
发布时间 : 星期四 文章新概念英语第二册81-84课练习与测试更新完毕开始阅读

By Amber Gao


NAME:___________ SCORE: ___________


When he _____________ the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. _______________, he soon changed into the dead man's clothes. Now, dressed in _________________________________________________________, the prisoner _____________________ in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself. Lights were __________ and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. The officers _______________________________________________________________. When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man __________ wanted to talk. He was ___________________________________. The prisoner felt sorry for him, but _____________________________________________. As the man came near, the prisoner _________________________________________. Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.

Fishermen and sailors sometimes ____________________________________ in the sea. Though people ____________________________, it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which have at times _________________________________. Occasionally, ________________________________, but they are ___________________ at sea. Some time ago, however, ______________________ near Madagascar. A small fishing-boat __________________ by the powerful fish _____________________________. Realizing that this was ____________________, the fisherman __________________ not to damage it in any way. When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail, The fish, which has since been sent to a museum ________________________________________, is called an oarfish. _______________________________________________________ by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.

The former Prime Minister, Mr Wentworth Lane, was defeated __________________. He is now _____________ and has gone abroad. My friend, Crawley, has always been a ____________________________________________. After the elections, Crawley went to the former Prime Minister's house. When he asked if Mr Lane lived there, the policeman ______________________________________, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. On the following day, Crawley went to the house again. The same policeman ______________________________________, when Crawley asked the same question. ____________________________________________________, the policeman gave him the same answer. The day after, Crawley went to the house ________________________________________________. This time, the policeman


By Amber Gao

_______________.' I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday,' he shouted, 'Mr Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad !' ' I know,' answered Crawley,' but I love to hear you say it !'

Busmen ____________________________ next week. The strike _______________ Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The busmen __________ that the strike will continue until ______________________________________________________. Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week. _________________________________________ 'free rides' to people ______________________. This will __________________________. Meanwhile, a number of university students _________________ to drive buses while the strike lasts. All the young men are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they ______________. The students are going to take the test in two days' time. Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public ____________________________________. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!


1.After what happened last night , I was surprised to find that he was _____ such a good temper this morning . A. of B. in C. at D. off

2.Arsenal _____ Manchester United last Saturday. A. Defeated B. win C. beat D. stroke 3.His remarks ______ my suspicion .

A. rose B. aroused C. rise D. bought

4.Customs officers are _______ of nervous-looking travelers. A. thinking B.suspension C. suspicious D. suspect 5.It would ______ twelve in twenty minutes’ time. A. beat B. fight C. strike D. hit

6.They consider _____ impossible to finish the work in three days. A. it B. that C. is D. if

7.Several rare animals have been _____ there in recent years. A. sighting B. sights C. sighted D. sight 8.Language is ______ to mankind.

A. special B. extent C. radical D. peculiar

9.It is widely known that CFCs can _____ the ozone layer. A. destroy B. hurt C. damage D. hit

10.The poor _____ has suffered a lot during that time. A. mankind B. creature C. human being D. creatures




By Amber Gao

2.坐牢 3.越狱

4.绕弯子说话,拐弯抹角说话 5.扣扳机 6.向某人哭诉 7.科学的进步 8.注目礼

9.上了年纪的绅士 10.言语刻薄 11.关税

12.下了班(的),不在值班(的) 13.走過、經過

14.一个明显的例子 15.在远海,在外海 16.停止罢工

17.解决食品短缺问题 18.在某人的压力下 19.在一定程度上 20.忘恩负义






5. 她的离开对我是一個很大的打击。






