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Mary has a cat. 玛丽有一只猫。

What_____ Mary_____?玛丽____什么?

He goes to school by bus. 他乘公共汽车去上学。 How_____ he_____ to school?他怎么_____学校? My aunt works in a gym. 我婶母在体育馆工作。 Where_____ your aunt_____?你婶母在哪儿____? Mary has a cat.玛丽有一只猫。

Sorry, I didn't hear you. What does Mary have?对不起,我听不到你(说什么)。玛丽有什么? Mary has a cat.玛丽有一只猫。 Story time Unit 5 P55

1 Zoom:Wow! What a great job! 祖姆:哇!多么伟大的职业啊!

Zip:Yes. What other unusual jobs can you think of?是的。你能想出什么其他不寻常的职业吗? 2 Zoom:How about a lion tamer? 祖姆:驯狮人怎么样? Zip:Oh,no. Too dangerous!次波:哦,不。太危险了!

3 Zoom:What about a bee farmer? I love honey. 祖姆:养蜂人怎么样?我喜欢蜂蜜。 Zip:Hmm. Maybe a bee farmer will get stung. That's not for me. 次波:嗯。也许养蜂人会被蜇。那不适合我。

4 Zoom:Maybe you can be a computer game tester. You can play games and work at home. 祖姆:也许你可以成为电脑游戏测试员。你可以玩游戏并且在家里工作。

Zip:I like to study. I don't like computer games.次波:我喜欢学习。我不喜欢电脑游戏。 5 Zoom:What about a magician's assistant? That would be cool. 祖姆:魔术师助手怎么样?郡将会很酷。

Zip:Oh,no. I don't like that.次波:哦,不。我不喜欢那个。

Zoom :Well, what do you want to be?祖姆:好吧,你想成为什么? 6 Zip:I want to be a nut cracker.次波:我想成为砸开坚果的人。 Yum! like eating nuts.好吃!我喜欢吃坚果。

Zoom:Haha! You're nuts!祖姆:哈哈!你真疯狂! unit6教材第56页课文翻译 Popcorn 爆米花

Hey,let's have some popcorn.嘿,让我们吃一些爆米花吧。

Yum! I'm so happy. love popcorn!太美味了!我太高兴了。我喜欢爆米花!

Here you are. I'll go and get some drinks. Wait for me. 给你。我要去拿一些饮料。等我一下。 Hey,where's my popcorn? 嘿,我的爆米花在哪儿? Yum! It was so good. 太美味了!它太棒了。

What?! How could you eat all the popcorn?! We should share! 什么?!你怎么能吃了所有的爆米花?!我们应该分享!

Mum,if I feel angry,what should I do? 妈妈,如果我感到生气,我应该做什么? Well, first,take a deep breath. Then you should count to ten. 嗯,首先,深深吸一口气。然后你应该数到十。 After that...? 在那之后……?

After that,you won't feel so angry.在那之后,你将不会感到那么生气了。

Mum, I feel ill. Should I count to ten,too? 妈妈,我觉得不舒服。我也应该数到十吗? NO,dear. You should see a doctor.不,亲爱的。你应该去看病。 Let's try

It's cold outside. Sam is talking with Sarah.外面很冷。萨姆正在和萨拉交谈。 Listen and circle. 听一听,圈一圈。

1.Where are they?他们在哪儿? A. At home. 在家。 B. At school. 在学校。

2.What will they do? 他们将要做什么? A. Eat some fruit. 吃一些水果。 B. Watch films. 看电影。


Let's talk

Sam:What's this cartoon about? 萨姆:这部卡通片是关于什么的?

Sarah:It's about a cat. The cat is a police officer. 萨拉:它是关于一只猫的。这只猫是一个警察。 Sam:Cool! 萨姆:酷!

Sarah:He chasses the mice. They're afraid of him. 萨拉:它追赶老鼠门。它们害怕它。 Sam:Why?萨姆:为什么?

Sarah:Because the mice are bad.They hurt people. The cat is angry with them. 萨拉:因为老鼠们很坏。它们伤害人们。这只猫很生它们的气。

Sam:Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now! 萨姆:也许我们的猫现在正在追赶一只老鼠! Why is the cat angry with the mice? 这只猫为什么生老鼠们的气? Let's learn

Let's try P60

It's seven o'clock in the morning, and it's time to get up.早上七点钟,到起床的时间了。 Listen and circle.听一听,圈一圈。 1.Who is talking?谁在说话?

A. Doctors. 医生。 B. Parents. 父母。

2.What are they talking about? 他们正在谈论什么?

A. Going to the zoo. 去动物园。 B. Going to school. 去上学。 2Let's talk部分翻译

Mum:Sarah, Sam,come here, please. 妈妈:萨拉,萨姆,请到这儿来。 Sarah:What's wrong?萨拉:怎么了?

Mum:Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning, so we can't go to the zoo today. 妈妈:你爸爸生病了。他今天早上应该去看病,所以我们今天不能去动物园了。 Sam:Oh, no! 萨姆:哦,不!

Mum:Don't be sad. We can go next time. 妈妈:别伤心。我们可以下次去。 Sam:How does Dad feel now? 萨姆:爸爸现在感觉怎么样?

Mum:Not well. Let's go to the hospital. 妈妈:不是很好。让我们去医院吧。


How does Sam feel? What should he do? 萨姆感觉怎么样?他应该做什么? Act with your friends.和你的朋友们演一演。

Your friends need some help. Call them and give your suggestions. 你的朋友们需要一些帮助。打电话给他们并给出你的建议。 you 你 I'm angry.我生气了。

Don't be angry. You should take a deep breath. 不要生气。你应该深深吸一口气。 Let's learn

Play card games

What suggestions can you give?你能给出什么建议? What should I do?我应该做什么?

You should wear warm clothes.你应该穿暖和的衣服。 cold寒冷的angry生气的ill有病;不舒服 worried担心的

Read and write P62 Draw faces for each word.为每个单词画脸。 afraid害怕happy高兴的angry生气的 sad难过的 Robin and the Ant罗宾和蚂蚁

It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears,“Wait!” 这是一个晴朗的早上。罗宾正要坐在草坪上,这时他听到一声“等一等!”

It is a little ant. He is afraid.“Please don't sit on me. One day I can help you.” 是一只小蚂蚁。他很害怕。“请不要坐在我身上。将来有一天我能帮助你。” “Don't worry, little ant. I won't sit on you,”says Robin. 罗宾说:“不要担心,小蚂蚁。我不会坐在你身上的。”

The next day,it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuck in the mud.He is worried. 第二天,下雨了。罗宾在公园里。他陷在泥里。他很担忧。 Then he hears,“Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends. 这时他听到:“让我们帮你吧!”是那只蚂蚁和他所有的朋友。

They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.他们很强壮。他们把罗宾从泥里拉出来了。 Everyone is happy!每个人都很高兴!


What does the story tell us?

A. We should always be nice to each other.我们应该总是善待彼此。 B. We shouldn't hurt ants. 我们不应该伤害蚂蚁。

Tips for pronunciation Listen and repeat.听一听并重复。

next day第二天 can't go不能去 count to数到 don't be不要 Look at the text on page 62.Find and say more like these. 看62页的课文。找出并说出更多像这样的词汇。

Let's check部分翻译 Listen and match.听一听,连一连。 is ill.不舒服。 is happy.高兴的。

should wear warm clothes.应该穿暖和的衣服。 should count to ten.应该数到十。

Listen again and circle the right answers.再听一遍(录音)并圈出正确答案。 1.How does cold weather make John feel? 寒冷的天气使约翰感觉怎么样? A. Sad. 难过。 B. Worried. 担心。

2.Who should Wu Yifan see? 吴一凡应该去见谁? A. Robin. 罗宾。 B.A doctor. 医生。

3.How does Oliver feel now? 奥利弗现在感觉怎么样?

A. He feels happy. 他感觉很高兴。 B. He feels angry. 他感觉很生气。 4.What should Zhang Peng do? 张鹏应该做什么?

A. Wear warm clothes.穿暖和的衣服。 B. Do more exercise. 做更多的运动。 Let's wrap it up

Add more words. Then tell your partner how you are feeling now. 添加更多的单词。然后告诉你的同伴你现在感觉怎么样。

FEEL感到;觉得warm温暖的ill有病;不舒服hungry饥饿的 sad难过的cold寒冷的sorry抱歉的bad坏的;邪恶的 Story time P65

1 Zip:My favourite TV show is on soon. Let's watch it. Do you have any popcorn? 次波:我最喜爱的电视节目马上就开始了。让我们看吧。你有爆米花吗? Zoom:I'll go and make some.祖姆:我将要去做一些。

2 Zip:I can't wait. I love popcorn. I'm so happy! 次波:我等不及了。我喜欢爆米花。我太高兴了! 3 Zip:He must be making lots of popcorn. Yum! 次波:他一定是正在做很多爆米花。太美味了! 4 Zip:Where is he? I'm a little worried now. I'll go and check. 次波:他在哪儿?我现在有一点儿担心。我要去查看一下。

5 Zip:Oh! Zoom, what are you doing here?次波:哦!祖姆,你在这儿做什么呢? Zoom:I'm making popcorn.祖姆:我在做爆米花。 Zip:What?!次波:什么?! 6 Zoom:Oh,don't be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath. Well,I planted the popcorn seeds. But they take a long time to grow. I'm still waiting. 祖姆:哦,不要生气!数到十,并深深吸一口气。好了,我种了爆米花种子。但是它们要生长很长一段时间。我还在等。 Zip:Oooooh noooo!次波:哦,不! Recycle2教材 P66

Visiting an old friend部分翻译

Peter's family are going to visit Ken's family in another town. Peter's father is talking about them. Listen and fill in the blanks.彼得一家打算去拜访(住)在另一个城镇的肯一家。彼得的爸爸正 在谈论他们。听一听并填空。

father's job爸爸的职业 sister's job姐姐的职业 mother's job妈妈的职业 aunt's job婶婶的职业

