
发布时间 : 星期五 文章江西省赣州市石城中学2020届高三英语上学期第五次周考试题更新完毕开始阅读

32. Which of the following is closer to the truth according to the passage? A. The number of videos posted has declined in the past 4 years. B. The users’ preferences for WeChat can be various by age group. C. Downloading videos on WeChat Moments is widely banned officially. D. The number of WeChat users will be doubled.

33. From what column on a certain website is the above passage most probably taken? A. VIDEOS B. ADVERTISING C. BUSINESS D. CAREER DEVELOPMENT

34. What does the underlined word “adept” in the last paragraph roughly mean? A. disappointed B. inexperienced C. surprised D. skilled 35. What is the main idea of the passage? A. WeChat has more and more users and uses.

B. WeChat video calls are more frequently used by those younger than 20. C. The post-80s are more likely fond of public affairs as well as sweet treats. D. Making medical appointments and payments on We Chat will be more convenient.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Many of us tend to compare ourselves to other people. 36 When you compare yourself to your friend or coworker occasionally, there’s nothing wrong with it, as such a comparison helps you become better and stay motivated to reach your goals. However, if you are constantly comparing yourself to others, it’s a red flag.

If you compare yourself to a previous time in your life and you believe that your past was better than your present, it’s a sure sign you unconsciously compare yourself to others. 37 Focus on your present and enjoy new happy and bad moments in your life instead of past ones.

Do you want to make more money because your friend has a higher paycheck than you? You think that your neighbors, friends, and coworkers have a better life because they can afford to buy a new car. But, are you sure that they really can afford all

those things? After all, they might have lots of debts and financial problems. 38

Probably you often say something like ‘Your hair is more beautiful than mine’ or ‘You’re so slim and I’m so plump since I can’t drop those extra pounds.’ You should never ever say such things. 39 You are special and you are absolutely beautiful no matter your age, weight and height.

Many of us are trying to stop comparing ourselves to others, but at the same time many of us don’t even know that we have such a bad habit. 40 Remember, no one is perfect. Stay grateful, love yourself and enjoy your present life. A. When you compare, you find your strengths and weaknesses. B. Learn how to love your body, accept yourself and love yourself.

C. People who are constantly comparing themselves to others are more likely to succeed.

D. Your past was not as good as you may think now.

E. Comparing yourself to others has its advantages and disadvantages. F. Comparing brings insecurity and makes us miserable. G. Moreover, money will never make you happy, remember it. 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

It was a freezing, windy winter night in Manhattan. I was walking to catch a train home, totally___41___in the next day's to-do list, not paying any attention to my surroundings. “Hey man, I love your nice hat!”, said a voice to me from the sidewalk. When I___42___to see where it came from, I saw a man ___43___dressed, carrying a garbage bag, standing outside a ___44___—with a warm smile on his face. As I was about to say thank you, a woman walked by. “Hey lady, you have the most beautiful eyes. Can you___45___some change?\

This homeless man had no __46___of talking to anyone and he was excellent at ___47___up others. I felt pulled to help him use that___48___ .I introduced myself, and ___49___him to dinner inside. “Ralph's the name. Thank you so much, sir!” he said.

As we sat down and ate, I told Ralph that I felt he had an amazing talent

for___50___with people.___51___ at first, he eventually began to open up. He spoke much about how he used to love to__52___. He was like a fisherman's encyclopedia ( 百科全书). I asked him what he could see himself doing, and he said that he thought he could be a good __53___. So I asked him if he ever__54___going to the store right down the street and telling them he would help them sell their fishing equipment. There was a pause.Ralph put his hands over his face ___55___ he spoke through tears. I'll never ___56___what he said next. “ I had a job and a family.___57___ , I didn't know how to handle these things. I___58___my problems. For 11 years, no one has ever done anything like this for me. It's time for me to make things___59___again. \

By the end, I was in __60___as well. Ralph thanked me for my help, and we went our separate ways.

41. A. interested B. taken 42. A. looked back B. settled down 43. A. shabbily B. formally 44. A. station B. store 45. A. introduce B. show 46. A. fear B. tendency 47. A. setting B. lighting 48. A. opportunity B. reputation 49. A. invited B. forced 50. A. bargaining B. connecting 51. A. Aggressive B. Confident 52. A. travel B. beg 53. A. teacher B. secretary 54. A. recalled B. avoided 55. A. unless B. until 56. A. forget B. appreciate 57. A. Otherwise B. Besides 58. A. ran away from B. came up with

C. set C. got off C. casually C restaurant C. make C. sign C. bringing C. qualification C. guided C. competing C. Cheerful C. fish C. fisherman C. resisted C. though C. remember C. Therefore C. faced up to

D. absorbed D. turned out D. fashionably D. bookshop D. spare D. courage D. picking D. potential D. pushed D. parting D. Hesitant D. read D. salesman D. considered D. as D. forgive D. However D. put up with

59. A. easy B. practical 60. A. sorrow B. rags

C. right C. panic

D. diverse D. tears




____61___ (locate) in Haidian District northwest of Beijing, the Summer Palace is 15

kilometers from central Beijing. Being the__62___ ( large) and most well-preserved royal park in China, it___63___ (great) influences Chinese horticulture(园艺) and landscape with its famous natural views and the works of humankind, __64______ also has long been recognized as 'The Museum of Royal Gardens.

___65____ (construct) started in 1750 as a luxurious royal garden for royal families to rest and entertain. It later became the main residence of royal members in the end of the Qing Dynasty. However, like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French Allied Force and___66___ (destroy) by fire. According to historical documents, with the original name as 'Qingyi Garden' (Garden of Clear Ripples), the Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) was renamed after its first reconstruction in 1888. It was also recorded that Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it __67___ a resort in which to spend the rest of her life. In 1900, the Summer Palace suffered another hit by the Eight-Power Allied Force and the government spent two years _68____( repair) it. In 1924, it was open to __69____ public. It ranked amongst the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1998, as well as one of the first national AAAAA tourist __70____(spot) in China. 第四部分写作(共两节;满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
