reconstruction of the ecosystem at the same time. (谢工曲)

2. 2. 2 写作风格差异

汉语行文讲究工整对仗、文采华丽,因而使用过多修饰词,而且,用词中有很多同义重复现象,有些修饰词实际意义不大,与英语形成很大反差。例如,“彻底粉碎”(smash)、“走南闯北”(travel a lot)、“平淡无奇”(featureless/ ordinary)、 “更加圆满”(perfect)等,这些表达都有明显的同义重复现象,译成英语时常常需要使用“省译”的手法对原文进行处理。与之形成鲜明对比的是,英语行文用词注重上下文搭配,语言表达简洁客观,层次清晰,逻辑性强,最忌重复堆砌的表达。因而,汉语中那些被认为是必不可少的甚至是富有文采的表达在英语中常常被视为累赘多余,不合语法,不合逻辑。 例7



It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass thrive on

both banks, showing a picture of natural vitality. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.(方梦之)

2. 2. 3 文化差异


又比如,中国的学者注重谦虚和含蓄,在写好一本书后,即使是倾毕生之力写成的学术著作,也往往在前言里说:“由于本人水平有限,书中谬误肯定不少,敬请读者批评指正。”如果照译过去,不了解中国文化的外国读者可能会问:“既然你知道有错误,为什么自己不纠正以后再发表?”因为在英美等国出版的图书中,人们习惯于说“这是迄今为止,在这个领域中最为权威的著作。”而实际上,很可能是一本普通的大路货图书(黄友义2004)。 例8

If you want to develop your perceptual and creative skills to their utmost, you will want to follow the strategies outlined in Visual Notes for Architects and Designers. It is a valuable guide for architects, landscape architects, designers, and anyone interested in recording experience in sketch form.


如果你想最大限度地提高自己的悟性和创造力,就请参照《建筑师和设计师的视觉笔记》提出的策略。这本书不愧是建筑师、景观建筑师、设计师以及所有喜欢用图像记录亲身体验的人士之宝典(Visual Notes for Architects and Designers 2012)。(谢工曲)

2. 3 注重借鉴平行文本

平行文本(parallel text)是指在相似的交际情景中产生的具有相似信息的不同语言的文本,也就是与原文内容相关的译入语参考资料。译者要注意收集相关专题的文本范例,作为翻译的参考与借鉴,过通平行文本获得准确可靠的译法,提高译文的可读性,使译文的信息传递效果与原文基本相同。


3. 翻译对译者素养的要求

3.1 语言功底

对汉英两种语言正确的理解和纯熟的运用能力,英语语感和英语表达能力对翻译结果起决定性作用。英语语感包括:语法意识(sense of grammar)、惯用法意识(sense of idiomaticness)

和连贯意识(sense of coherence)。英语表达能力是用自然、地道、合乎语法规范的英语进行表达的能力,要有丰富的词汇积累,纯熟的句式变化,语体风格的恰当运用。

3.2 广博的文化知识


当然,一个人的知识积累总是有限的,面对众多的信息文本,译者还需要掌握一些信息查询技巧,解决翻译中的难题。在翻译实践中,译者经常会遇到因文化背景知识缺乏所致的翻译困难。有些问题看似简单,但是想当然就会出错,为了传递准确可靠的信息,译者需要查询信息。 例9

The proposed site was sufficiently convenient for omnibus passengers coming from the Bank. (The Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition)

这句话看似简单,这个文本讲述的是1850年第一届国际博览会,因此,这里的the proposed site指的是会址,但是1850年的omnibus和the Bank应当怎样理解和翻译?


在Yahoo上输入: the bank London 同时输入地名,限制查询范围

omnibus London 1850 同时输入地名和时间,限制查询范围


The Bank of England, formally the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most modern central banks have been based. Established in 1694, it is the second oldest central bank in the world.


Buses have been used on the streets of London since 1829, when George Shillibeer started operating his horse-drawn omnibus service from Paddington to the City of London. In 1850 Thomas Tilling started horse bus services, and in 1855 the London General Omnibus Company or LGOC was founded to amalgamate and regulate the horse-drawn omnibus services then operating in London.





Since cleaving off CeBIT from Hannover Messe in 1986, both shows have become the trendsetters for industry and the flagship tradeshows among the many different trade fairs and exhibitions staged by DMAG (Deutsche Industric-Messe).

怎样理解和翻译cleaving off CeBIT from Hannover Messe in 1986?在Yahoo上输入cleaving off CeBIT from Hannover Messe in 1986,可以搜寻到这样一则信息:

Throughout the past 20 years, thousands of suppliers and users from all over the world have come together every year in the early spring at CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. Looking back, the birth of CeBIT on 12 March 1986 was the outcome of a long and complicated decision-making process. The computer industry had become a key feature of HANNOVER MESSE and had contributed to its unique status as the world's biggest trade show for capital goods. However, the computer exhibitors were having to contend with an increasing number of non-specialists at their stands.


cleave-----to divide into two parts by or as if by cutting forcefully Hannover Messe汉诺威工业博览会

