
发布时间 : 星期四 文章朱子的世界秩序观之组成方式更新完毕开始阅读




The Organizational Principle of Zhu Xi's View of World Order

With this article, the author enters the recent debate over the basic

characteristics of Zhu Xi's thought. Some scholars maintain that the core of Zhu's thought lies in its transcendental, metaphysical and absolute

elements, while others proclaim that Zhu's thought is mainly sociopolitical, secular, and anthropocentric. The author tries to argue that Zhu's thought

is neither transcendental, metaphysical nor secular or anthropocentric. Instead, it maintains a delicate balance between the heavenly and the human, forming a union between the so-called transcendental and the secular. Zhu's holism allows him to treat human beings as part of heaven and vice versa. This meant that he

tended to minimize the barriers among the realms conventionally divided into

the natural, the so-called supernatural, and the human. His understanding of the order of the world was not just \it was an integration of the human, the natural, and even the \

Key words: Zhu Xi, worldview, world order, heaven, transcendental, secular, holism, anthropocentric
