
发布时间 : 星期三 文章【配套K12】[学习]江苏省苏州市昆山、太仓市2017-2018学年七年级英语下学期期末教学质量调研更新完毕开始阅读


47. The ticket for costs the least(最少的)money.

A. children B. juniors C. adults D. parents 48. What is right about the picture?

A. There is only one saving plan to help visitors save money. B. The Big 10 Ticket Book is the finest way to visit Disneyland. C. Two children can save $2.9 if they buy The Big 10 Ticket Book.

D. You can visit more Disneyland attractions if you buy The Jumbo 15 Ticket Book.


Last summer, Wang Lin visited her uncle in the USA. Her cousin Tom was very happy to meet her. But he had little time to play with her because he was busy making money by doing summer jobs. He introduced some of his jobs to Wang Lin and advised(建议)her to join him.

6:30a.m. newspaper delivering(派送) If you are good at riding a bicycle and can get up early, sending newspapers door to door is a good job for you. You can make a lot of money by working for 2 or 3 neighbourhoods at the same time. 9:00 a.m. dog walking If you are a pet lover, there is no better job than a dog walker. You can not only play with lovely pets, but also get some extra money. 10:00a.m. lawn mowing(修剪草坪) If a homeowner is on holiday, he will need someone to mow the lawn. Usually, you can charge(收费)anywhere from $10 to $40 per metre according to the size of the lawn. It will really make you a rich person among your friends in a very short time. 4:00 p.m. babysitting(临时保姆) Parents need babysitters sometimes when they go for date nights and other social(社会) activities. Since you know the games kids enjoy, you can stop the babies from crying by teaching them these interesting things. 49. Wang Lin wants to make a lot of money in a short time but she can't get up early. Which job is suitable(合适的)for her?

A. Lawn mowing. B. Dog walking. C. Newspaper delivering. D. Babysitting.

50. Tom can't play with Wang Lin because .

A. he is not happy to see her B. he has much homework to do C. doesn't have much money D. he is busy making money 51. What can we learn from the passage? A. Tom can drive a car well.

B. Tom is a rich boy and he loves animals. C. Tom knows how to make babies happy. D. Tom does four kinds of summer jobs. 精品K12教育教学资料



It's 5 o'clock. Sean Murphy is on his way home from work. He is tired and the bus is full, but when he thinks of seeing his lovely family at home, his heart is full of joy again.

\all I want to sit on the sofa. I want to relax and read a good book.\

Finally Mr. Murphy is at home. He is very tired now but he is happy. He says hello to his family. Then he sits down on the sofa, stretches(伸展)his legs and lifts up his book.

\I can relax,\he thinks and smiles. But Mr. Murphy is not alone in the room. His mother is playing the guitar and his wife is playing the piano. His two younger children are fighting and his two older children are arguing about the television. And the pots and pans are bubbling on the cooker(炊具).

It's the same every day. Poor Murphy is very unhappy. He talks to his friend about his problem at a bus stop.

Mr. Murphy's friend listens to him carefully. Then he says: \McCormack! She is a very clever woman. She knows the answer to everything.\ Mr. Murphy thinks it worth(值得)a try. The next day, when he gets home, he doesn't go into the house as usual. He goes to the garage(车库)and gets on his bike. 52. How many people are there in Mr. Murphy's family?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 53. How does Mr. Murphy's feelings change after a day's work? A. happy→tired→unhappy B. unhappy→tired→happy C. tired→happy→unhappy D. happy→unhappy→tired 54. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Mr. Murphy cannot relax? A. His mother is playing the guitar. B. His wife is playing the piano. C. His cook makes a loud noise when cooking. D. His children are fighting. 55. What may happen the next?

A. Mr. Murphy will go to Linda McCormack's house. B. Mr. Murphy will do some exercise by riding a bike. C. Mr. Murphy will leave his home and never come back. D. Mr. Murphy will repair his broken bicycle at the garage.


Do you know Alice in Wonderland has its origin(起源)in Oxford(牛津), England? One afternoon in July 1862, Charles Dodgson, an Oxford teacher, took the 10-year-old Alice Liddell and her sisters on a boating picnic up the River Thames from Oxford. To make the children happy, he made up a story about an adventure(冒险)of a girl called Alice. Alice Liddell loved the story so much that she asked Charles to write it down. Under the name of Lewis Carroll, he created Alice in 精品K12教育教学资料


Wonderland. The story later became a favourite of children all over the world. With Alice's origin in Oxford, the city celebrates Alice's Day in July each year. Colourful events and activities including the Mad Tea Party, the Caucus Race and much more are held for tourists.

People can create their own adventures by following a special route(路线)across the city. They can stop off along the way to try \scuits\of Hearts and discover (发现) hidden treasures.

There is also an Alice's Shop with the number 83 on its red door. In front of it stands the White Rabbit. Tourists will find him look worriedly at his pocket watch and say \56. The second paragraph is mainly about .

A. Charles Dodgson, Alice Liddell and her sisters' adventure B. how the book Alice in Wonderland had its origin C. a boating picnic up the River Thames

D. why the story Alice in Wonderland became popular around the world 57. Why is Alice's Day celebrated in the city of Oxford?

A. Because the writer of Alice in Wonderland was born in Oxford. B. Because Alice in Wonderland has its origin in Oxford. C. Because the owner of Alice Shop lives in Oxford. D. Because there is an Alice's Shop in Oxford.

58. What is the real name of the writer of Alice in Wonderland?

A. Charles Carroll. B. Alice Liddell. C. Lewis Carroll. D. Charles Dodgson

59. The rabbit standing in front of Alice's Shop looks worried because . A. he can't find his pocket watch B. he has lost his book C. he is afraid of being caught D. he is afraid of being late

60. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. Alice Liddell was ten years old in 1862. B. The writer of Alice in Wonderland was an artist.

C. Alice in Wonderland is a favourite of children from all over the world. D. The story of Alice in Wonderland began in 1862. 四、单词拼写(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



71. Yesterday Tina (付费)50 yuan for her lunch so she has no money now. 精品K12教育教学资料


72. Monkey King's eyes are like (X射线).He can see through ghosts. 73. When Lora came back, she saw her mother (答复)to the letters from the students.

74. He was so busy that he walked (经过)his home three times but didn't come in.

75. When Tony came home, he found someone left the back door (充分地)open. 76. Liu Hua and Li Lei are the (工程师)of the computer company. 77. It was late afternoon and the sun was (低的)in the sky. 78.―Can you tell me your place? ―I was born in Shanghai.

79.―Lucy and Lily, are these your books? ―No. They are not .

80. Sofa is to living room as shower is to . 五、动词填空(共5小题;每空1分,满分5分)

根据括号里所给的动词,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各动词的正确形式。 每空可多于1个词。

81. My pen friend said he looked forward to (hear) from me in his letter. 82. Father told me (not watch) too much TV

83. The cat (hide) in the tree, so nobody found it.

84.―How about (invite) your classmates to the birthday party?―Good idea!

85. Take an umbrella with you. Look at the black loud, it (rain). 六、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)

将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。 86.前几天,Tom在教室找到了他的英语书. 87.他们足够勇敢能扑灭那场火。 88.昨天我们度过了多么偷快的时光啊! 89.下周,Lora将举办她的第九个生日派对。 90. Daniel太胖了以至于任何一件T恤都不合身。 七、书面表达(共1题;满分15分)

以“Happiness from Helping Others\帮助他人的快乐)为题,写一篇文章。文章包含以下要点。

★Do you often help others? Are you in any club for helping others?

★What are you good at? How can you help others? (Give us two or more examples) ★How do you feel when you help others?

★Do you think it important to help others? Why? 要求:1.意思连贯,书写规范,要点齐全,可适当发挥,注意格式; 2.词数80词左右。


Happiness from Helping Others

There are many kinds of happiness in the world―happiness from being together 精品K12教育教学资料
