新编英语教程3 - Unit1-10练习册1-10课答案及书本第一部分连词题

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Para: to keep away from some lazy or curious gossip, or from somebody who only wants something but not to give anything in retrun.

8. …or from some reporter bent on questioning you…

Para: or from some reporter who is determined to question you. 9. …your back is chilled by the cold look of somebody,…

Para: somebody’s cold stare behind your back is sufficient to wake your blood run cold… 10. ..there are two things for which the English seen to show particular aptitude… Para: The English seem to be especially gifted in two things… Unit 8

1. The desire to pick up with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed,…

Para: You wish to buy a book with a lovely cover is so strong and powerful that you can’t resist it, although this method of selecting a book is not recommended. 2. You soon become engrossed in some book or other… Para: You are soon absorbed in a book…

3. You can wander round such places to your heart’s content.

Para: You can move about from one place to another until you are completely satisfied.

4. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing.

Para: An assistant should remain relatively inconspicuous until you have finished looking at the book.

5. …something which had only vaguely interested you up till then.

Para: …something in which you had preciously only had a slight interest. 6. Apart from running up a huge account, you can…

Para: In addition to getting large bills for the books, you can…

7. …he was dismayed to find the book missing from its usual place and was about to leave when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him.

Para: …he was very disappointed to find that the book was not in the place where it was usually put and was on the point of leaving; just then he saw the owner of the shop signaling to him.

8. Expecting to be told off, he went towards his.

Para: Thinking that he would be scolded, he went up to him. Unit 9

1. I found myself on varied assignments, all the way from ship news to sports reporting.

Para: I found I was giving different kinds of assignments, ranging in variety from ship news to sports reporting.

2. There was noting spectacular in Mr. Jacobs’ manner or appearance; but when he spoke about prizefights, he was no longer a bland man but a colossus…

Para: There was nothing in Mr. Jacobs’ appearance and manner that would attract public attention, but when he talked about prizefight, he was not ordinary any more, he looked like a giant.

3. You knew you were listening to Number One.

Para: You know you were listening to the most authoritative prizefight promoter. 4. So far as he was concerned, there was no mystery to it.

Para: he saw nothing mysterious in boxing.

5. he …went down, was counted out, and never came out of the coma.

Para: he feel to the floor, did not stand up when the referee counted the seconds from one to one, and never regained consciousness.

6. The Paret fight produced a flurry of investigations.

Para: The Paret fight resulted in a great deal of, fervent public interest all several investigations.

7. One question that was solemnly studied in all three probes concerned the action of the referee.

Para: After careful investigation and through and serious examination by the three organizations was found to be of common concern – the action of the referee.

8. No crowd was ever brought to its feet screaming and cheering at the sight of two men beautifully dodging and weaving out of each other’s jabs.

Para: when the crowd saw two boxers exquisitely move from side to side to avoid the opponent’s quick straight punch to the head, nobody would get to his feet, crying out in a shrill voice and shouting in great joy.

9. The time the crowd comes alive is when a man is hit hard over the heart or the head, when his mouthpiece flies out, when blood squirts out of his nose or eyes, when he wobbles under the attack and his pursuer continues to smash at him with poleax impact.

Para: the time when the crowd is brought to a cheerful and excited mood is when a boxer receives hard blows over his heart and head, when his mouthpiece falls off, when blood oozes from his nose or eyes, when he moves unsteadily from side to side under the attack, and his opponent chases him and goes on with his heavy blows and hard punches with the force of a poleax.

10. Put the blame where it belongs – on the prevailing mores that regard prizefighting as a perfectly proper enterprise and vehicle entertainment.

Para: Find out where the responsibility really lies – it lies in the dominant and controlling social customs and standards
