
发布时间 : 星期一 文章(英语试卷13份合集)山东省临沂市名校2018-2019学年七下英语期末质量检测模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who lived with her father in the forest. One day, a lion came to their house and told the father to let the girl 26 him. The father and the girl were very 27 of the lion. He knew that if his daughter did not get married to the lion, the lion would be very angry and kill them 28 . So he had to find a way of 29 the lion.

After thinking a lot, he said to the lion, \is very afraid of your teeth and claws. If you let me take 31 all out, you can marry her. I am sure my daughter will then make a good 32 .\

\to be his wife. So he let the father take out all his teeth and claws. As soon as the lion was toothless and clawless, the father began hitting him 34 a heavy stick. The lion could not defend himself 35 he had no teeth, or claws. Finally, he ran away. He was also unable to kill animals for food. So he soon died.

()26. A. know B. marry C. notice D. remember ()27. A. sure B. tired C. careful D. afraid ()28. A. all B. either C. both D. everyone ()29. A. eating B. holding C. pushing D. killing ()30. A. happy B. sad C. silly D. unlucky ()31. it B. her C. them D. you

()32. A. wife B. girl C. friend D. daughter ()33. A. even B. only C. still D. also ()34. A. for B. on C. in D. with ()35. A. because B. so C. but D. and 四、阅读理解

阅读下列3篇短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A

Do you know Coco,a 3D film by Lee Unkrich? It is one of my favourite movies and its score gets to as high as 9.1 of 10 on a Chinese website Douban. I was lucky to be the first one to watch it in China on November 24th, 2018.

The film Coco tells a story about a twelve-year-old boy called Miguel Rivera. Coco was his

grand-grandmother. Miguel had a musical dream but his family didn't like his dream. However, he still worked hard for it secretly and never gave up. One day, he went into a place full of the dead after touching a special guitar. Luckily,with the help of his grand-grand-grandfather, a great musician named Ekotto, he had a wonderful time and returned to the real world.

You can still watch Coco on the Internet! Don't miss it! You will like it! 36. Who made the movie Coco?

A. Coco. B. Lee. C. Miguel. D. Ekotto.

37. When could you see the movie in the cinema in China? A. On November 21st, 2018. B. On November 22nd, 2018. C. On November 23rd, 2018. D. On November 25th, 2018. 38. Who helped Miguel return to the real world? A. His mother. B. His father.

C. His grand-grandmother.

D. His grand-grand-grandfather. B

Today we often see people shake hands with each other. They do that in different places at different times. People always shake hands when they meet for the first time,but sometimes they shake hands to say goodbye. Sports players often shake hands before games. And when people meet visitors or during special festivals,they shake hands too.

Why do people shake hands? Why don't they shake feet or other parts of the body? Here is a story. A long time ago people used knives or other dangerous things in fighting for their food or land. If some of them decided to stop,they would show there were no knives or other dangerous things in their hands. People shook hands to show there weren't these things in any part of their clothes. Later, shaking hands became a symbol of peace.

Now we shake hands all the time! It is still a way to show we are friendly. 39. From the passage, we can know that people shake hands ________. A. only with good friends B. in different situations C. always with good hopes D. in different ways

40. The underlined word \A. 战斗 B. 玩耍 C. 交流 D. 和谈 41. Why do people still shake hands? A. Because they can't shake feet.

B. Because they love shaking hands a lot.

C. Because shaking hands shows they are friendly.

D. Because shaking hands becomes a symbol of fighting. C

Five years is a short time in the long history of China. But as for the digital world, there are a lot of changes.

Now we can talk easily with friends on Wechat. When shopping, we needn't carry much cash because most of the stores accept Wechat Pay and Alipay. And online shopping becomes a part of our life. For example, we can buy train and plane tickets on different apps in a minute. If we want to go somewhere, it is easy to find a Mobike as well as a sharing car on the street.

We may not realize how these changes decide our life, but we never stopped and will not stop moving forward. China decided to set up the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province on April 1st, 2018. It will

be a smart city in China in the future. What's more, robots will play an important role in looking after the old people in five years. In an old people's home of Hangzhou, the robots called Ah Tie work quite well.

Thanks to the developing digital world, our life is becoming better and better. 42. The topic of this passage is ________. A. a smart city B. online shopping

C. the history of China

D. the developing of science

43. The second paragraph is about ________. A. when we have changes B. how our life changes

C. why there are a lot of changes D. what will change in the future

44. Which of the following is the writer's idea? A. There will be few changes in five years.

B. We can pay for products by Alipay in every store.

C. It's easy to buy train tickets with the help of some apps.

D. Ah Tie robots help the old people in the old people's home of Hebei Province. 45. How does the digital world make your life different? 五、词汇运用

A. 在方框中选择恰当词的正确形式填空,使句子通顺流畅。 cry fan excited till maybe 46. Look at the black clouds. ________ there will be a heavy rain.

47. The boy was ________ because it was his first time to take a plane.

48. My mother met her old friend in my school. They kept talking ________ it got dark.

49. The 2018 Russia FIFA World Cup is on. Thousands of football ________ go to Russia for their teams. 50. Hawking, a famous English scientist, died on March 14th, 2018. Many people ________ at the bad news.

B. 根据所给的中文提示,在空格处填上恰当的词,使文章通顺流畅。

Nan Cunhui, a successful and famous businessman in China. He was ________ (出生)in Liushi in 1963. At the age of 15, he left school ________ (没有)finishing it because his father's ________ (腿)was broken. He had to work for his big family. He worked as a shoemaker for almost ________ (三)years. During these years,he worked very hard and did his ________ (最好的)for his customers. He said he ________ (学习)a lot from this experience. Later he opened a factory with his friend. Then he ________ (创建)his own company in 1991. His products are not only good but also at right ________ (价格). Now he is very rich and often helps others in need. In his opinion, ________ (每件事)will be better if he tries to do it and he ________ (相信)to be honest is the most important. 六、书面表达 A. 按要求写句子


61. Betty went to Paris with Jenny. (对划线部分提问并补全句子) ________ ________ Betty ________ to Paris with? 62. We can't shout at others. (改写成祈使句)

63. It was wonderful music. (改写成what引导的感叹句) ________________________ it was!

64. The beef is very cheap. It doesn't look flesh. (请从and或but中选择一个词连接两个句子) 65. Yueqing is a small city. There is clear water and green trees.(用with整合两个句子) B. 根据题目要求,写一篇小短文

66. 人与人之间成就的不同,主要在于业余时间不同利用。请以\Free Time\为题,写一篇80字左右的短文,


1. What do you usually do in your free time? What do you think of it? 2. Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do? Why?

注意:1. 标题和开头已给出,不计入总数;2. 文中不得出现真实学校、班级、姓名等。 My Free Time

As a middle school student,I spend most of my time on schoolwork. When I am free, 小词典 cash n. 现金 claw n. 爪 colorful adj. 多姿多彩的 defend v. 保卫 developing adj. 发展的 digital adj. 电子的 kill v. 杀死 knife n. 刀 meaningful adj. 有意义的 peace n. 和平 stick n. 棍子 symbol n. 标志 topic n. 话题 wife n. 妻子 situation n. 情况,场合 七年级?英语 试题答案


1-5 BABCA 6-10 BAABC 11-15 CBACB


16-20 BDACA

21-25 CDABA


26-30 BDCDA

31-35 CABDA


36-38 BDD

39-41 BAC

42-44 DBC

45. 要点如下:

I can pay for something by Wechat and Alipay. I can go somewhere by Mobike. I can shop online.

I can buy train and plane tickets on different apps.


A. 在方框中选择恰当词的正确形式填空,使句子通顺流畅(5分)

46. Maybe 47. excited 48. till 49. fans 50. cried B. 根据所给的中文提示,在空格处填上恰当的词,使文章通顺流畅(10分)

51. born 52. without 53. leg 54. three 55. best 56. learnt/learned 57. started/set up/built (up)/created/founded 58. prices 59. everything 60. believes 六、书面表达(本题有6小题,共25分)

A. 按要求写句子(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
