
发布时间 : 星期六 文章(2020年编辑)新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版第三册纯答案更新完毕开始阅读




Listening in > Task 1

1-5DCDAB Listening in > Task 2


Listening in > Task 3

(1) (2) (3)

Correct answer buy

office wear

likes cats pet time

special dish little party little trip countryside

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Let's talk > Task 1 (5) where's the best place to celebrate that is here in Times Square (2) we stay here and say hello and enjoy the party (7) I always wanted to do new years in New York City (4) we're here to watch the ball drop (8) I just want to be around the people and the lights and everything



(1) we're standing here until the ball drops ? (6) We need love, a lot of love

? (3) I just want to wish everybody a happy new year


Let's talk > Task 2

1 He thinks the winter does not matter so long as they stay there and say hello and enjoy the party. He wants to celebrate the New Year's Day in New York because he thinks it is the center of the universe. It's a rare chance to celebrate the New Year's Day in New York. I enjoy the warm atmosphere of celebrating the New Year's Day together with others

2The main messages of this woman's words are \

there's too much hate in the world and we need a lot of love. They represent universal human feelings, and therefore are shared in Chinese people's celebration of the New Year's Day. 3(fake

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5ADCBC

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Correct answer

celebration popular American died

remarrying daughter 1900s

the tradition was born, on the third Sunday every June, close to the anniversary of Sonora's father's death

(9) The card probably has a nice

message on it saying what a great dad their father is

(10) British people might give

their dad a bit of a rest—make him a cup of tea, or even wash



his car and mow the lawn

Task 3

1He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So he passed a law to forbid any more marriages.

2He kept on performing marriage ceremonies, secretly.

3They came to the jail to visit him. They threw flowers and notes up to his window. 4She was one of those young people and the daughter of the prison guard

5Before he was killed, Valentine left the girl a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed, \

Further listening and speaking > Viewing and speaking > Task 1

Correct answer

(1) fun (2) headache (3) 150 (4) two million / 2 million (5) feeling (6) atmosphere (7) traditional-looking (8) lights (9) regulations (10) family (11) translates (12) children (13) most famous (14) different (15) spreads

Task 2

1Because the 400-year-old market has 150 stalls that sell all kinds of toys, gifts, and

special foods.

2There's something quite medieval about the atmosphere at the market. There are quite a lot of old, traditional-looking stalls and a cathedral in the background with lights all around. Sometimes, the brass band plays Christmas carols. Clearly, the market maintains its Old World atmosphere. 3fake.




CACDD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Correct answer hang remains symbol performed what that represent By the year 1600, some Germans began bringing evergreen trees into their homes. They put fruit, nuts and sweets on the trees They say he did this to show how wonderful the stars had appeared to him as he traveled one night The Christmas tree tradition spread to many parts of the world. Today, some form of Christmas tree is part of most Christmas celebrations (9) (10) 1-5 DABCD 1-10 CABCCABDAC

Unit 6

Here are tips for finding a job.

Lead in > Task 1

1I think many people prefer to find a job that they really like. After all, most people want to enjoy themselves rather than have plenty of money without a sense of achievement and happiness. On the other hand, some people may choose a well-paid job instead of a job close to their heart out of financial considerations. If one is in serious financial difficulty, one can hardly afford the luxury of a dream job

2I think it is. Although many employers lay emphasis on candidates'

educational background and work experience, some believe that candidates' character is equally important for a successful career.

