新编英语教程3 - Unit1-10练习册1-10课答案及书本第一部分连词题

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Unit 1

1. Fume smoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas 2. sandy of the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow 3. somehow for some reason or other 4. stale dry and unappetizing

5. dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful 6. proceed go ahead

7. bloodshot full of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken 8. dismayed made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble

Unit 2

1. rage be very angry

2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables 3. croaking rough and harsh

4. murmur speak in a low but not clear voice

5. wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle

6. gesture of despair movement of the head or hand to show helplessness 7. brutal cruel

8. quarantine the period of separation from others so that the disease cannot spread

Unit 3

1. globe world

2. circle move around

3. indirectly not straight to the point ; in a roundabout way 4. idle talk talking about unimportant things

5. coincidence a combination of events happening in such a way that it seems planned or arranged 6. hastily in a hurry 7. demand ask forcefully

8. roar speak in a loud, deep voice

Unit 4

1. will the legal statement concerning the disposal of one’s property after death 2. signature person’s name written by himself 3. literary of literature 4. supposition a guess

5. playwright dramatist, a person who writes plays 6. vague not clearly known

7. confirm prove the truth of something 8. verse poetry

Unit 6

1. outlay a spending of money 2. refill a new filling 3. theoretically in theory

4. uranium heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic energy 5. bonnet metal lid on the front of a car 6. submarine a ship that can stay under water

7. radiation the process in which energy in the form of rays is sent out from atoms

8. synthetic not naturally produced ; artificial

Unit 7

1. pose as pretend to be

2. pest an annoying thing

3. suspense and anxiety state of being anxious and uncertain about something unknown 4. fidgeting moving about restlessly

5. assure make somebody believe, feel sure 6. apace quickly

7. inquisitive chatterbox a person who is curious about other people and talkative 8. obstinacy and willfulness stubbornness and pig-headedness

9. escapism that which makes one stay away from unpleasant reality 10. justify give a good reason for

Uint 8

Shelter------------------------- f. protection;a building offering protection

dust-jacket----------------------h. a loose paper cover put roung the hard cover of a book for protection

become engrossed in----------d. have one’s attention completely taken up by Content--------------------------e. satisfaction

Browse--------------------------a. read here and there in books especially for enjiyment Variety --------------------------b. collection of different kinds of things apart from ----------------------g. besades Tempt----------------------------c. attract

Unit 9

Fledgling------------------------j. young and inexperienced Spectacular---------------------e. very impressive Adroit --------------------------g. quick and skilful

Coma----------------------------i. unconsciousness due to injury Flurry---------------------------a. sudden excitement Recuperate---------------------b. get back one’s strength massive hemorrhage----------c.l osing a lot of blood Fragile--------------------------f. easily injured or broken Concussion--------------------d. (an)injury to the brain

Permanent---------------------h. lasting for a long time or forever


Cudgel-------------------------c. short,thick stick

Buck---------------------------g. lower one’s head or body so as to avoid being hit Placatory----------------------f. submissive,undisturbed Negligently-------------------h. carelessly Wry----------------------------b. twisted

Bawling-----------------------a. loud,rough shouting

Pandemouium----------------d. (scene of)wila and noisy disorder Gramophone------------------e. record-player

Unit1 P12

1. It is an excellent photograph of Mrs. Johnson.George, her son, has decided to make several enlargements . 2. There was a temporary shortage of fresh water on that small island. 3. This muslin is beautiful! But it’s so flimsy. Is it washable?

4. The helicopter came to rescue the survivor of the plane crash as soon as the local authorities received the radio message.

5. Have you seen the advertisement which says that a teaching post is vacant in a school in the suburbs of London?

6. A proverb says that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 7. He was tall and muscular. Obviously he has a perfect constitution. 8. At the end of the interview the young man overcame his nervousness and asked about his salary.

9. The headmaster opened the door and looked at the interviewee with an air of disapproval.

10. His efforts for an early arrival proved to be a failure because he had to make such an awkward journey.

Unit 2 P28

1. Be (be) a teacher, he wants to be competent enough in the subjects he is teaching. 2. While crossing (cross) the street, you must keep your eyes open.

3. Having been damaged (damage) during the war, the airport has never been used again.

4. Not knowing (not know) his address, I couldn’t possibly pay him a visit.

5. Having settled (settle) down in a new country, I may soon forget my old habits. 6. Walking (walk) through the fields, one can take a look at the wild flowers. 7. We didn’t think he was very old, judging (judge) by the way he walks. 8. She was wheeled to the hospital, followed (follow) by her children.

9. The children went to the park, a mile away from the school, singing and talking (sing and talk

10. I am sorry to have kept you waiting (wait) for two hours.

11. Can you hear the children shouting (shout) in the next room?

12. He whispered “Watch out” at the same time trying (try) to make as little noise as possible.

13. The little girl sat in a corner in deep silence, letting (let) her doll dangle at her side.

14. Finding (Find) the room unlocked, we immediately went in.

Unit 8 P122 A

1. We haven’t seen him for more than ten years and I find him a changed (change) person, He has become a promising (promise) young man. 2. In the coming (come) week, more qualified (qualify) teachers will be sent here. 3. There lived an unusually determined (determine) farmer in the nearby village. 4. In order to improve our spoken (speak) English, the leading (lead) comrades in our department have made a surprising (surprise) decision. 5. Taking a camel ride was a frightening (frighten)experience for me 6. Teaching is a more demanding (demand) job than working as a tourist guide.

7. The child, very pleased (please), cleaned her soiled (soil) hands and went to bed with her lovely toy.

8. Your unwillingness to cooperate with the doctor has made the case even more complicated

9. The interested (interest) spectators sat watching the exciting (excite) football match for an hour in spite of their soaked (soak) clothes.

10. After a tiring (tire) day ta work, the tired (tire) woman sat in the park enjoying the beautiful sunset with a pleasant smile on her face. B

1. The doctor insisted on giving (give) the patient an immediate operation 2. Fascinated (fascinate), we watched the sun rising (rise) above the horizon. 3. If you practice singing (sing) often, you will know how to do (do) it without making (make) such an exhibition of yourself.

4. Peter hated keeping (keep) to his bed. He missed playing (play) with his friends and never failed to be (be) at the window to see (see) them climbing (climb) the apple-tree.

5. Would you mind opening (open) the window?

6. I persuaded him taking (take) care of the child while I went shopping (shop), but I really could not depend on his doing (do) anything I asked him to do (do). 7. I ought to have remembered (remember) to tell (tell) my secretary to post the letter for me this morning but I was busy preparing (prepare) a speech and I forgot to do (do) so. 8. “Would you like to watch (watch) television now?” “I would prefer to read (read) a newspaper. As a rule, I prefer reading (read) to watch (watch) TV.”

9. “Yesterday I found one of the pages in the book I bought missing (miss). Could you change it for me?”
