unit 1汉英翻译作业(笑话)老师总结的

发布时间 : 星期二 文章unit 1汉英翻译作业(笑话)老师总结的更新完毕开始阅读

一、 阅读并比较以下三段文的两种参考译文:



《笑得好》 【清】石成金 撰 吃素



【明】许自昌 撰

吹牛 甲曰:“家下有鼓一面,每击之,声闻百里。”乙曰:“家下有牛一只,江南吃水,头直靠江北。”甲摇头曰:“哪有此牛?”乙曰:“不是这一只牛,怎谩得这一面鼓。”



译文1. Books Are Printed

A boy loved wandering and did not like to read any books. His father shut him in a room angrily and had his food and drink sent to him. The father asked him to keep his eyes and mind attentively on books and told him that if he worked hard like this he would naturally understand. Three days passed and the father went into the room to have a look at his son’s lessons. The son said, “father’s teaching is extremely wonderful and reading books is really very beneficial. I’ve only read for three days, and I’ve already understood in my heart.” The father asked happily, “What have you understood?” the son also said happily, “I always thought that the book were written with writing brushes. After reading carefully for three days, I’ve understood that every page of the books is printed with printing blocks. 译文2.

There was a young man who spent all his time loafing about, refusing to read any books. This incurred the anger of his father, who finally had him confined to a room with three meals a day sent to him. His father enjoined that he should keep his eyes on his books and apply his mind to them. If he did as he was bidden, he would surely understand a lot of things.

Three days later, the father came into the room to see how he was getting on with his studies. “Father,” said the young man, “the instruction you gave me last time simply worked wonders. Reading books has indeed done me a lot of good. I’ve read only for three days. Now I understand plenty.”

“Really?” asked the happy father. “What is it that you have understood?”

“Well,” answered his son with pride, “I’ve always thought that books were written with a writing brush. These days I’ve run my eyes over them carefully. Now I understand that every page of them was printed with printing blocks.

Translated by Lu Yunzhong

译文1. Becoming a Vegetarian

A cat happened to wear some beads under his neck, which was seen by a mouse, who said happily, “The cat has become a vegetarian.” He led his sons and grandsons to visit the cat and thank him. The cat shouted loudly and ate up several mice continuously. The mouse ran away hurriedly and finally escaped. He put out his tongue and said, “He is fiercer after he became a vegetarian.” 译文2. The Cat Has Turned Vegetarian

An old mouse chanced to see a cat wearing a few beads round his neck. “Ah,” said the mouse with joy, “that cat has turned vegetarian.”

Thereupon, he brought his offspring along to pay a call on the cat to express their gratitude. Not sooner had they appeared than the cat gave a deep howl and devoured several mice in rapic succession. The old mouse turned tail in the nick of time and made good his escape. Sticking out his tongue, he cried:

“My, my! That cat is even more ferocious after turning vegetarian.”

Translated by Lu Yunzhong

译文1. Boasting

A man said, “In my hometown, there is a drum. Every time you beat it, the sound can be heard 100 li away.” Another man said, “In my hometown, there is an ox. It drinks water at the south bank of the Yangtse River and its head reaches the north bank of the Yangtse River.” The first man shook his head and said, “Where can this ox be?” The second man said, “Without such an ox, how can that drum be covered?” 译文2. Talking Big

A man said:

“In our village there’s a drum so big that when it is beaten, its booking sound can be heard 100 li away.”

Another man cut in with:

“In our village there’s an ox which has its head in Jiangbei when it is dringking water in Jiangnan. “

The first man shook his head and said: “There couldn’t be an ox as big as that.” At that the second man retorted:

“If there’s no ox as big as that, how on earth can they get a skin big enough to cover that great drum of yours?”

二、汉英翻译作业:(264 words)

1. 高帽子


2. 雨


3. 一张大口

两人好为大言,一人说:“敝乡有一人,头顶天,脚踏地。” 一人曰:“敝乡有一人更大,上嘴唇触天,下嘴唇触地。”其人问曰:“他身子在哪里?”答曰:“我只见他一张大口。”
