
发布时间 : 星期五 文章(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年天津市津南区英语八年级(上)期末考试模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读

Mrs. Smith_____ _____ sit down and rest ______ five minutes. 2)图书馆不仅仅是贮存书的地方。

A library is_____ _____ ______ a place where books are stored. 3)她几乎从不焦虑,并且她总是笑。

She is______ _______ nervous and she always ______. 4)她一周使用网络最多两次。

She uses the Internet______ ______ twice a week. 5)他一周至少踢两次足球。

He plays soccer______ ______ ______ a week. 五、完形填空

24.The ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should 1 his subject very well and like learning something about other subjects. The ideal teacher must be full of strong feelings of wonder or interest. He must 2 teach anything he himself is not 3 in. He should be like a man who can act and should not be afraid to 4 his feelings and tell other people what he likes and what he doesn’t like clearly. He must like his students and respect them, and he must also respect himself and be proud of his work. 5 he doesn’t, he cannot respect his students and 6 respect from them. The ideal teacher should have an 7 of his students and be able to get on well with them. He needs students’ understanding, too. The ideal teacher should be kind and 8 and he should give hope to his students to learn knowledge. The ideal teacher should see his students’ 9 so that he can know how to encourage the growth of 10 of his students. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and makes himself better along with his students.

So what about the teacher around you?

1)A.like B.know C.choose D.remember 2)A.never B.ever C.even D.still 3)A.weak B.well C.interested D.strict 4)A.hold B.show C.pass D.keep 5)A.Since B.As C.If D.Because 6)A.give B.lose C.change D.win

7)A.understanding B.idea C.exercise D.excuse 8)A.forgetful B.helpful C.quick D.lucky 9)A.lists B.mistakes C.cards D.differences 10)A.each B.every C.one D.either



1)I like doing some outdoor __________ (activity) on weekends. 2)Could you help me clean the floor?I can't do it __________ (I). 3)My brother helped me to cut up the meat by __________ (use) this knife. 4)Please pass me my glasses. I can't see the words __________ (clear). 5)It's __________ (hot) today than yesterday.



Do you want your children to eat fresh (新鲜的) food? Then bring them to Hawthorne Valley Farm.

What you can do For children:

Learn about different vegetables, fruits and animals;

Pick vegetables and fruits and feed animals;

Help make lunch and have lunch at the farmer’s house; Take a kilo of fruit home when leaving. For parents:

Grow up with children;

Enjoy fresh food and buy fresh food; Go outdoors (在户外) and relax. When

9:30 a.m. ~ 8:30 p.m.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends From April to October Cost (费用)

$42 for a child and $22 for a parent Email: hawthornevalleyfarm@gmail.com

Do you want your children to eat fresh (新鲜的) food? Then bring them to Hawthorne Valley Farm.

What you can do For children:

Learn about different vegetables, fruits and animals;

Pick vegetables and fruits and feed animals;

Help make lunch and have lunch at the farmer’s house; Take a kilo of fruit home when leaving. For parents:

Grow up with children;

Enjoy fresh food and buy fresh food; Go outdoors (在户外) and relax. When

9:30 a.m. ~ 8:30 p.m.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends From April to October Cost (费用)

$42 for a child and $22 for a parent Email: hawthornevalleyfarm@gmail.com


1)The advertisement (广告) is for . A.parents B.students C.doctors D.teachers

2)Children can on the farm. A.ride horses B.feed animals C.have breakfast D.go swimming

3)The farm is open days each week. A.three B.four C.five D.six

4)Little Bob and his mother need to pay if they want to have fun on the farm. A.$42 B.$53 C.$64 D.$86

5)Which of the following is TRUE about the farm? A.It has the best horses.

B.It is a place for children to make new friends. C.It isn’t open in September. D.It has an email address.

27.(题文)回答下列问题 Dear Donald,

Last summer I had a chance to visit the other side of the world. | went to Beijing with my friends. I visited the Great Wall and was deeply impressed by its length. I had never seen such a great wall before! Walking less than a mile on the wall made me very tired, but I was very excited. I used up three camera films in four hours.

Shopping was another interesting part of the trip. In the Silk Market, I bought a silk shirt for just a quarter of the price the trader asked for.

I have many memories and experiences to share. I am so lucky to have seen such a culture so different from my own. I will remember my trip to china forever! Yours, Jane

1)(小题5)Who visited Beijing last summer?

2)(小题5)How many camera films did Jane use up in four hours on the Great Wall? 3)(小题2)Which was another interesting part of the trip? 4)(小题3)Did Jane buy a silk shirt? 5)(小题4)Why is Jane so lucky?

八、书面表达 28.书面表达




一、选择题 题号 1 答案 A 答案 C 二、单词填空

21.1)creative 2)fresh 3)gave 4)poor 5)theater 三、句型转换

22.1) isn’t it 2) Is smarter than 3) Does work hard 4) is talented in 5) Which bag 四、完成句子

23.1) has to every 2) more than just 3) hardly ever smiles 4) at most

5) at least twice 五、完形填空

24.1)B 2)A 3)C 4)B 5)C 6)D 7)A 8)B

2 A A 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A B C A D B D B D 题号 19 20
