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1、you will need to dress very smartly and go to a fashionable French restaurant a you have said the magical words.

2、In class,you have learned to read ―fast‖. A______class,you should try to learn to read ―slow‖


The family was very poor. Munro did a lot of physical work a a young girl.

A___96___ we grow we should realize the best thing to do after we make a mistake is to accept responsibility along

Their parents would mail the boxes to samll towns a______the trail so Sarah and Edie could pick them up wherever they go.

Take a boat a 94 the river and you can see the amazing nightlife


So shopping in Europe and the United States is popular a Chinese travelers.


the EIU makes a list of the best cities to live in a__________he world Fashion is a thing that goes a___95___ in cycles across

They can see the view a ________ the Hudson River into the state of New Jersey.


Volunteering also teaches us more a__94__ responsibility, patience, empathy(同情心), and above all, compassion(爱心).

I asked him some questions a 95 her health. ahead

Whether you are an antelope or a lion, you must go a_________ when the sun rises.

Several novels have been turned into real books. Love Sky, a story a____93____ a boy with cancer, Above

The noise level in some places is far a 6 the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.



1、 A__________ he had not seen it for more than 20 years, he recognized it immediately.

2、A_______ the Internet has made our world better in many ways, in some ways it can be a bad influence. 3、In my eyes, top brand means top quality. So I love top brand products a______ they‘re very expensive.

One recent report about noise said that a 7 a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their attention, only a sudden change in the level of noise really affects



The cost of a college education can be quite expensive. In English-speaking countries, the a___82___ cost per student per year is well over US$10,000.


E-commerce (电子商务)is the a 81 of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business using a computer and the Internet.


find interesting a to do. Laugh at a funny movie or read a good book.


A good a is a great help.


I‘m a Nike fan. Many of Nike‘s a________ ____on TV are fun and its products are great! advice

There are suggestions to ,,,,,,,,,,,There is also a_________to change the curriculum to make it more interesting for boys to achieve their goals


You can also get a ____ sounds – there are elephants, cats, dogs, lions and lots of strange bird sounds, too.


Middle school students should pay more a_______to their study answer

You spend days filling in blanks, trying to make the best a (92) to question after question.


They did scientific experiments themselves to search for a__________ to the mysteries (神秘) of the space.


There are lots of trees everywhere, and all the buildings are only one or two storeys high In a___88____, there aren’t many cars in the hutongs


make sure you also visit Xingtiandi, a very popular a______ where you can see buildings in Western and Chinese

style side by side.

Wang Luodan is an ambitious a _______ , she will achieve more in the future. army

Girls there went to military (军事的) school where they learned how to wrestle and fight! This was to prepare them for joining the (98) a__________ actor

Xiao Shenyang was born in a poor peasant family He is an a 93 address

He was wearing a collar (颈圈)but there was no name or a__96___ on it. amount (/ arrangement)

write down how much you spend on your child daily for two weeks and set an a 98 based on (基于) the

average daily expenses.



Canadian author Alice Munro, 82, was a __ the 2013 Nobel Prize in literature (文学) . attract

In order to a customers, Mary always had new ways.


Young students are easily a__6__by advertisements on the Internet and buy things they don’t need.


After about a minute and a half, some wolves in the woods a_______ on the wall in front of you appeared

But Hutong first a_____ in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty.


Drivers are not a______ to drive on smog days in some cities.

In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans had an idea. They believed that it would be better for everybody if only bicycles were a_____ in the city center


Years later, Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs. O‘Brien. It was in perfect condition, considering how old it was. Why had it a_____ __ here today?


1、Don‘t get too worried about your weak points. Just a__90____ them.

2、Your kitchen has a two-way fridge, which opens to the outside to a ______ the food


After receiving the e-mail, Alicia called Nina and a______ a meeting.


If you want to cook international food ,,,,,,Use soy sauce and it‘s Chinese. A wine to the recipe(食谱) and it‘s French. afford

Girls were not allowed to attend and poor people could not a____________ to go

形容词 afraid

When she was very old, the neighbours all came to visit her. They were a that her secret of happiness would die with her.


People who love walking may climb up Kerrow Mountain, but less a___visitors can also enjoy the wonderful views by taking the little train


It is important not to believe a_______ we read on the Internet.


If he doesn‘t find the last story he‘ll die. he will find the last story so he can stay a_________


1、and is about an Indian boy who spends a long time at sea after a shipwreck (海难) a ____ with nobody 2、Doctors will also tell you that people who have dogs seem to be happier and healthier than those who live a ________

we feel connected to other people when we are (95)a ? . Never meet anyone you meet online a 97 . Any

Today, a____ music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music

“Nothing is lost if it doesn’t. It didn’t take a 96 of my time or money to tell that man he was doing a good job.


In 1864, a group of artists became a ______ because they didn‘t get into the show.


They wanted to learn the a___________ languages such as Greek and Latin- languages


Then something a 86 happened.


On average the temple's 1,600 barbers shave over 15 heads an hour.The money is used to help the area's poor and make sure the a______ hair temple of India keeps going. Believe it.



Even though he has a done plenty, he said that his mission (使命)to provide for the poor is far from finished.

Well, since the milk has a_____been spilled, would you like to play in the milk for a while ?


1、Beijing announced a plan to use clean fuel in government vehicles and plant trees. It a______ asked citizens to set off fewer fireworks for the Spring Festival celebration.

2、ORBIS has carried out almost 300 medical programmes in over 70 countries and restored the sight of 20000 people. ORBIS has a 83 trained many local doctors and nurses 3、 While enjoying online shopping, many people a____have worries, 4、Weather a_______ has strong influence on people’s feelings. always

Positive people are a_______ likely to exercise and eat healthy foods. Because of this,


Some days later the boy saw his friend a_______

Not all young people in Vision Quest will leave crime behind them. 30 or 40 percent will one day be in prison
